Fallout - Season 1 Episode: 1 Watch Online Free (2024)


  • Fallout - Season 1

  • Episode 01: The End

Fallout - Season 1 Episode: 1 Watch Online Free (1)

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Episode 01: The End Episode 02: The Target Episode 03: The Head Episode 04: The Ghouls Episode 05: The Past Episode 06: The Trap Episode 07: The Radio Episode 08: The Beginning

In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by nuclear decimation, citizens must live in underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants and bandits.

Actors: Ella Purnell, Ella Purnell 17 September 1996, London, England, UK Aaron Moten, Aaron Moten Walton Goggins, Walton Goggins 10 November 1971, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Moises Arias, Moises Arias 18 April 1994, New York City, New York, USA Leslie Uggams, Leslie Uggams 25 May 1943, New York City, New York, USA Zach Cherry, Zach Cherry Dave Register, Dave Register Annabel OHagan, Annabel OHagan Rod Luzzi, Rod Luzzi Sarita Choudhury, Sarita Choudhury 18 August 1966, London, England, UK Frances Turner, Frances Turner ...»

Genre: Drama,Action,Adventure

Director: Geneva Robertson-Dworet, Graham Wagner

Country: United States

Release: 2024

IMDb: 8.4


Duration: 90 min

Keywords: #2024 #Aaron Moten #Ella Purnell #Fallout #Geneva Robertson-Dworet #Graham Wagner #Walton Goggins

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Fallout - Season 1 Episode: 1  Watch Online Free (2024)


Where can I watch Fallout season 1 for free? ›

Currently you are able to watch "Fallout - Season 1" streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video with Ads or for free with ads on Freevee.

Where can I watch Fallout episode 1? ›

The “Fallout” series is an Amazon Original, making it exclusive to Amazon Prime Video. All eight episodes of Season 1 are available to watch now.

Can I watch Fallout without Prime? ›

You can watch “Fallout” on Amazon Prime Video with a subscription since the show is exclusive to the platform. This is the only platform that you can watch "Fallout" on. If you don't have Prime, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial.

Where can I watch the new Fallout series? ›

Fallout is available to watch online exclusively on Prime Video, and the only way to stream the video game-inspired series is with a membership to Amazon Prime or its standalone streaming service.

Where can I get Fallout for free? ›

Or, you can grab Fallout 76 for free (along with spinoff Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel) with an Amazon Prime membership.

How much did Season 1 of Fallout cost? ›

Season 1 of the show had a budget of $153 million.

How long is Fallout episode 1? ›

Fallout Episode 1's runtime is 1 hour, 10 minutes -- according to a prominent leaker of runtimes for upcoming shows/films : r/Fotv.

Where else can I watch Fallout? ›

The Fallout, a drama movie starring Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler, and Niles Fitch is available to stream now. Watch it on Max, Prime Video, ROW8, Fandango at Home or Apple TV on your Roku device.

How many episodes of Fallout are on Freevee? ›

Fans of the Fallout video games will have 8 episodes of this Prime Video original series to sink their teeth into, all of which will be released on April 11, 2024. The next Prime Video original premiere to look out for in April 2024 is the rom-com Música.

Is there a season 2 for Fallout? ›

We know that Fallout season 2 has been confirmed and, in even more exciting news, we know that show bosses are "going as fast as we possibly can" to bring it to us.

What happened in Fallout episode 1? ›

'Fallout' Episode 1 Takes Us Back to the Beginning

As we move around the party, we see what Los Angeles in 2077 looks like, where the world is still in a 1950s-era haze but with futuristic buildings littering the city, while robots help out in the home.

Does Netflix have the fallout? ›

One community which isn't enjoying the show, however, is Netflix subscribers — that's because Fallout is not on the streaming service. Sorry! If you want to watch Fallout, you'll need to sign up to Amazon Prime, because the show was an original production for Prime Video.

Do you have to pay for Fallout 1st? ›

This is a paid-for ongoing subscription. You will be charged a recurring fee of $12.99 every month until you cancel the subscription. Prices subject to change. You can cancel your subscription at any time so that your subscription will expire at the end of the then current billing period.

What app can i watch Fallout? ›

The Fallout | Now Streaming on HBO Max.

Is Fallout free on Amazon? ›

Prime members can play some of the greatest hits from the Fallout franchise with Amazon Luna, including Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, all at no additional cost.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.