How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (2024)

How to use an ozone generator at home correctly? An ozone generator is an extremely useful device that cleans the air of pollutants. However, if operated incorrectly, it can cause damage to the health of both children and adults, worsen the well-being of animals, and destroy houseplants.

That is why it is enormously important to follow safety rules while using it. Which ones? Let’s read my detailed guide below!

Quick Answer

To use this generator, you must follow certain instructions on proper usage and safety precautions to protect both the operator and any persons exposed to the ozone.

The basic steps for using an ozone generator are:

  • Prepare the room by removing people, pets, plants, and sensitive items.
  • Set up the ozone machine and plug it in, turn on the timer, and leave the room.
  • Wait for the treatment to finish and the ozone to dissipate, then ventilate the room.

Continue reading this article so I can inform you about these generators and how they work. I will talk about the benefits and drawbacks of ozone generators, their types, and the best practices for using them. Let’s begin!

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Working of Ozone Generator Explained in 3 Steps

Here is a quick rundown of how they work:

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (1)

1. The Production of Ozone Gas:

When the ozone generator is turned on, a stream of electrical charge is released into the air. The CO2 in the air gets broken down into carbon mono oxide and free breathable oxygen atoms. The separated oxygen atoms then combine together to form ozone gas.

2. Separation of Oxygen Atoms:

Some ozone generators use ultraviolet light, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation, to split oxygen molecules into atoms. The oxygen atoms then react with the molecules to form ozone gas.

3. Prevention of Bad Air:

In order to get rid of indoor pollutants and microorganisms in the air, these generators tackle the bad air. Simply turn the ozone machine on and enjoy the fresh air after the procedure.

Check out this video for a better understanding.

A Glimpse of Dangers of Ozone Generator

Though these devices have a lot to offer in terms of air cleaning it does come with some drawbacks if it is not used properly. These are some of the side effects of inhaling ozone molecules in high concentrations:

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (2)
  • Irritation in eyes, nose, and lungs.
  • Respiratory system malfunctions
  • Damaging the mucous membrane
  • Chest Pain
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Risk of immune system damage
  • Damage to indoor plants

These symptoms will vary based on how long you were exposed to them and the levels of ozone concentration. Thus it is advisable to leave the space where such products are being operated. Better yet, employ professional help to avoid any mishaps.

6 Steps-Based Guide on How To Use An Ozone Generator in a Home

Here are some steps to use an ozone generator safely and effectively:

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (3)

1. Choose the Right Type and Size

There are three main types that one should know. Let’s delve into the details:

  • Corona discharge generators: These have an electromagnetic discharge that turns the breathable oxygen molecules into atoms and further into ozone.
  • Ultraviolet generators: The ultraviolet light in ozone devices, breaks down the CO2 molecules into oxygen atoms for them to combine into a three-atom ozone.
  • Cold plasma generators: They employ a high-voltage electrode for the ionization process of O2 into O3.

Among all three, the Corona discharge is the most effective producing more ozone as compared to other models. In regards to the size, you will need about 100 mg/h of ozone output per 100 square feet of space.

2. Prepare the Area you Want to Treat

In order to prep the ozone treatment area, you need to do the following:

  • Remove any indoor plants, pets, and children from there.
  • Close the windows, doors, and vents.
  • Remove any flammable, metallic, or electrical devices from the space
  • Make sure all electrical wire coatings are sealed to prevent any damage.
How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (4)

3. Set up the Ozone Generator

Set up the device in a location without obstruction for equal ozone flow. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions before starting up the generator.

  • In order to remove the mild smell from a small room, adjust the setting on low ozone output.
  • But if you want to remove strong odors, go for a higher setting with continuous ozone production.
  • Alternatively, you can set your generator for a longer period of time as well. You can go as high as up to 10 hours per treatment session.

4. Leave the Area

To prevent you from being adversely affected by ozone, you must leave the area immediately after turning on the device, and:

  • Never enter the room while the device is running.
  • Keep children and animals out of the room.
How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (5)

5. Waiting Period Before Entering the Room Again

As ozone can have harmful effects on your body. It is best to avoid any direct contact while the machine is running. Here is what you need to do after using the device:

  • Allow at least half an hour after the device is turned off.
  • This way the continuous ozone production will have dissipated.
  • After entering the area, open all of the doors and windows.
  • Turn on the air conditioner or fan at the highest setting for better ventilation.
  • If you smell something like bleach, that means the ozone smell is still there.
  • Redo the ventilation process until there is no sign of ozone produced is left over.

6. Final Monitoring

After this, you will be able to enjoy the fresh pure air in your home! Keep monitoring the ozone levels using a detector to make sure everyone is safe.

You can watch this helpful video on how to use this product safely.

Everything You Need to Know about the Optimal Duration of Using Ozone Generators

The answer to how long should you run the device is contingent on a number of factors and variables:

  • Room Size: Larger the size of the room, the more time the appliance needs to run. So you should set a timer for at least 3 hours.
  • The severity of Indoor Air Contaminants: Higher the contamination, the more run time.
  • Ozone Generators Type: Corona discharge ones are more efficient than UV and Plasma ones thus needing lesser time.

For example for a room size of 350 sq ft., it is recommended to use the generator for at least 3-6 hours on average. If you want to treat your entire house, it will need at least 30 hours.

Using Ozone Generators in the Car:

In a small enclosed space such as your car, running ozone producers for 20-30 minutes would suffice.

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (6)

Here’s how to use ozone generators for your car:

  • Close all the windows and doors before starting it.
  • Operate it for at least 30 minutes.
  • Wait for at least 15 minutes before getting in.
  • After this, open the car’s doors and windows and aerate it for an hour.

What is the Best Time to Go Back After Ozone Treatment?

It is recommended to wait for a minimum of 30 minutes before entering the space after using the O3 generator. This way when you enter the room, the ozone concentration will be low. However, it is a lot better to wait for 2-3 hours before you go in.

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (7)

You can also turn on your air purifiers to speed up the process of purification. In case you still sense an ozone smell, it is advised to immediately leave the room as the ozone has not completely left the room.

The Essential Guide to Using Ozone Generator Safely:

These are some of the safety guidelines you should follow while using the device:

  • Direct contact should be avoided at all times.
  • There should be no flammable or explosive materials within its reach.
  • All electronic and metal devices should be turned off and kept away.
  • Remove indoor plants from the area.
  • Do not allow children or animals to enter the room.
  • Place this generator away from vents, ducts, and windows.
  • After the designated timer you set on the device is over. Make sure to wait at least 30 minutes before entering the treated area.

Are ozone generators safe? Check out this video to find the answer.

How Well Do Ozone Generators Work on Cigarette Smoke Odor:

Many sources state that ozone can remove cigarette smoke from any surface that has absorbed from like:

  • Fabrics,
  • Carpets,
  • Walls, and
  • Other surfaces after smoking.
How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (8)

It should also be noted that the VOCs produced by cigarettes will not be removed by this device. It is advised that in order to remove the cigarette smell, you should vacuum any surfaces before you turn on the oxidation process.

Summary: They are moderately effective in removing cigarette smoke and improving indoor air quality. However, the VOCs in the air won’t be removed.

What a Pet Owner Needs to Know About Safety Precautions while Using Ozone Generator

As the ozone is an unstable gas and will quickly break down. It can be harmful to pets and any living being if used incorrectly. Moreover, cats and dogs have a superior and more sensitive sense of smell. Thus they are more likely to get affected by this device’s operation.

Even the faintest amount of ozone exposure can cause;

  • Coughing,
  • Sneezing,
  • Wheezing, and
  • Lung damage in pets.

Make sure that while turning on the ozone machine, they are away from the assigned treatment area. And only after the gas is properly disseminated, allow they back inside the room after an hour.

Summary: No, they are not safe for pets. Keep them away from such devices at all costs.

What You Need to Know About the Effectiveness of Ozone Generators

Do you want to know how effective are these products? Well, let’s find out:

What do the Manufacturers’ Claims?

This is what the product manufacturers claim about what their products can remove:

  • Odors from cigarette smoke, pets, cooking smell, mold, and other sources
  • Mildew, fungus, bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms
  • Allergens such as dust mites and pollen
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, acetones, and benzene

Let’s see how accurate are their claims.

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (9)

Effect on Mold and Bacteria

This is how the ozone machine test runs in getting rid of Mold and Bacterium;

  • If the substances like mildew are exposed for a longer duration like 3 hours, the high ozone concentrations of ozone may kill them.
  • But you might need to use it each month for better results.
  • While you are using the ozone machine, no one should be inside that space.
  • Ozone will not be able to get rid of mold and bacteria that can grow in any hidden areas, such as behind walls or under carpets.

Summary: A direct exposure treatment may work to get rid of mold and mildew. But I would recommend additionally using proper disinfectants to effectively treat the area.

Effect on VOCs

This is how an ozone generator performs against VOCs:

  • The O2 gas oxidizes the volatile compounds to reduce their levels in the air.
  • In the oxidation process, byproducts such as ketones and aldehydes may form.
  • These produced compounds can be harmful to you.
  • O2 doesn’t react with all types of VOCs.

Summary: Thus ozone is mostly ineffective in regards to removing VOCs and may produce toxic gas in the process. However, it does remove some VOCs. Ideally, you should use an air purifier with carbon filters to remove VOCs.

Effect Against Air Particles

There is no effect of ozone against air pollutants and microbes.

  • All they do is break larger molecules into smaller ones.
  • Thus resulting in activating more particles in the air.
  • They may also react with some compounds in the air to produce toxins.

Summary: The O2 is not effective in removing air particles.

The EPA’s Verdict on Ozone Generators

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded;

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (10)
  • For removing pollutants from the air, an ozone device is not enough effective.
  • For removing the odor, they should meet the standard set.
  • Moreover, they can cause serious health problems for anyone who comes into contact.


How long should you air out a room after using an ozone machine?

You should air out a room after using an ozone machine anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the area size.

Can I use an ozone generator in my room?

You can use an ozone generator in your room. But enter after at least 30 minutes hours of operating it.

Where should an ozone generator be placed in a room?

You should place the ozone generator in a room where you need to remove the odor or any mold and pollutants.


Though very effective at removing odors, ozone generators still can cause health issues. So for safe operation remove the plants, pets, and children from the room.

For more efficiency place the device in an area where the smell or pollutants are strongest. Then set up a timer and leave the room. After the treatment, wait at least 30 minutes before entering the area.

For residential use, I would better recommend using air purifiers with odor removal technology so you breathe easily with no harm to you, your family, and your pets!

How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (11)

Daniel Glynde

Danny is a passionate writer who loves to share his knowledge about air purifiers. He’s been writing for 10 years, and he’ll share all that experience with Very Well Home viewers to help you make the best decision when it’s time to buy an appliance!

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How to Use an Ozone Generator at Home: 7 Safety Guidelines (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.