What was your most memorable beach or seaside vacation? (2024)


What was your most memorable beach or seaside vacation?

1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

What was your most memorable beach or seaside vacation?

851 answers:


2010-08-23 13:31:15 UTC

My husband and I made plans to go to Hawaii, a dream vacation for me. He suddenly became sick and died, after surviving meningitis without complications. So a friend and I went to Hawaii, to Hilo and Kaula. When I stood on the white sand beach, I cried as I remember my decades with my soul mate and our plans. But in those tears were the joy as I looked at the cloud in heaven and goodbye.


2010-08-23 14:17:13 UTC

I live near Seattle, Washington and was planning a trip to Ocean Shores, WA with my buddies over the summer. I was in charge of planning the trip, and my buddies were in charge of bringing most the equipment. So I made sure to plan according to the weather schedule, so we would hit the best weather. I planned the trip in late April, 2008 because the weather forecast said there would be clear skies during the day and the first few nights would be, and I quote; "slight chance of LIGHT rain". In other words, near perfect.

So we packed our things and headed out. We arrived at the campsite where we pitched our tent and went for a mile stroll down the beach towards Ocean Shores. The first day was BEAUTIFUL. We had a great time in town, and on the beach, explored the beach stores, had ice cream, we just had a marvelous first day and was looking forward to the next 3. We were also exited that it was our first "vacation" without parents or family, just three friends.

That night we decided not to put up a tarp over our tent, since the day was so gorgeous and there were no clouds. Instead, we believed we would get by with just our rain-fly. We had our dinner, talked about the day and what we would do tomorrow, then hit the sack.

It took a couple hours for us to settle down and actually start sleeping. At 2:10am, (I distinctly remember the time) I woke up with the tent's ceiling in my face. Immediately my senses perked up so I could survey my surroundings and noticed the ceiling was almost completely caved in. I pushed up the ceiling (which was heavy for some reason) and shouted to my friends: "Guys! The ceiling collapsed!". Groggily they woke up and looked around like a couple drunks. Later they told me they thought I was joking, or pulling a prank. They quickly discovered I was not kidding, and we all stood up and opened the tent door.

Outside it was pitch black, with a faint light coming from the bathrooms 100 yards away and the moon above, and it was DUMPING snow. Big ol' flakes, too. Already, about a couple inches had accumulated around us and I stepped out and looked at the tent and sure enough, all the snow gathered on the tent was what made it collapse. Aside from the fact that we were suddenly panicking about our condition, it was actually quite peaceful and beautiful. However, we immediately decided that we needed to leave before we were completely covered. We rushed to grab some flashlights, but then noticed we didn't have any because someone forgot to bring them. So at 2:15 in the morning, getting dumped on and soaked by all the snow falling, while trying to put everything away and take down the tent, the only lights we had was from the moon, the nearby bathrooms, and my friend's little keychain flashlight.

We finally got everything packed up (the tent was shoved back into its case so distorted, it barely fit back int the trunk) and headed out. We were wet, cold, and miserable. And we could only drive 15 miles per hour for about 15 miles before we could actually get out of the storm and get onto a faster road. During the drive, our spirits lifted as we realized how much fun we actually had.

It was truly, the shortest AND most memorable vacation I've ever had. I look back on it and laugh, and so do my friends. We DID have a great time, really enjoyed ourselves, and got an interesting story from it.

"Slight chance of light rain". Not even close.

Edit: we ended up driving to my friends parent's house In Olympia to spend the night there and let everything dry out.


2010-08-23 13:42:31 UTC

we went to mazandaran beach,in the north of iran,was so beautiful,i love that vacation,cause that was the first vacation that we slept in front of the sea,so romantic it was when i woke up the next morning,we ate our lunch there just in front of the sea,we cooked it on the fire,so eautiful it was,i love that.


2010-08-23 13:40:37 UTC

My favorite was going to the beach in Alabama. It was beautiful. There were shells, white sandy beaches, and we all loved running in the water. The beach didn't have hardly anyone on it. (I guess because a storm was coming.) lol

It's a shame that it will never be the same thanks to BP.


2010-08-23 13:44:48 UTC

The "los delphines" resort in Costa Rica. It is such a beautiful country!


2010-08-23 13:54:44 UTC

Vacation at the Beaches resort in Turks and Caicos!! best vacation ever! and the most beautiful beaches and snorkeling!!!


2010-08-23 13:51:44 UTC

For years since I was young, the New Jersey shore during the summer was my only idea of the beach and water. But after my first carribean trip during the frigid month of February, I will never think of the Jersey shore to be as nice as what I had in Negril Jamiaca. After that I took my girl to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Not only was the beach and people beautiful, but the comapany I was keeping was great too.

So if you ever want to get away from those cold and dreary winter days, take a trip to the carribean in the winter.

2010-08-23 14:29:32 UTC

My favorite beach vacation was in Sardegna. My friends and I spent two weeks in a cottage right on the beach. Every morning I would wake up, walk straight down to the beach and swim for a little bit, then head to the shower which was in the garden and shower with the live garden turtles, then I would go upstairs and sun myself until I was dry on the balcony. All without a stitch of clothing on.

One day we decided to head to the opposite side of the island to the Emerald Coast where we got to explore an oceanside cave and take a ferry to an isolated beach. We also got to see Bill Gates' yacht.

Lucky for us, one of my friends on the trip was Sardegnian so we got to experience one of those big family Italian dinners you only see in the movies. The food and homemade wine were amazing and the family was so warm and welcoming.

All in all it was an amazing time!!


2010-08-23 14:22:00 UTC

my friend my brother and i were looking for seashells and we saw this big rock and when we lifted it up it was a crab and it started clacking its pincher's and then we started to scream and run away, we came back 10 minutes later and it was gone.


2010-08-24 11:13:24 UTC

When I was 11, my family and I all went to Panama City Beach. It was a tradition that we had kept going since I was 2. We stayed in the same room at the same hotel on the water each year.

This particular year was bittersweet for me and will always remain one of my favorite childhood beach memories. Our room was on the 8th floor of the hotel and I practically lived on the balcony when my toes weren't in the sand or surf. One evening, towards the end of our week long vacation, I looked out towards the horizon and saw something jumping in the water. I looked closer and realized it was whales! i counted almost 13 of them and called my family out to watch them. My grandfather grabbed some binoculars, (now that i am older i am thinking he used them for watching girls on the beach) and saw that they were Killer whales, orcas. we sat there for almost 2 hours, until the sun set over the gulf of Mexico. After researching it, we realized it was a very rare event to see them in the gulf, much less that close to shore. There are only a few other accounts of this happening, but they were there. Clear as daylight.

When we arrived home about a week later, my parents informed me that they were filing for divorce. that trip was the last my family would ever take together and that is one reason the memory is so bittersweet. as corny as t sounds, it's almost like the whale sighting happened to make sure i would never forget that last precious memory of my family together all at once.


2010-08-27 07:35:40 UTC

While reading the answer I have thought of two or three unforgettable seaside vacations that I will remember forever.. I won' t loose your time or waste some of mine with too much explanations because I' m sure everyone has his own memorable holiday i his special memories.. Anyway, I'm from the east Europe, Bulgaria and I always spend my summer on the Black sea. There are too many places from that deserve their honorable place in the so called " I should see before I die". So, I have been there many times, but it is strange that sometimes when you think you have the most clear idea of what is lying ahead, you become totally disproved. Well, I think I was about 14 years old and I thought that it would be a really boring vacations. Ten days were waiting only for me and my mom in a small village near the sea... As me, my mother was worried and we went their deprived of enthusiasm and spirit. However it turn to be the best vacation of all. I still remember our wild nights and the survivals.. We spent great time with each other. We didn't feel the need of anything else, while we were running from some mad/ furious dogs ( ' bout 5 or even 6), I was attacked by some horse- flies. We went to an ex temporary cinema outside and then we were lost... Yeah, there were lots of funny situations, which you may find more dramatic or weird than funny. And there wasn't any scuba diving, surfing, sky- diving fishing etc. However, there was my mom and maybe there I have started to grow up. There I did n' t only become closer with my mother but I felt the need to be with her, too, really.

So, that was my special memory, I hope you aren't bored at all and maybe I owe you an apology for loosing some of your time. Have a great summer, enjoying every second of it with the most special and loved people for you. !!!


2014-08-22 04:37:54 UTC

The next morning we woke up and he took me to Sunset Beach. The ocean has always had an over whelming feeling of "HOME" to me. I love the sounds of the sea gulls and the waves splashing against each other. I love the smell of the salt and the sea weed. There really wasn't very many people there at all, so I didn't mind making a total fool of myself splashing around in the water and jumping into his arms. Looking into the open water and seeing no end was some how a relief of all the pain and stress I had been under. I knew that although almost everything changes, the ocean will always be there. A never ending open space of water. It's the end of the earth. I love it for the peace it brings me. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.


2014-10-01 06:26:43 UTC

I love it for the peace it brings me. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories. The museums were super fun. You can see and learn about pirates and ship wrecks. Or go see stuff you will not believe at Ripley's. If that's not good enough go see a famous writers house he started with one cat named snowball and then that cat met a cat now snowballs family tree has over 30 cats and they are still roaming the grounds. This house even has a cat cemetery.


2014-09-28 04:58:59 UTC

I wish I could live on it. I love it for the peace it brings me. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories. when the weather is even a little bit bad (or windy) cause then the boat changes its tracks and you see no fish unless you go a gazillion miles away from the boat. So we were all excited I thought the boat was gonna drop us at an island so we could swim as far as we please but the boat goes in the middle of the ocean and the captain says, " snorkel here". I was terrified and I only looked down a few times. The rope was my best friend (no offense Syd) and when I finally look down I see green nothingness. Seriously I'm not kidding. There were two people who saw fish. One was a lifeguard and one had brought a bunch of snorkeling gear. So take the advice at the top of the paragraph trust me.


2014-09-28 03:23:49 UTC

Two years ago, when the housing market collapsed in Miami Beach, we bought an ocean-view condo at a price that would have been deemed laughable a year earlier. After renting the place out for 2 years, we moved to a permanent vacation in retirement. Just looking out the window at the sea is enough for me, though we take walks on the beach almost daily and enjoy leisurely what the tourists cram into a week of hectic and frenetic running around. To us, a vacation is more exhausting than work but living in a vacation paradise is the last laugh ... hopefully an extended one. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.

Catherine M

2010-08-26 09:36:45 UTC

I was on a cruise with my husband. One of the ports of call was St. Maarten. The weather that day was 96 degrees outside and not a cloud in the sky. This was my excursion to pick and since the beach was so beautiful I wanted just that. They supplied us with a free lunch buffet and 2 fruit co*cktails, everything else was out of pocket. We were just lying on beach chairs under an umbrella, enjoying the band in the background, the beautiful hot weather, and occasionally running into the water to cool off. While I was relaxing with my eyes closed a voice came over the loudspeaker at the hula bar. "ladies and gentlemen, there is a storm cloud coming this way and in about 3 minutes or so it is going to pour. So grab your stuff and run for shelter; it will only last less than 5 minutes." Well, being from the North, where the weather was not so predictive lots of people ignored the warning. I looked at my husband and we said, "why not. They know better than us" So we headed to the part of the building where there was an overhang. We made it just in time as the rain cooled the beach by 10 or more degrees and poured hard for 5 minutes. We watched as astonished vacationers hurried to grab their bags and run for shelter. We laughed as they were warned like everyone else was.

To this day that has been the most accurate weather report I have ever heard.

Mad Jack

2010-08-24 08:29:43 UTC

Our most memorable seaside vacation was taken last winter. We went to a couples only all inclusive resort located in Negril Jamaica. The resort was called Couples Swept Away. It's located on what's called 7 mile beach, the largest white sand beach in Jamaica. We had a bungalow that was located about 50 feet from the beach.

We did the usual snorkeling and other beach activities. We only did one off resort excursion which went to Dunn's River Falls and Dolphin Cove. At Dunn's is a guided tour where you literally climb a waterfalls. Dolphin Cove was amazing. We got to swim with dolphins. Think of it as something like a dolphin show at Sea World except you are in the water with the dolphins and are part of the show. Very cool.

Back to the resort. There is lots of activities included with the stay. There was a catamaran harbor cruise with all the rum punch and Red Stripe you wanted. There are Tiki bars located on the beach and the drinks are included. While on the beach all you need to do is plant a little green flag and they will take your order and deliver your drinks to you right on the beach.

The night life was very entertaining. The main building had something going on every night. In the Aura lounge they had this performer, The Ultimate Chocolate. You sit around a large grand piano, he plays, and you pass a microphone singing karaoke. This same building has a disco bar that does not close until the last person leaves. So you can go all night long if you want.

The last night we went to a bonfire on the beach. My wife and I snuggled in a large beach chair near the fire. They had a person playing an acoustic guitar in the background. Very romantic.

For anyone looking for a couples only all inclusive vacation I highly recommend this resort. It is a little on the expensive side but is worth every penny.

Tiffy t

2010-08-27 20:43:01 UTC

San Gregorio beach Northern California between Santa Cruz and San Francisco...There is a part of the ocean that at high tide and during the winter months washes back into the valley of the shoreline (under highway 1). When the spring/summer months are here and the water is not pushing its way into the valley, it makes a lake at the beach that runs back into the ocean. The water changes the sand every year so the lake on the beach is a different shape, and size....Nice for a family, you can be at the beach but not have to worry about the lil ones going in the ocean. Last time I went there was a $5.00 per car charge (this way they keep the sand clean)...oh yea tons of drift wood! ENJOY

Dan T

2010-08-25 20:44:18 UTC

Back in 2005 my family took a trip to Topsail Island, North Carolina. Despite the long 18 hour car ride it was a truly great vacation, ironically though during this vacation I had a broken hand because 2 or 3 weeks prior I got frustrated playing floor hockey and punched the floor (I know not very bright). The weather was beautiful (absolutely stunning walking on the beach as the sun set), my family wasn't so confrontational lol, and I had a great time swimming and body boarding at the beach (apart from a nose dive into a sandbar lol). Apart from the more obvious reasons we got to enjoy some incredible food (huge seafood fan), some quality family time together on the beach and playing card games, and it was the first vacation my family took after my dad married my step mom. What makes that vacation so special is that three years later my sister was diagnosed with cancer and throughout her battle she always talked of how she loved Topsail Island and of how that was the one place she wanted to go back to. Sadly my sister passed away last June, but not before she got her final wish to go back to the beach one last time. Topsail Island has a special place in my heart and I hope that one day I can take kids of my own there.

Julie R

2010-08-24 10:06:59 UTC

The most memorable beach vacation? I love the Caribbean and decided to try a slightly different adventure (I've done beach camping on Yost Van Dyke; nice hotel on beach in Dominican Republic; cabin with outdoor kitchen in Culebra, PR), so I went to Dominica, "The Nature Island of the Caribbean." It was my first real trip alone...totally alone...and I chose it because you could stay in a tree house in a mountain. This was not the white sands beach trip like the others!

Dominica has only one place where ships make berth and the rest of the island is a volcanic masterpiece of huge ledges dropping off to the crashing sea below. The windward side is the the Atlantic and the beaches are black sand. One day, I headed down the mountain, from the tree house, and walked the 4-5 miles to the beach. I was alone and although I love to swim, the waves were big and crashing, and as a single person and woman, I had to be mindful of who was there and who wasn't! If something happened in the water, I could be swept out and it would be days before I was missed. I was very careful and of course, made it back in one piece.

On the way back from the beach that day, I found a human hip bone. Villagers stared at me as I carried it back, wrapped in a palm leaf. Nobody at my "eco-camp" believed it was human until I brought it up from the internet. Later in the trip, I dropped it off at a police station--they also didn't believe me. Perhaps it was the last piece of a missing person. Who knows?

But between the black beaches, amazing rain forest, sleeping up in a tree house, up a mountain, with no electricity, where it was raining half the time, and hell and gone from Margaritaville, this was by far the most memorable beach trip!

2016-12-08 16:37:39 UTC

Descriptive Essay Beach Vacation


2014-10-04 04:50:06 UTC

Huntington Beach is the most amazing beach i have ever visited, out of many Ontarian lakeside beaches, all up the East Coast including South/North Carolina and Florida. Once you get far away enough from the pier, where the teenage girls suntan and hang with surfer 'dudes', it becomes a haven away from the busy hub of life. In the water, even though it is cold, the waves are magnificent. It's not called Surf City for nothing! You can go out and 'Wave jump', or get a boogie board and ride the waves. If you're standing, occasionally The Big One will come and knock you off your feet, and for a few wonderful seconds you are completely lost in the world. You don't know where you are, or what way is up or down. When you get over the initial shock, one way to describe it is pure bliss. You don't go out looking for a other wave like that, it has to be unexpected, and its not always the biggest one that does it. I will always look forward to going to Southern California, and plan to live there when i graduate.


2010-08-25 13:41:33 UTC

I was 17.

My best friends older brother, (Let's call him John.) who I knew very well, lived in Huntington Beach, CA. I lived in Central CA. I was going through a rough patch in my life, my father had just passed away and I had moved out of my home due to family problems. Not to mention I was being stalked by a psycho who I was absolutely terrified of.

John was in town visiting his family for his birthday, and he came to see me for what was suppose to be just a few minutes. He decided to stay the night with me because I was having such a hard time, and needed a shoulder to lean on. We got to talking and he decided out of no where that we should go to Disney Land! He didn't have to do too much convincing to get me to come along.

We left for his home the next day. It was about four hours away. We drove there listening to music and talking. It was all so perfect.

The next morning we went to Disneyland and had a wonderful time. But this isn't about Disneyland. This is about the beach. =)

After going to Disneyland we went home, slept. The next morning we woke up and he took me to Sunset Beach. The ocean has always had an over whelming feeling of "HOME" to me. I love the sounds of the sea gulls and the waves splashing against each other. I love the smell of the salt and the sea weed. There really wasn't very many people there at all, so I didn't mind making a total fool of myself splashing around in the water and jumping into his arms. Looking into the open water and seeing no end was some how a relief of all the pain and stress I had been under. I knew that although almost everything changes, the ocean will always be there. A never ending open space of water. It's the end of the earth.

We spent only about an hour there. But in that hour John fell in love with me. My smiling face and my foolishness captured his heart. To this day he says he had never seen anyone enjoying the ocean as much as I did that day.

Now John and I are together. We have a son and we both live in Huntington together. Not far from that beach what so ever. And once a month we go there and watch the sunset.

That is my most favorite memory of the beach. =)


2010-08-25 10:50:13 UTC

This summer i got the chance to visit California. Almost every day out of nearly 2 weeks, we went to either Huntington, Newport, or Balboa beach, with side trips down the PCH to Venice Beach, Malibu and beyond. Huntington Beach is the most amazing beach i have ever visited, out of many Ontarian lakeside beaches, all up the East Coast including South/North Carolina and Florida. Once you get far away enough from the pier, where the teenage girls suntan and hang with surfer 'dudes', it becomes a haven away from the busy hub of life. In the water, even though it is cold, the waves are magnificent. It's not called Surf City for nothing! You can go out and 'Wave jump', or get a boogie board and ride the waves. If you're standing, occasionally The Big One will come and knock you off your feet, and for a few wonderful seconds you are completely lost in the world. You don't know where you are, or what way is up or down. When you get over the initial shock, one way to describe it is pure bliss. You don't go out looking for a other wave like that, it has to be unexpected, and its not always the biggest one that does it. I will always look forward to going to Southern California, and plan to live there when i graduate.

2014-08-23 22:34:33 UTC

The museums were super fun. You can see and learn about pirates and ship wrecks. Or go see stuff you will not believe at Ripley's. If that's not good enough go see a famous writers house he started with one cat named snowball and then that cat met a cat now snowballs family tree has over 30 cats and they are still roaming the grounds. This house even has a cat cemetery. but most of the time at noon because we couldnt get up earlier. We also went to "Broadway at the beach", a boardwalk with many attractions such as planet hollywood, Hard Rock cafe, Kiss cafe, and Johnny rockets. We went to Johnny rockets on the fourth of July, and it was incredible. The food was delicious and expensive, however every 5 minutes the waiters and waitresses would dance to an 60-80's song and would entertain everyone in the resturaunt. It felt so comforting. Then we went on the boardwalk tow watch a stunning 20 min. fireworks show over the water. It was amazing. Towards the end of our trip, we all learned how to skim board, or surf on sand, and we made have fell a few times, but it was worth it. It was the best beach vacation of my life.

2014-08-23 05:48:07 UTC

The next morning we woke up and he took me to Sunset Beach. The ocean has always had an over whelming feeling of "HOME" to me. I love the sounds of the sea gulls and the waves splashing against each other. I love the smell of the salt and the sea weed. There really wasn't very many people there at all, so I didn't mind making a total fool of myself splashing around in the water and jumping into his arms. Looking into the open water and seeing no end was some how a relief of all the pain and stress I had been under. I knew that although almost everything changes, the ocean will always be there. A never ending open space of water. It's the end of the earth. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.


2015-10-24 07:03:18 UTC

The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.


2010-08-30 07:22:13 UTC

It was years ago when my family and I took a trip to Folley Beach,SC. It was before the area got built up like it is today. We stayed at the only hotel on the beach. We walked daily on the early morning sandy beach, picked up sea shells and watched the sun come over the horizon. It was a glorious time. We fed seagulls from our balcony and listened to the waves hit the shore, which was so relaxing. In the evening when we would dine in the restaurant we could see outside the waves would hit the shore and you could see dolphins very near. It was the most wonderful peaceful times we as a family spent together. It was a time when the worries were few and we were a whole family at that time. This was before some of the bad hurricanes came through that area. It was total bliss.

2014-08-26 09:54:17 UTC

Almost every day out of nearly 2 weeks, we went to either Huntington, Newport, or Balboa beach, with side trips down the PCH to Venice Beach, Malibu and beyond. Huntington Beach is the most amazing beach i have ever visited, out of many Ontarian lakeside beaches, all up the East Coast including South/North Carolina and Florida. Once you get far away enough from the pier, where the teenage girls suntan and hang with surfer 'dudes', it becomes a haven away from the busy hub of life. In the water, even though it is cold, the waves are magnificent. It's not called Surf City for nothing! You can go out and 'Wave jump', or get a boogie board and ride the waves. If you're standing, occasionally The Big One will come and knock you off your feet, and for a few wonderful seconds you are completely lost in the world. You don't know where you are, or what way is up or down. When you get over the initial shock, one way to describe it is pure bliss. You don't go out looking for a other wave like that, it has to be unexpected, and its not always the biggest one that does it. I will always look forward to going to Southern California, and plan to live there when i graduate.


2015-01-24 19:07:39 UTC

Our most memorable seaside vacation was taken last winter. We went to a couples only all inclusive resort located in Negril Jamaica. The resort was called Couples Swept Away. It's located on what's called 7 mile beach, the largest white sand beach in Jamaica. We had a bungalow that was located about 50 feet from the beach.


2010-08-24 18:27:01 UTC

I love the beach. I wish I could live on it. I love it for the peace it brings me. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.

And for all those people out there that have climbed Haystack Rock, I am in that "club". I could talk about the beach for hours but that is my little story. Nothing to win over but it is my memory.


2010-08-26 19:21:31 UTC

Best Beach: My family and I went to Isla Roatan over this past summer. We went to Mahogany Bay, which is a man-made beach but still very pretty and very relaxing, and the day was just perfect. The weather was at least 105 degrees and the ocean water was pefect temperature. We ended up laying out by the ocean, floating in the water, eating right next to the ocean, and even finding hermit crabs and huge, live starfish in the ocean. We all got a little sunburned but the beach was gorgeous and we have a lot of memories at the beach that I know I will never forget.


2010-08-25 02:56:18 UTC

For forty-two years of marriage, my wife and I skipped vacations and instead saved in a retirement account what we might have spent . Two years ago, when the housing market collapsed in Miami Beach, we bought an ocean-view condo at a price that would have been deemed laughable a year earlier. After renting the place out for 2 years, we moved to a permanent vacation in retirement. Just looking out the window at the sea is enough for me, though we take walks on the beach almost daily and enjoy leisurely what the tourists cram into a week of hectic and frenetic running around. To us, a vacation is more exhausting than work but living in a vacation paradise is the last laugh ... hopefully an extended one.

Most tourists do not get to see the sun rise on the ocean ... or see movie stars in the local supermarket. They are too tired to awaken that early and their neighbors usually do not include people whose pictures appear in the tabloids ... unless they claim to have been abducted by aliens.

We do not feel the pressure to do everything at once. We manage to spread our activities over as long a period of time as we choose. We also find the gems that only residents learn about like the good restaurants, not the well publicized ones and we don't have to eat restaurant meals three times a day. And we have no need to wear those silly tee shirts advertising South Beach.

Our only problem? Where do you go to vacation when you live in Miami Beach -- Nome, Alaska?


2010-08-24 15:02:22 UTC

All right so Key West was amazing, I went snorkeling (sorta) , checked out museums, and drove around exploring. First things first, the format of this post ( I like explaining stuff). I am going to do a paragraph for everything that I think is paragraph worthy everything else you can read about in pic captions. So lets get on with the story I know I'm boring you guys.

In Key West my family and I stayed at the Casa Marina which was founded by Henry Morisson Flagler ,Syd may know why I say who it was founded by. We had a sweet suite on the first floor of the second building of the hotel. Our patio had a view of the pool and the beach. Beaches there aren't good trust me. There was even a little path from our patio to the pool. Hammocks were hung on palm trees (every night we played hammock tag) but what was with all the weddings. The Casa Marina was amazing.

Now snorkeling. Oh snorkeling, some advice, never AND I MEAN NEVER go in Key West snorkeling on a day when the weather is even a little bit bad (or windy) cause then the boat changes its tracks and you see no fish unless you go a gazillion miles away from the boat. So we were all excited I thought the boat was gonna drop us at an island so we could swim as far as we please but the boat goes in the middle of the ocean and the captain says, " snorkel here". I was terrified and I only looked down a few times. The rope was my best friend (no offense Syd) and when I finally look down I see green nothingness. Seriously I'm not kidding. There were two people who saw fish. One was a lifeguard and one had brought a bunch of snorkeling gear. So take the advice at the top of the paragraph trust me. (no offense to people who do that snorkeling company it was a decent boat ride and it was mother natures fault.)

The museums were super fun. You can see and learn about pirates and ship wrecks. Or go see stuff you will not believe at Ripley's. If that's not good enough go see a famous writers house he started with one cat named snowball and then that cat met a cat now snowballs family tree has over 30 cats and they are still roaming the grounds. This house even has a cat cemetery.

The last thing we did was the sunset celebration. We were supposed to watch the sunset but the sunset was normal what was super awesome were the street performers. Ever see a 58 year old get out of a strait jacket and about 60 feet of chain IN 4 MINUTES or a 70 year old man eat fire and walk on a seven foot high rope. Maybe you want to see some musicians perform with a dog who takes the money in his mouth and puts it in a bucket. This place was super awesome I couldn't believe some of the stuff at all.


2010-08-25 21:56:38 UTC

My favorite beach time was when my family and I went to Clearwater Beach in Florida. It was sunset and we were swimming in the water. No one around and we thought we saw fins. We freaked out and thought they were sharks, then realized it was a group of dolphins jumping out of the water. Plus, there was a huge ship (probably cruise) that looked like a pirate ship. Now, I love to visit there, just because it brings back good memories of my family and I on vacation and stopping there.

Another awesome beach time was in San Simeon, California. It's just up north of LA off of Highway 1 (best drive btw). It was sunset, again, and the sand is filled with huge boulders and larger pebbles or rocks. A little bit colder, but so worth it. Along the beaches are areas where you can stop to see the elephant seals. The town is pretty small but theres a good sense of community there. Also, a couple miles east of the town of San Simeon is the Hearst Castle which is amazing!

If anyone has time to go to these places, I definitely would, they are worth every second!

2014-10-20 19:58:18 UTC

I love it for the peace it brings me. But the best time I have on the beach is finding things. The best time I had was on a secluded Oregon beach years ago. We had to hike a ways down to an area that had a lot of small rocks. Among the rocks I found a lot of agates but I also found a fossilized clam shell that has latched onto a rock. I am a fossil collector so that was a thrill for me to find that. I love the simplicity of the beach more than anything. Peaceful waves, seeing seals off the shore, wading, playing in the sand, kite flying. The beach is heaven to me. I cannot go anymore cuz of medical limitations and it is too far. So all I have is my memories.


2014-08-29 07:24:22 UTC

Our cottage was just steps from the beach, a 20-minute boat ride away from the small town of El Nido. During the day, we would rent a private boat, or "bangka," for about $10 and island hop around the Bacuit Archipelago right off El Nido's coast. I'll never forget gazing 30 feet clear down into the water as our boat barrelled away from shore. Sometimes I would forget I was looking through water simply because the coral's explosive colors and shapes were that clear. Many times we would get dropped off on these impossibly tiny, unpopulated gumdrop islands. For an hour or two, we would get a gumdrop to ourselves where we could explore the limestone sculpted terrain or enjoy a picnic on the private beach of our fantasies. Then one afternoon, reality kicked in. I was snorkeling amongst a handful of tourists when my knee brushed something slippery. It immediately started throbbing and it felt as though something were pricking it. Jeez, it hurt... well, turns out a sea urchin stung me. Memorable indeed. But you know what, that scar has been one cool souvenir!


2014-10-20 04:28:04 UTC

During the day, we would rent a private boat, or "bangka," for about $10 and island hop around the Bacuit Archipelago right off El Nido's coast. I'll never forget gazing 30 feet clear down into the water as our boat barrelled away from shore. Sometimes I would forget I was looking through water simply because the coral's explosive colors and shapes were that clear. Many times we would get dropped off on these impossibly tiny, unpopulated gumdrop islands. For an hour or two, we would get a gumdrop to ourselves where we could explore the limestone sculpted terrain or enjoy a picnic on the private beach of our fantasies. Then one afternoon, reality kicked in. I was snorkeling amongst a handful of tourists when my knee brushed something slippery. It immediately started throbbing and it felt as though something were pricking it. Jeez, it hurt... well, turns out a sea urchin stung me. Memorable indeed. But you know what, that scar has been one cool souvenir!

2010-08-26 16:09:29 UTC

I have been on many vacations. I have been to San Diego, California five times within the last fifteen years. The best vacation i have been on was staying at a condo Kanappali Village, Maui. I stayed there with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. The resort was quite nice. One big pool and two hot tubs. Pretty much stayed there during the morning hours soaking up the sun rays and interacting with people at the resort and beach. The sea food there is outta this world. Some of the best sea food i have ever had. We ended up staying at the resort for two weeks. A little too long if you are staying in a room with two teenage girls, but we all made the best of it. I would recommend going to Maui for anyone that likes to go to the beach and eat good.

Linda G

2010-08-25 19:21:12 UTC

At 14 I very seldom got a chance to go horseback riding. I grew up in Phoenix and I just didn't have the heart to drag the poor things out in the 110 degree heat. A typical ride would be a horse whose only goal was to get back to the shade of the stable.

Mom and I took a trip to San Francisco and then took the Pacific Coast highway when we headed south. The views are amazing and it was one of our favorite trips.

When we got to Carmel we just had to spend some time on that beautiful beach. Now understand that even though Mom and I were on this trip, it was not a common thing for us to do. Money was extremely tight when I was growing up. But when Mom spotted the riding stable she said "You are riding on this beach."

The horse was so happy to get out of the stable that it was all I could do to keep my seat. We flew up and down that cream colored beach with the crashing waves on one side and the wind twisted on the other and the ocean mist in our faces. It was the first time I actually experienced the word "glorious". It's been 45 years since that ride and Mom has been gone for the last 10, but that day is still wonderfully vivid.


2010-08-28 16:14:37 UTC

We had a chance to visit Vancouver Island this summer and took advantage of exploring the Undersea Gardens.

Located off the breakwater we were in for a really nice surprise. Scuba divers are in for a treat. Victoria and area is home to the powerful six gill shark, the curious Stellar and Californian Sea Lion, the mostly shy Harbor Seal, the unstable Wolf Eel and the, largest in the world... Giant Pacific Octopus.

Worth a trip up there. we stayed in a condo close by from where we enjoyed amazing ocean views.

Highly recommended - www.downtownfurnishedrentals.com

Conrad K

2010-08-28 15:46:55 UTC

Me and my family made a deal with our nieghbor: We get to use his time share for free if my father fixes his house. We went to north myrtle beach in South carolina, and from our room on the 2nd floor, we were literally 50 ft. away from the beach. We went everyday, but most of the time at noon because we couldnt get up earlier. We also went to "Broadway at the beach", a boardwalk with many attractions such as planet hollywood, Hard Rock cafe, Kiss cafe, and Johnny rockets. We went to Johnny rockets on the fourth of July, and it was incredible. The food was delicious and expensive, however every 5 minutes the waiters and waitresses would dance to an 60-80's song and would entertain everyone in the resturaunt. It felt so comforting. Then we went on the boardwalk tow watch a stunning 20 min. fireworks show over the water. It was amazing. Towards the end of our trip, we all learned how to skim board, or surf on sand, and we made have fell a few times, but it was worth it. It was the best beach vacation of my life.

rachie baybEE

2010-08-26 19:05:41 UTC

Florida Beaches <3


2010-08-26 08:02:49 UTC

Blacks beach in San Diego. Wasn't the best beach I've ever been to, but an experience. My cousin lives there and I'd heard about it being a nude beach so I talked him into going there. I was informed that it was quite a walk as you cannot walk down there from the cliffs above seeing as they are way too steep. So we came from the North and walk for an hour it seemed before we got there. Talk about a disappointment! Nothing but a bunch of 60 & 70 year old beach whales! Most were gays there and the women were nothing to look at either! I was not worth the jaunt to see the nudity and was glad to get back to the "regular" beaches!

smiles only

2010-08-24 17:22:10 UTC

My mom and I visited Palawan, one of, if not the most pristine Philippine island. Our cottage was just steps from the beach, a 20-minute boat ride away from the small town of El Nido. During the day, we would rent a private boat, or "bangka," for about $10 and island hop around the Bacuit Archipelago right off El Nido's coast. I'll never forget gazing 30 feet clear down into the water as our boat barrelled away from shore. Sometimes I would forget I was looking through water simply because the coral's explosive colors and shapes were that clear. Many times we would get dropped off on these impossibly tiny, unpopulated gumdrop islands. For an hour or two, we would get a gumdrop to ourselves where we could explore the limestone sculpted terrain or enjoy a picnic on the private beach of our fantasies. Then one afternoon, reality kicked in. I was snorkeling amongst a handful of tourists when my knee brushed something slippery. It immediately started throbbing and it felt as though something were pricking it. Jeez, it hurt... well, turns out a sea urchin stung me. Memorable indeed. But you know what, that scar has been one cool souvenir!


2015-02-05 07:29:26 UTC

Wasn't the best beach I've ever been to, but an experience. My cousin lives there and I'd heard about it being a nude beach so I talked him into going there. I was informed that it was quite a walk as you cannot walk down there from the cliffs above seeing as they are way too steep. So we came from the North and walk for an hour it seemed before we got there. Talk about a disappointment! Nothing but a bunch of 60 & 70 year old beach whales! Most were gays there and the women were nothing to look at either! I was not worth the jaunt to see the nudity and was glad to get back to the "regular" beaches!

2010-08-30 00:25:45 UTC

It was the summer of 2006! My family (which includes my Mom, Dad, older sister, and little brother) and my aunt, uncle, and grandmother went on a cruise to celebrate my quincenera as a way better alternative to a party. One of the stops was in Cozumel, Mexico. We spent that entire day touring the Tulum ruins and dying from all the heat and exhaustion. The best part was when we had finished and were led to a beautiful, clean, sunny beach that was hidden on the side of the cliff that the ruins were on. There were huge iguanas covering the rock wall which was quite exciting. What was most memorable to me though was how everyone let loose and splashed in the water, including my straight-laced uncle. No one in my family remembered to take any pictures, but It was such a beautiful sight and environment to behold that we mention it frequently and I know I will not have trouble remembering that beautiful beach.


2010-08-29 18:04:01 UTC

Beach, must be Virgin, and small, to be in scale with my self, that is the best beach.

I will never forget, one time there was a calm sea in "the Captain´s Riff" y the coast of central Venezuela, West of Chirimena, I manage to reach the shore on a Small narrow sand strip, were normally no one could reach, because the strong waves, its a place were the mountains and the sea meat abruptly, and every Little valley has a small creak that goes in too the sea, its a wild virgin mountain.

I tied my 15 feet aluminum 50 HP outboard motor boat, to a coconut tree and spend 5 hours snorkel diving on the Cristal clear, warm water, the, the sensation that I was the one and only person ever been there, has Been forever my best memory's. It was near noon, wen the wind started to blow and I grab my Little boat and rushed out before y was caught on the unreachable, unforgettable beach.


2010-08-27 07:56:20 UTC

I went to Cancun Mexico. I went with my whole family on my dads side. It was nice because we went to a waterhole, snorkeling, went canoeing, swimming in the ocean or the underground pool the water was sooo warm. The house was beautiful it had are own bar for grown ups an underground pool for kids the house had two floors three including the roof where there were beds, and couches and a little hut. it was HUGE and a great chef that made a good breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desert. Although It rained quite a few times you could still hang out with the family inside and play cards, eat hang out at the bar, and still swim. Near the shore we had three huts two huts had chairs in it the other one had two hammocks. We ordered a masseuse to give the grown ups a back rub we also went souvenir shopping it was a great week long vacation with the whole family! We also went to Playa Maya beach the waves were awesome!


2010-08-26 17:45:10 UTC

Two summers ago I was 15, and my dad took my brother, sister and I to Cape San Blas Florida. It wasn't the kind of Florida vacation we'd usually go on. "Cone Heads" ice cream was the only place to eat within a 15 minutes drive. So we went to Piggly Wiggly and stocked up on frozen pizza for dinners and pop-ems donuts for breakfast. The beach was so vacant and private. I guess some people call it the forgotten coast.

Luckily my brother and I met some teenagers who were staying a few houses down. He had a summer romance for a few days with one of the girls, and I befriended the other two. My sister also found a friend.

One night the two families had a bon fire on the beach. When the parents retired to bed, the kids split up. The two girls and I went off with some strange (sexy) boys we had seen earlier that day into the dark night, and left my brother and his love by the fire.

When I returned to the house hours later (probably 2:00 AM at this point) my dad was furious but also slightly drunk. Thankfully, my brother had still not returned from his walk with his girl, and so the focus was on him.

One of the nights the two families went out to dinner in Apalachicola (say it out loud!). It was verrry... interesting. It was so nice to make friends with strangers in such an unexpected place.

The next summer we went to Cape San Blas again but it wasn't the same as the first time.



2010-08-25 14:58:35 UTC

I am not sure if this qualifies as vacation because it was our honeymoon. I had to take vacation leave from work though. First, I am a jerk. If I was a Sesame Street character I would be Oscar The Grouch. Why my wife married me, I don't know. But, she had her heart set on going to Atlantis in The Bahamas and set the whole thing up. She doesn't care much for fishing but she knows I love to fish. So, she made reservations for a deep sea fishing trip. About an hour into the fishing trip she hooks a five foot Wahoo and brings it in. What a beautiful fish! Twenty minutes after that she becomes sea sick and vomits. Being a trooper she supports me and before the trip is over I hook a King Fish. The next day we go snorkeling. We have one set of snorkeling gear and I let her go first. So I dive into the water forgetting that my wedding ring is a bit loose on my finger. I emerge from the water with a look of disbelief. She looks at me and asks "YOUR RING?" My reply " I LOST IT". I'm thinking to myself - "is this a sign of our marriage?". I ask her not to move much and give me the snorkel gear. I dive down, searching and hoping that I find it. After a couple of sweeps through the white sand I see the shining ring and grab it. I could go on, not to mention the fun we had at the casino and the fact that they were filming James Bond - Casino Royale at the time, but I have to go pick up our two beautiful daughters from school.


2010-08-24 11:28:06 UTC

This Last school year (09/10) I was a foreign excahnge student in the states. Around February I went on an student trip to Hawaii! It was the most amazing vaction ever. 10 days and a 100 crazy exchange students from all over the world! We went surfing, diving and survived the Tsunami! I got to know so many people from interesting countries, and excperienced Hawaii at the same time! It was so beautiful, And definitely very different from Denmark :)


2010-08-24 04:56:53 UTC

I just recently visited Key Wet Florida for the first time & I can't tell you how beautiful it was. The water, the beaches, and the people. Amazing! Duvall st was great! A lot of shops and outdoor drinking up and down the street. They have a beautiful lighthouse to visit & go up inside. You can also go to the Southern Most Point which is only 90 miles to Cuba! All tourist go and take pictures there. My friends and I flew from NJ to Miami FL, then rented a convertible Mustang and drove all the way down the Keys which took about 3 1/3 hours but very worth it. I've never seen view like this in my life. Definitely visit! It's a must!

Tj Walker

2010-08-24 04:42:10 UTC

Wow this is a tough one, I lived in the on Sunshine Ln in City of Treasure Island Florida for 6 years. My best was while I was scuba diving for 3 days in the bahamas. On the second day the dive was only about 15 feet so we were able to stay under for a about 90 min. The Riff was so beautiful and, I met a really beautiful girl there and after the dive we hung out on the boat with the dive master and split a bottle of Rum. Then went for a long walk on the beach and danced all night on the beach.

2014-08-15 09:59:15 UTC

I had to take vacation leave from work though. First, I am a jerk. If I was a Sesame Street character I would be Oscar The Grouch. Why my wife married me, I don't know. But, she had her heart set on going to Atlantis in The Bahamas and set the whole thing up. She doesn't care much for fishing but she knows I love to fish. So, she made reservations for a deep sea fishing trip. About an hour into the fishing trip she hooks a five foot Wahoo and brings it in. What a beautiful fish! Twenty minutes after that she becomes sea sick and vomits. Being a trooper she supports me and before the trip is over I hook a King Fish. The next day we go snorkeling. We have one set of snorkeling gear and I let her go first. So I dive into the water forgetting that my wedding ring is a bit loose on my finger.


2010-08-30 07:47:22 UTC

One Car, 4 girls, three days. Need i sat more? My trip took place in Wilmington NC where me, my older sister, and two of our closest friends packed up in a small car and headed to the beach. We had an AMAZING hotel right on the beach where we slept with the deck door open to hear the waves crashing all night. We went shopping in the historic downtown with the coolest boutiques, woke up to dolphins playing in the ocean, got awesome tans, and got to sit and get to know each other better. The best part for me was that we went off season so the place was empty and it was like we had the entire beach to ourselves! There was not many people on the beach so we were able to have out privacy and felt like everything was just waiting for us. We even booked a river cruise where we got to go out on a boat and have lunch which was amazing because none of us had ever been on anything like it. A trip that i'll never forget.


2010-08-28 10:33:02 UTC

Beaches are beautiful and non so much as those on the rocky isolated west coast of the Scottish Highlands . As a student in yesteryear I still recall winding my way over the narrow mountain passes and dropping steeply down into that idyllic silver strand. A lonely spot where centuries earlier the Celtic mystic Maelrhuba had lived out his solitary existence and the Vikings had landed to plunder the once thriving villages . Mile upon mile of deserted beaches lapped by the dark blue Atlantic waves . Paradise on Earth!

'Sunnyside Up'

2010-08-27 08:38:16 UTC

Never had a beach vacation. I've either lived near the fresh water beach of Lake Michigan or on the coast of Virginia Beach almost all of my life and my vacations are spent at our kids homes where they also live on the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida Panhandle. I go to the mountains when I want a vacaiton and I've had some pretty memorible ones. The scenery in any mountain range is awesome.

Sandy Sandals

2010-08-26 13:56:02 UTC

Anywhere in the Caribbean is really amazing. I'm from the East Coast and our beaches are very pretty but the water is murky and choppy. In the Caribbean the water is so clear and the aquatic life is so abundant and colorful. Life is so much more relaxed. We went on a sunset cruise in the bahamas and the water was green like green jello but still clear so as we cruised you could look down and see starfish and coral. The we stopped to watch the sunset over the ocean, the music was playing and we were all dancing and sipping drinks like we didn't have a care in the world.

Eve H

2010-08-25 10:41:41 UTC

Last May I traveled with my community college to Costa Rica. The first two days were spent at a Leatherback turtle reserve near Limon. We did nightly patrols of the turtles that were at the time hatching eggs. I was able to stand right up next to a 6ft female WHILE she made her whole to bury her eggs right there on the beach. The researches who run the program are from all over the world, some as far from New Zealand and Australia. It was probably one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had in my life.

2010-08-27 14:58:45 UTC

I was in Cancun Mexico with my family. At this point in time the amount of sea turtles in the Caribbean was a little low. The good news there was a nest of sea turtle eggs on the beach right by our room. 3 days in the eggs started to hatch. The seagulls there are the predators that baby turtles face the most. Because of the low numbers in turtle population I was able to help pick up the baby turtles and carry them away so that they could be released at night. Normally it is against the law to disturb this natural process or to touch the turtles at all, but because of the extenuating circ*mstances i became one of the lucky few to be able to be a very real part in this wonder. Every year i travel back i scuba dive off the coast of Cozumel and sea many sea turtles swimming near the beautiful reefs of the Caribbean.


2010-08-26 16:12:43 UTC

Virgina beach about 22 years ago. My wife and 2 boy's that were 9 and 5 at the time. Just relaxing and we started walking on the beach and talking with the boys about what they hoped to be when they got older. My 9 year old was saying the normal thing's like policeman , firefighter . Then the 5 year old spoke up and said just a beach bum. That would have been a great picture of my wife and my face. We didn't think he ever heard that word or knew what it meant. But to this day 22years later he still remembers running and playing on that beach. Just to add I think he would still like to be that beach bum with no worries. Well I hope you all like the old man's story. Have a great day

2010-08-26 14:26:52 UTC

A few years back I decided to pack the kids in the car and drive to the beach. It was December though. There was snow on the beach and the waves were frozen in some parts. My husband got boogie boards for the kids to sled down the dunes. The four of them had so much fun that we go back to the beach most winters after a snow storm. All of the benches were covered with snow and we put a snowman complete with scarf but they had dune posts for arms, salt water taffy for eyes, nose, and buttons. And with licorice mouth from the Candy Kitchen on the corner. It's the first of many memories that we'll never forget. Who knew that snow and sand would make such a good day.


2010-08-25 22:41:20 UTC

Surfing from early afternoon to sunset on nice 4' waves, NW swell mix to give it some direction. As a novice surfer during this time, I made a huge leap in skill and experience, but the memorable thing about it was simply how much fun I had. Grin ear-to-ear. Somebody's board ran into mine and put a nasty ding in the bottom. When I got back to my car, I had a parking ticket. But my grin was permanent that day. I was so pumped to have been able to leave work way early that day and go surf and not only get better at it, but just plain have fun. A ding and a parking ticket were not enough that day to ruin that. On another day, maybe..

2010-08-25 19:38:17 UTC

I had lived in Santa Teresa di Gallura, Sardinia for 3 1/2 years. After I left in 1976, I got to go back in July of 1979 for 10 days camping on the edge of the town I had lived in, overlooking the beach. I spent some time with old friends in town, met a couple from Vicenza and went swimming, diving, and nude sunbathing/swimming with them. There's a small island that is accessible by walking across some rocks and you can go about nude all you want. There are some beautiful coves on the south side of the island where diving is excellent...scuba or snorkel.

I was taking a college algebra course on board my ship and was given 2 weeks worth of work from my professor. The couple I met from Vicenza were both math majors and helped me with my work, and then some. I went back to my ship in Naples over 2 weeks ahead of the class.

On other 'vacations' (days off) I've been snorkeling or scuba diving off the coast of Kenya, Diego Garcia (atoll in the Indian Ocean), the Red Sea, various places in the Mediterranean, off Panama, in the South China Sea, and while stationed in Antarctica, I got to try out an experimental wet/dry suit in the Ross Sea of McMurdo (it was summer time).

(USN retired 1965 - 85)


2010-08-25 19:37:43 UTC

Last year I celebrated my Golden birthday. As a birthday surprise, my family didn't tell me what we were, I was just told to have my bag packed with enough stuff that I'd need for a week no matter where I went. So the day came and I learned they were taking me to NYC and from there we were boarding a Carnival cruise to St. John New Brunswick, Canada, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The trip was absolutely gorgeous. I always imagined a cruise to have to be on a beach to be beautiful, but the stars at night were just gorgeous. During the day, I never seen so many gorgeous sea animals- dolphins and whales galore. Light houses and little islands. The whole cruise was just phenomenal, and it was a trip I'd love to do again!

dick f

2010-08-25 12:41:41 UTC

Panama City Beach. Clear water, very nice condo, close to attractions, and good food. Another plus: Not too far from Cincinnati. When I was younger I could drive it in one 12 to 14 hours. Now that I am older, I stop in Atlanta for the night; then I continue the next day. I was chagrined and dismayed our last visit as there was too much seaweed and stinging jellys. Whoever or whatever did that should be ashamed. We will go back again and hope and trust that the area has been restored; if not, we will go to Destin. Take heed Chamber of Commerce.


2014-10-19 07:03:00 UTC

Dominica has only one place where ships make berth and the rest of the island is a volcanic masterpiece of huge ledges dropping off to the crashing sea below. The windward side is the the Atlantic and the beaches are black sand. One day, I headed down the mountain, from the tree house, and walked the 4-5 miles to the beach. I was alone and although I love to swim, the waves were big and crashing, and as a single person and woman, I had to be mindful of who was there and who wasn't! If something happened in the water, I could be swept out and it would be days before I was missed. I was very careful and of course, made it back in one piece.

Robert David M

2010-08-24 16:40:19 UTC

For several weeks in the 1960s, the family was able to afford a comfortable beachside place in attractive St. Augustine Beach Florida. We visited an alligator farm, Daytona, and simply used the beach there. One dawn, we went out and found seven-foot high piles of pink fluff that had somehow

been created by the late night's tide. We also toured the oldest fortress in North America, where wax lif-sized sliders and citizens people the fortifications that slumber in the tropical sun. We enjoyed rainstorm,s sunsets, sunrises, clear dawns and the company of gulls; I collected shells on the beach there and we visited a n abandoned lighthouse I wrote a poem for; and the full moon above the attractive bay was unforgettable, as were the sailboats that seemed flecks of white paint out on a blue water.

Thanks for asking.


2010-08-24 07:51:57 UTC

Fire Island, New York. Best vacation spot in New York. I go there every summer for two weeks. It's a tiny island south of Long Island and all it is, is a beach! there's a tiny town along the bay, about a block or two full of beach houses, and the ocean! Best of all, there are no cars on the island! You have to walk or bicycle everywhere, and take a ferry just to actually get to the island. I went with about 15 of my friends, we rented a beach house there. Fire Island is so relaxing, you can be at the beach all day and just walk back to your house in a minute or two when you've had enough. My friends and I took a whole day just renting kayaks and jet skis and it was so much fun!

2016-04-13 03:15:19 UTC

This is when I was about 8 and we use to do these big family beach trips. I will never forget this! It was just the perfect beach day, lot's of swimming, sand, sun and the water was just that perfect temperature. So I was sitting on a beach towel just chilling when this seagull kept following my older cousin around for food. He got mad and threw the hot dog he was eating at the bird. He hit the bird in the head. The seagull ate the hot dog and took off. So about two minutes later the same seagull (it had a distinctive colour on it if I remember) comes back around and it's flying over my cousin's head. Next thing you know is the bird drops it's business on my cousin's head and all you hear is screaming and swearing coming from my cousin's mouth. Not the beach story all of us think of as "perfect" but it was pretty darn close.


2010-08-29 16:23:31 UTC

What was your most memorable beach or seaside vacation?♥

My most memorable seaside vacation was when i went to san diego for 5 nights and stayed with my cousin, Brother, Sister, and Dad we went to the beches and hada blast i also liked when i went to San Antonio to visit my brother from the Air Force. Had the best time at Six Flags and Sea World. I am going to San Diego And L.A For vacation in September hoping to celebrate my birthday there. I Went to Albaquerque once went to the zoo it was huge and they had a train to go to the water part of it with all the fishes i had fun. I Want to go to New York Or Florida some time because those are nice places to vacation in.☺

Never been Scuba Diving or Surfing. I Think its to hard. And scary??

Very beautiful place on your Flickr.

Where is that?


2010-08-28 23:16:48 UTC

My best friend and I took a trip to the Outer Banks, North Carolina. We got a sweet deal on a huge beach house, we met many nice, young ladies, went snorkeling, rented wave runners for a day, and found an awesome little pizza place that we ate at quite a few times. It was definitely the most memorable beach vacation I've ever been privileged to.

Giggly Giraffe

2010-08-27 10:52:28 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation was in the Philippians. I was only seven years old. We stayed at a dive hotel that had an eagle in a cage and three beds to a room. The owner of the hotel had a boat and created an excursion to a remote island off of the mainland.

When we got to the island we found that half of this private island was owned by a rich hotel owner (Magellan Hotels I think) and the other half was locals who lived sparsely from the island. The guide had wind-surfers available for our recreation. My dad had a horrible time getting a hang of how to handle the wind-surfers. Falling was painful as this island was a white sand island surrounded by corral reef. So each time he feel, he got cut up fairly bad.

I was able to snorkel and see the beauty of the coral, and marine life. For lunch the locals islanders caught fish, squid, and urchin. They presented the ocean life to us before they started cooking. I was amazed at how the squid changed colors like a rainbow in the water. We could not stomach the urchin; being too civilized, we just couldn't suck the life out of the thing as the locals did.

After lunch we collected starfish, urchin, and sea shells and headed home. The boat ride back was twice as long as getting out. And the urchin don't die when you take them out of water, so they found their way back to the ocean.

I will never forget the crystal clear waters, reefs, and marine life. I have been to so many other beaches, but still NOTHING compares to the beauty engraved in my mind of that remote white sand island.


2010-08-26 18:47:23 UTC

Strolling along the beach in Biloxi, MS in late September 2008. I was thrilled that the coastal road we were on was named "Fred Haise Blvd", 'cause I'm an astro-nut. The wife and I gawked at all the sculptures in the medain, and then headed on toward the casinos, our ultimate goal.

We wondered why Biloxi was so trashy, with mounds of sand everywhere, and boats in people's front yards, and why isn't anyone one the beach?

Okay, we were clueless. We learned that Hurricane Ike arrived about a week before we did. That's why Biloxi looked like a slum.

This might not strike you as a great beach vacation, but it's one I'll never forget.

Happy Family

2010-08-26 10:07:58 UTC

My husband and my son age 2, we went to Portugal and stayed at Cascais Beach Lisbon. Playing volleyball, go for a swim and relax at the beach. My son and my husband built sand castle and while I watch them building the sand castle. Having my family around me and doing things as a family by the beach is the best vacation we ever had. My son is very lucky having a great father that loves him and shows him everything that a 2 year old boy should know. We had lunch at a restaurant by the beach, summer holiday with Grill Sardines, boil potatoes, bread and spread some olive oil on it.. Making friends during holiday. We went back to the beach, relax and getting sun tan. The best family Vacation on the Cascais Beach Lisbon..


2010-08-25 20:00:33 UTC

About 3 years ago, I went to Nags Head, NC for a family get-together. We visited with relatives & friends in the area & had a big barbecue. We took in a few sights, including a real, old-fashioned lighthouse. I took a few walks along the beach & collected some seashells. It was in March, so it was still too cold for swimming. But the tourist season hadn't started, so it wasn't crowded & it hadn't been trashed yet. It was very peaceful, in fact. I took a lot of photos, some of which I've posted on various sites. It was over much too soon, because I had to fly back home. I plan to go back again this October.


2010-08-25 16:11:17 UTC

I would have to say New Hampshire. being from the south when we tried to go into the water in the summer in New Hampshire we were surprised on how cold the water was. It was funny. new Hampshire has so much history. Going over to the Isle of Shoals on boat was a real treat.Watch for seals! The sea Food was wonderful and being in that part of the ocean I must say was very relaxing. Not like the Gulf, always waiting for a hurricane to hit. lol!! I recommend the beaches in New Hampshire and Maine. So Beautiful, clean, great sea food and the people are very nice.

Glenn L

2010-08-24 14:03:50 UTC

The story is lived daily. I have been all over the world, lived on many coasts and visited many beaches. I live next to one of the nicest beaches in America(actually two beaches), Honeymoon Island and Caladesi Island located in Florida in the Tampa Bay area.

The water is pristine, for the most part-calm, warm and shallow. Filled with shells for the collector, filled with sea life, blanketed by white sands, both Islands and several surrounding the area offer an escape from the daily grind.

You can snorkel, you can wade quietly, you can fish, swim, build sand castles, have a terrific lunch, sight see all within protected beaches as both islands are Natural Preservation's. There is no car noise or huge hotels swallowing the coast, just peace and quiet with the exception of the meddling seagull.

Recognized yearly as being the best beaches in America, I am privileged to live by such a beautiful beach.

2010-08-24 11:05:26 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation started off by me getting kicked out of my best friend's house by his wife. I live in a different state so when I got kicked out and was too strapped for cash to afford even a lousy California hotel room, I was to say the least, stressed.

My other friend from Texas luckily was camping on the beach that same week. I called him up and he invited me to "Come on over!" The camp was about four other guys and about three girls. The camp was already pretty much packed but they invited me in with open arms. As soon as I sat down on one of the logs I was tossed a beer and invited to tell my story. The camp was settled around a massive fire pit we cooked venison and moose on nearly every night. Everyone had something to say. I have never heard so many funny and wild stories in my life. That night (and for the rest of the week) there were no more sleeping bags so I slept in a surf board bag. The bag although it would make my feet nice and salty from the ocean salt was actually pretty comfy. Every morning around 8am we would wake up surf for a few hours and come back in and feast. After the lunch gorging we would all bed down for a nap like Pre-K kids for an hour and then back out to the ocean to surf again. It was amazing. I guess it turns out I owe the crazy woman that is my friend's wife a thank you, because I know spending that week with her would have been much more miserable than partying on that beach.

Crackie smackie

2010-08-25 23:12:14 UTC

When I went to Huntington beach, Ca one summer I sat out on the beach, played in the waves and walked around for hours and hours til I saw the last drop of sun fade away....Which was a big mistake on my part. I had the most painful sunburn I have ever had in my life that night. My shoulders were as red as a lobster. I had to keep my shoulders wet with a spray bottle ever couple of minutes and used an ungodly about of aloe vera just to have some what 'relief' for the next two weeks. I wouldn't say it was my best beach vacation but it was definitely my most memorable.


2010-08-25 14:30:42 UTC

New Zealand's beachs are amazing, so remote, and different colors.

Along the Northeast coast we walked out and under rock formations that at high tide would be underwater. Further down, the sand is black from a volcanic eruption that destroyed the town which was all rebuilt in an art deco style. The south Island had seals and whales in the fiords . And in the middle somewhere we hiked thru a tropical rainforest up to a glacier (but that isn't a beach).

2010-08-29 18:20:49 UTC

The Make-A-Wish Foundation provided me and my family with an unforgettable trip to Maui, Hawaii.

We stayed at the beautiful Westin Maui Resort & Spa - a breathtaking hotel set right next to the beach. On the first day, we enjoyed relaxing spas on the shore. The next day, we went on a boat-ride to a banana-shaped island where we then went snorkeling. The warm, clear water looked intimidating (not to mention the visible school catfish swimming right where we were) but it was exhilerating. The last day, we went to a restaurant called Tiki Terrace which was, again, parallel to the beach. We enjoyed a lovely meal with live Hula dancers and a fire show. It was the best 5 days of our lives!

Bill Mac

2010-08-29 10:46:04 UTC

Recently we attended my sisters wedding at the beach near Del Ray, Florida. Having seen so many sunsets on numerous West Coast beaches, I joined with several of the family members early in the morning to watch a sunrise while we were there. Absolutely stunning and breath taking. Those pictures and postcards can never do the wonderful colors and brightness justice. It was good to feel so alive and to simply enjoy God's awesome creation and the majesty of nature that was being displayed.


2010-08-26 17:15:29 UTC

When I was still living in Hawaii we went to a very secluded beach to go fishing. We stayed until it was very dark. Since the beach was so far out from the city lights it was very dark and quiet except for the soft crash of waves on the beach. The only light that could be seen was from the stars above. The sky and horizon blended as it was so dark and the stars light reflected off the ocean. There were thousands of stars everywhere since the skies in Hawaii are so clear and pure compared to the rest of the world.


2010-08-26 15:52:02 UTC

As a contractor for the Navy, I became an unintentional connoisseur of beaches. My favorite port call was in the Seychelles, a chain of mostly deserted islands in the Indian Ocean. My friends and I spent those few days lazing around on the powdery white beaches, working on our tans, watching all the good-looking guys and playing in the crystal-clear water when we got too hot. We talked and read magazines and drank, and when it got dark we'd step back a few feet to the bar and dance the night away.

The part I enjoyed most was being able to watch the men and women who work so hard to defend our country have the luxury of relaxing. Only a few days before that they had been capturing pirates, so it was nice to see them getting drunk, playing football, and flirting like most 20-somethings. All of us have long since gone our separate ways, but the memory still finds me sometimes.

2010-08-26 10:33:52 UTC

Most memorable beach vacation was a couple years ago when my family and friends rented a beach house. We knew the owner so we got it at a good price :D. The house was so beautiful, it was my dream house! We stayed there for about a week. Every morning we would get up at like 6 or 8 a.m. to go to the beach and spend hours there. It was like we had the beach to ourselves it was so empty. We had so much fun!


2010-08-25 23:12:07 UTC

1967! I was visiting my sister's family in Westfield NJ, when they astonished me by inviting me to accompany (at least I don't recall inviting myself along) them on a drive down the East Coast along the greatest ever kept secret, The Inland Waterway !!

I'm a Left Coaster, born in CA. (Eureka); The Ironically Named Pacific is Our Waterway, The Inweather Waterway covers uncounted ships & other unintended jetsam sunk since whoever knows when; and inland except for some well visited paths it is no easy going, either. Until I camped on Roanoke Island, Climbed with my Sister up to the lantern of The Light House @ Cape Hatteras, saw the enormous size of the Horseshoe Crabs, the phosphorescence of the beach sands, at night; and visited the site & new museum @ kitty Hawk, I had no sense of the history of the Right Coast, and I shall always remember Sunrise from the beaches down and up that coast.

I can feel why the Japanese are the people from the Land of the Rising Sun.


2010-08-25 17:18:42 UTC

Even though I've been to beautiful beaches all up and down the east coast, as well as in the Carribean, my favorite beach memory was 3 years ago, with a guy I had sort of been seeing at the time.. it was at good ole Seaside Heights NJ (before Jersey Shore even existed) and he worked as a lifeguard.. He was off that day and we chilled on the beach and got away with everything and basically had an awesome time.. I've learned it's not where you are but who you're with.


2010-08-24 19:50:25 UTC

My husband and I had our wedding as the sun was setting on the beach in Miami. It was the most perfect day ever. The weather was gorgeous. After we said our "I do's" all the cruise ships passed by us. Our wedding photos are amazing. The sun made the water so blue. Then we spent the next week traveling around the Miami area for our honeymoon. We took a boat ride around the swamps. As we were going along our boat got stuck. This was right after we just saw a gator. We all had to rock the boat from side to side to get it unstuck. I never imagined that would happen. We went to a gator farm and I got to hold a baby gator. Awesome! We also took an amphibious land/water tour and saw Rosie O'Donnell on her boat.

Pauly D

2010-08-24 15:44:56 UTC

I am a native of Panama City, Florida. We affectionately call it "The World's Most Beautiful Beaches". I have spent quite a bit of time in Thailand, and really love Koh Samui, and currently live in Imperial Beach, California. I have to say that where we live now isn't the prettiest beach around, or the cleanest, but when I walk my little pitbull on the beach with my wife first thing in the morning every day, I gotta say, I love living on the beach, and wouldn't ever, ever live anywhere else.


2010-08-24 13:55:55 UTC

My favorite vacation was going to the Florida Keys. The water seemed so perfect, and the sand seemed to white it was hard to imagine such a perfect life, waking up to the sunrise on the beach each morning.

While we were there, I saw so many amazing things. The sunset was like nothing that you could ever imagine, like a picture being painted right before your eyes. During the sunset, I walked along the beach with my feet in the sand, water cool and crisp upon my feet, like the water giving me a big hug. At night we would relax on the beach until sundown, then walk back to our condo with a view of the ocean.

My favorite part of the vacation was when we were on the beach collecting the tiniest shells that you have ever seen! They were so small that some were too small to look at with your own eyes, you would need a microscope to view its full beauty.

Suddenly, I looked up and there were dolphins jumping into the air! It was so pretty, I will never forget that moment. They seemed to come closer to shore, however eventually their jumping died down and it was the peaceful waves lapping at our feet again, and endless water for miles.

Travis C

2010-08-24 10:48:55 UTC

We did some boogie boarding in HI on a day tour. I was already hungover as hell that morning, and we had to leave that evening. I got beaten almost to death repeatedly and half drowned under the waves and sunburned worse than I have ever been. On the plane trip back every time the pressure changed a startlingly large amount of seawater would be released from my sinuses through my nose and/or down my throat. I'll never forget that beach!


2010-08-24 10:37:29 UTC

For work one year we went to a a very nice seaside hotel at Laguna Beach. It was the first time I was so close to the ocean that the earplugs provided on my bedside table were actually needed because of how loud the waves were.

It was also six weeks after my mother had died. After one of our group events, I went to the edge of the water, and stayed there much longer than I intended watching those waves. It reminded me of the sailors of yore that went off into the unknown of the seas, and how that was a lot like facing all the unknowns of death. You venture out into the continually rolling, swirling, darkening mass that seems to go on forever, and you have no idea what is really out there, until some one returns to tell his story.

The trip itself was, well, work. But I never forgot the waves.


2010-08-24 09:58:01 UTC

It was a day trip to Williamstown in Victoria, Australia my boyfriend and I made last month. I was leaving Melbourne for good after finishing my study abroad program and he wanted to bring me to visit one of the places where he had the best childhood memories.

We were supposed to take a ferry from the city and that would have taken about half an hour but we were late and missed the last one leaving that day. So we took the train from Flinders Street station all the way to Williamstown station and from there we had to take a bus.

It was a really cold and windy winter day in Melbourne and we reached Williamstown at about 3pm. We had only a few hours left til the sun sets. Since we didn't have lunch earlier, we decided to get fish and chips. My boyfriend has a really big appetite and he suggested that we each have 1 box of calamari with chips and 1 box of seafood with chips.

We went to sit at the one of the benches facing the port to eat. The port was quiet because it was a Sunday. Only sometimes would couples with kids or joggers pass us by. We had a long talk and wished we could just sailed away together because I really didn't want to leave him behind.

There were so many seagulls trying to steal chips from us. Due to our greediness, we ended up wasting so much chips. The calamari rings and the prawns were really good though. Instead of just throwing the chips in the bin, my boyfriend decided to feed the seagulls. As he was throwing the chips to the seagulls, more and more of them came and started circling us. Me, being the scaredy cat, was so freaked out by their sheer number and the noises they made. I took of a video of him happily feeding the seagulls and I watch it every time I miss him.

After we were done feeding the birds, we went to the beach and took a long walk before deciding to go back as it was getting dark and cold. Although we didn't eat any fancy food or did anything exciting such as surfing, it was definitely one of the most memorable trip to the seaside for me. I just hope it wasn't the last for the both of us. I miss my boyfriend so much.


2010-08-23 18:21:17 UTC

A favorite beach side get away of mine is called Pirates Cove in Corona del mar, Ca. This little beach faces the north towards Newport harbor with all the boats going by. The beach is small with a couple of small tidal pools and gentle waves for the kids. An old sea cave is sealed up with iron bars giving it that pirate look. Hence the nick name pirates cove.

Pirates cove is the #1 destination for a lot of churches to hold baptisms in particular the Harvest Crusades of Calvary Chapels everywhere. These folks fill the beach with the faithful seeking a closer walk with God and to have a great time fellowshiping and enjoying God's creation.

A favorite story I like to tell the little children is that the closed off cave is where pirates keep there treasures and that occasionally after a high tide some of it washes out and can be found in the sand. I always toss a few coins out into an area and the kids start digging for treasure. One year with my youngest son I did the same but instead of a coin I tossed he actually found a solid gold wedding ring worth nearly $1000. He still has that ring18 years later and up until he was almost 13 was convinced of my story. (nobody told him different) I still go there often but now with a metal detector hoping myself to find that pirates treasure.

2014-08-02 18:05:48 UTC

So we packed our things and headed out. We arrived at the campsite where we pitched our tent and went for a mile stroll down the beach towards Ocean Shores. The first day was BEAUTIFUL. We had a great time in town, and on the beach, explored the beach stores, had ice cream, we just had a marvelous first day and was looking forward to the next 3. We were also exited that it was our first "vacation" without parents or family, just three friends.

sandy cheeks

2010-08-29 18:39:06 UTC

I live on Long Island. We have two long shores of some of the most pristine beautiful beaches. I live bayside and take a boat over to the barrier island known as the Westhampton Dunes. It's only a few minutes to cross. The oceans beautiful,its apart of who we are here. Just today i was laying in the sand thinking about what my dad would always say to us as kids. We'd just be diving into wave-walls and tumbling back out, getting pummeled into the sand... I remember i ran up crying the wave had crushed me and left me with sand rash up my side.... He told me when the wave hits you, you just hit it right back. I ran back and slapped that wave silly! Now that i'm older I think i can relate to that idea every day; When a wave hits you, you just gotta hit that wave back just as hard..At least it'll make you feel better.


2015-09-11 05:17:08 UTC

As me, my mother was worried and we went their deprived of enthusiasm and spirit. However it turn to be the best vacation of all. I still remember our wild nights and the survivals.. We spent great time with each other. We didn't feel the need of anything else, while we were running from some mad/ furious dogs ( ' bout 5 or even 6), I was attacked by some horse- flies. We went to an ex temporary cinema outside and then we were lost... Yeah, there were lots of funny situations, which you may find more dramatic or weird than funny. And there wasn't any scuba diving, surfing, sky- diving fishing etc. However, there was my mom and maybe there I have started to grow up. There I did n' t only become closer with my mother but I felt the need to be with her, too, really.


2010-08-24 10:41:49 UTC

I went to Maui, HI ALONE as a young, single, childless heterosexual, actively dating woman! It was a bit scary and uncomfortable, but it ended up being one of the best vacations I've ever taken!

The scariest part was the long precarious drive to Hana alone, and the saddest part was watching all of the love-birds frolic on the beach in the hotel room. However, when the man working the desk at the hotel check-in realized I was a single (vs. the typical newlywed honeymooner) I got an upgrade to a nicer room! I also got all of the free drinks I could stand from men in bars! Finally, I went to a luau and met a nice single diamond broker who had a condo on the beach. He treated me to snorkeling in a reef of crystal clear waters (we saw a shark and an octopus!) and a delicious surf & turf dinner the next evening and did NOT EXPECT NOR GET anything in return except my company (oh, and a kiss goodbye!) :-)

2010-08-29 22:21:33 UTC

Last year my family and mother's friends went to HuaHin ,located in Thailand and one of the 8 districts of the Prachuab Khiri Khan province . It far from bangkok about 200 Km.

We came to Hua Hin Railway Station that is the most beautiful ancient station which I have never seen after that I ate some breakfast at HuaHin market the food was very good . We came to condo

about 12 : oo am. My parents went to swim in he pool and the others watched yoka in the sand while I was walking in the beach .Many crown play banana boat, kick a ball ,run in the sand they looked very happy. I think these event will make you relax . Have a nice trip.

2010-08-28 14:17:33 UTC

It makes me sad to think about all the Breath taking moments I had at some of the beaches in California like Redondo, Huntington, seal beach, ect. I Have now moved to "The Desert" Tucson ,AZ and I miss the beaches more than anything. I remember some of the fun times I had sneaking under the pier and drinking with my Best friends and just enjoying life, talking about the Future and what it holds for us. Man I really Miss it.


2010-08-27 18:09:08 UTC

My family (mother, father, two sisters) went to Beach Haven, NJ when I was 12 or so for a two-week vacation. My grandfather had a little one-bedroom cottage that he rented every summer so that he could go fishing every day. We rented a small house close to him. This was a time before the great development of that sleepy beach town. My grandpop had a small fishing boat called the "SNAFU." At the time, I didn't know what that achronym meant, but I liked the sound of it. We would visit him everyday in the early evening hours to check on him and see how many fish he caught. He always fished for flounder, and I can remember even back then him complaining that the fishing wasn't like it used to be. There was always a bucket of empty clam shells on the porch. He would go to the beach every am and collect clams, shuck them and eat them raw for breakfast. My grandpop was a rough and crusty old German man with deep creases in his neck from being out in the sun for hours fishing.

What made this this vacation so memorable for me more than 40 years ago was my grandpop, of course.......getting to know him and spend time with him. I even went on his fishing boat a couple of times, and he let me steer the boat. I didn't like fishing too much because I felt sorry for the poor minnows that were used as bait and also the poor, pitiful fish who looked so helpless on the hook, but I loved being with my grandpop and the wind on my face as we sped along to his favorite fishing spots.

Other than that, what made it most memorable was being on the beach all day with my sisters and cousins......jumping through the waves or diving under them. We would be in the water for hours. That was during an era before skin cancer was a big concern and the movie "Jaws" which changed my carefree love for waves forever.


2010-08-27 17:22:02 UTC

My parents and I were going to Hawaii. And then when we went. We went skiing... And then we had a relaxing day on the beach... The next day we came back to that same place. And we had it all to ourselfs.

We didnt realize, That it was a Monday. And all the people in hawaii were doing there normal stuff. As my parents sat and relaxed.. I ran around and went Skiing. Surfing. And many more. We had the BEST beds to. They had the sleep number beds. AWESOME. They also had HUGE rooms. Great views. And windows that simple click can lay down. Room service <3 Massages <3 :)


2010-08-27 17:00:55 UTC

My husband and I have been to a few Islands of Hawaii. Each has it's own special meaning to us. We went to Oahu and took a tour of Pearl Harbor. It was memorable but maybe not in the way you may expect a seaside vacation to be. I never expected the feeling I had as we passed the ships and submarines still in the harbor....the eerie feeling. The way the bright sunshine suddenly seemed to be dimmed by a few clouds. Then we were told to step off the boat and enter the USS Arizona Memorial....I will never forget that excursion.....You know the rest ...December 7, 1941


2010-08-27 06:26:53 UTC

When I was 15 we went to Panama City, Fl stayed in a cabin at Long beach walked from one pier to the other one, about 1 mile apart. No high rise buildings nothing in the way of the sunset and nothing in the way of the sand dunes. Loved the beach that way. The best part is my best friend went with us. She is the greatest. Went to the Hang Out and played music on the juke box.

Wonderful 3 days.


2010-08-26 20:14:59 UTC

I'll never forget when my family and I first went to Myrtle Beach. We had to pay the remaining balance on our room and when we went to do that, our account went negative. Meaning we would been there for 5 days without any money to do anything. I saw the hurt in my children eyes so I told my husband to take them to the pool while I go upstairs and talk to the Lord. I went to the room and I began to cry out to the Lord and then 30 minutes later, my husband went back to check to see exactly what was in the account and I tell you the truth - 1500.00 was deposit in our account. Praise you Jesus!!! The Lord allowed that money to stay in the account until we left Myrtle beach and returned home and then we were able to filled our car up. We went to the bank to check the account and then the account had a zero balance. Til this day, nothing has ever came up proving to us where the money came from or anything. I will never forget that experience. I want the world to know that the Lord will take care of His children.

2010-08-25 21:07:44 UTC

I was hanging on the beach like I used to always do back then, it felt like an endless summer like it always did back then. Surfing, scuba diving, parasailing, my boys and I did it all. Just like most of those perfect summer stories mine involves a girl. I met her on the beach and I didn't talk to her for weeks, I was so intimidated. I would surf to try to impress her, of course she didn't notice me. Then one morning the boys and I went out to surf some really big waves. I lost my balance and went under, I didn't get a chance to catch my breath and I swallowed water and blacked out.

I awoke to someone giving me mouth to mouth. Guess who it was? Well if you guessed the girl then you are wrong, it was my best friend Scott who looked positively disgusted, not at me but I realized it was because the two of us were going to be made fun of by our friends for the rest of eternity. However things turned out okay because that girl was part of the small crowd that had formed around me. I stood up and couldn't help staring right at her and then she spoke " Wow are you okay?"

" I am now" I still can't believe I couldn't have come up with anything better than that. The two of us continued to talk and the crowd dissipated, soon it was just her and her friend and Scott and I. We went on a date and I managed to convince the other girl to go with Scott since he had just saved my life and everything. Any way if you can't tell were this story is going then I'll just let you know I married that girl and Scott was my best man (since without him I probably never would have met my dream girl).

We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii and no I didn't surf.


2010-08-25 16:06:34 UTC

It was cold that December...

At minus 30, the night was so quiet you could hear a snowflake floating in the forest. A frozen landscape of white waves on the crystalline sea danced motionless in the pale moonlight. Glittering ice on the shoreline reflected the green and blue glow of the Aurora Borealis as the sky lit up like a thousand candle flames..

It is not the sunny beach of Maui or the pristine coast of Lake Michigan that wins first place in my memory of favorite seaside vacations.

It was December in Finland by the Sea of Bothnia...

That cold winter night when my true love proposed to me.

2010-08-25 15:14:47 UTC

Ive never done scuba diving before but i'd love to do it once, but if i had to choose between surfing or just relaxing on the beach i'd have to go with just relaxing on the beach. Because not all of my friends can surf, and just lying on the beach, talking to friends, havin a good time, yeah, thats what i really like.

Don Darkeau

2010-08-25 13:56:52 UTC

The most memorable seaside vacation I have had is when I had the opportunity to holiday in the beautiful town of Whitby in North Yorkshire (England). The town is used as a backdrop to a large part of the novel Dracula, and I had always wanted to go there. It is such a wonderful place with lovely people and I would recommend it to anyone. I have been back there several times. The scenery is outstanding.


2010-08-25 12:44:19 UTC

It was right after high school graduation. A couple of girlfriends & I went to Cozumel, Mexico! OMG!!! That was water was so clear! The sand so white!!! We spent about 5 days there. The hotel was at they very end of the island and there was hardly any other people there. The Diamond Resort, that's it!! The staff was awesome! The beach was our backyard! It wasn't very pricey, either. Less than 600.00 per person. It included everything but money for souvenirs....great times!


2010-08-24 20:45:00 UTC

My favorite place on earth for vacation is Sanibel-Captiva Island, Fla. Located on the west coast, south of Ft. Myers, it is the third best shelling beach in the world. Lush tropical islands, warm, clear water and shells galore to pick up off the beach.

Just a 3 1/2 drive from Ft. Lauderdale, we visited the island frequently before we moved to Tn. I have ginger jar lamps filled with shells from Sanibel that we use in our family room. I long to return as it has been several years since we were there.

Peggy P

2010-08-24 15:47:33 UTC

It was a day trip from Bradenton, Fl to Egmont Key. We took a boat from Cortez Beacvh to the beach there and the guide told us not to go to far out in the water because the shelf drops off suddenly.

Well I said okay to myself and started into the water. First one foot in then another until I took my fifth step/foot in and I was already up to my hip. Then suddenly a strange sea creature floated by me. That was it I was getting out but not before I got a closer look at it but before I could follow it it was gone. Then back on shore I had no luck getting any shells (which was the object of the tour there). But I did see the old oil tanker crew houses that are still there since it was a stop on the way into and out of the area on their route in the 30s-50s which they were finally abandoned. It was an eventful couple of hours but I'll never forget it.

2010-08-24 10:18:07 UTC

I use to visit Ocean Grove, NJ when my parents were alive. Fortunately, it's located just the next town south of Asbury Park. Ocean Grove has many great bed and breakfasts and a beach also. But I really just liked being there with my parents and going up the boardwalk to Asbury Park (the boardwalk was still alive and thriving). My parents are gone now, and I think about all those trips we took down there (we lived in Somerville, NJ) for about 20 years and miss all of it more than I can say. Memories are a great thing to have.


2010-08-24 04:46:28 UTC

I lived in Florida since '69, I'm almost 50ty years old now. Back in the day, oh I say '75 dad would get some vacation time, and we had some neighbor family friends would all load up, with are boats and gear, and go to Indian Rock's Beach. This one hotel had real reasonable rates that my dad could afford (he was kind of cheap). We would stay there for a week or so. The place was a little beat up, but it had two adjoining hotels, with U.S. 19 went threw the middle of. There was a canal on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, We stayed on the canal side that had boat docks, were we had are boat. The place had about three swimming poles, a sauna, showers, shuffle board, a fishing pier on the gulf side, and of coarse US 19 smack dab in the middle, you could walk, and find just about any thing, restaurants, putt putt golf, they even had the sun-coast seabird sanctuary. So when we got there dad would usually like to just relax in the motel room, Me, I would get up the morning, swim, get something to eat, go fishing, maybe catch something, look for girls, fish on the other side, play some beach games, dad and mom would BBQ some burgers, then at night on the gulf pier, locals would bring there big rigs and fish for big stuff, shark,etc.late into the night. By the time it was to go home, which I hated, my ear's would start acting up, from all that swimming, and end up with and ear infection. We went back, oh I say in '78, but things weren't the same, My oldest brother, and neighbor friend were in a car accident, and died in '76.. since then it was never the same, but I'll tell ya there is nothing like family and friends..


2010-08-29 07:41:19 UTC

Husband and I went to Cape Cod for our honeymoon.

Our wedding had had more than a few "bumps" in it. Our photographer showed up drunk and forgot to put film in the camera for the before wedding pictures. The limo picked up me and the bridesmaids at 1:20 when the wedding was supposed to start at 1 pm. The driver got lost. At the mid-summer ceremony, there wasn't any air conditioning, and the ring didn't want to go on my finger. My Husband grabbed my hand, stuck my finger in his mouth and sucked on it. The ring went on smoothly:)

Well we thought that the honeymoon would be different. Not only did my husband get food poisoning from seafood on the third day, but the cottage wasn't the greatest either. It had twin beds. Fine we'll push them together. He climbed in and I couldn't help but break out laughing. His feet hung over the end by over a foot. He didn't fit. After crying from laughing so hard, I managed to take a picture.

I brought the dozen rolls of film to Rite-Aid to be developed. As my luck would have it, they lost every roll except one. I don't have a single picture of the beach.

2010-08-28 04:51:56 UTC

It was the 4th of July, 2008. A group of friends went to Westport, Washington and stayed at a beachside hotel. We had, altogether, about $500 worth of fireworks, and were planning on having a great night of boozing, barbecue, bonfire, and blowing stuff up on the beach. We played some football and frisbee and all was going great.

Then the sun went down and it was time to light off some of the big boys. The beach is an awesome place for the Fourth. People just lighting stuff off all down the beach. Well, our fire was in need of some wood, so me and a partner went on the hunt. Instead of finding wood, we found some people and we joined their group. As we're sitting there talking, smoking, drinking, having fun, we see the show down at our spot, about a quarter mile down the beach. . .only problem was, the show wasn't in the sky. It was our $500 pile of artillery shells and fountains going up in flames in the sand, all before 9:30pm.

I have to admit, it was a great show, and I ended up hooking up with one of the girls in the group we met, so not a total loss, and hey, we were just gonna blow it all up anyway right? Definitely the most memorable beach experience ever.


2010-08-27 22:49:12 UTC

I have Three:

Catalina Island off the California Coast (it IS California)... nice little remote place, tourist busy but oh so quaint

Cabo San Lucas: Hot weather, warm ocean, and great fun. I love the Mexican People!

Lighthouse Beach, LI, NY: A clothing optional beach. There are some lookie-loos but otherwise a nice clean beach on the Atlantic!


2010-08-27 16:15:20 UTC

My husband and I went to Maui three years ago to visit our daughter. She hooked us up with a catamaran trip on the Alii Nui...it was awesome! They took us out to a point between Kihei and Kaanapali so we could snorkel and watch the sea turtles, it was a very beautiful spot. On the way back in some whales started swimming around us. It was a mother and calf and an escort. The law over there states if the whales are within a certain distance you must shut down your engines until they are gone. LUCKY US!!! We had the most spectacular whale watching you can imagine! At first they swam around us, then the baby swam closer and so did mama, it was like they were putting on a show for us. All of a sudden the male swam under us and breached on the other side of the catamaran...it was incredible! The escort and the mama both started putting on this fantastic show for us, swimming under us and then breaching over and over again...simply amazing! The captain got a waterproof camera and leaned over the back of the boat and took pictures of the whales as they were swimming by. They kept it up for about 30 minutes and then they were gone. To me it was very magical and I will never forget it as long as I live.

Son of Light

2010-08-30 09:58:06 UTC

I live in Puerto Rico for 30 years after living 30 years in New York City. I live in the Boqueron area and the beaches are beautiful. I began snorkeling with a distant cousin and I enjoyed seeing the colorful corals and brightly colorful tropical fishes. The depths that we go was 6 to 8 feet deep. We never go alone. But one day I decided to snorkel alone in the Bahia de Boqueron and to my surprise a Atlantic barracuda about 4 feet long came straight to me. I looked at it head on and went immobile. The creature slowly circled me, sizing me up. I remained still. I prayed silently. It looked at me and quickly it swam away and I too, like an outboard motor swam frantically til I made it to shore. This happened in 1983 when I was 33 years old.

2010-08-30 08:59:45 UTC

Our best vacation ever was at the Beaches Resort in Turks/Caicos. Beautiful resort, great beaches, great food! I remember there was a bartender there who kept saying "No stress!". My wife complained about a problem we had at the airport, and they upgraded us to a Presidential Suite! Two balconies, two king beds, a mini bar, and jacuzzi. Gorgeous!

During most vacations, I'm ready to come home by the end of the week. This place...I never wanted to leave. We went there in 2000, and I'd still be there, if I had my way.


2010-08-30 03:45:50 UTC

Last year as part of my school's transition year program (a bridging year between junior and leaving certificate cycles in Ireland for those not in the know) my class and I went to Clogherhead in Drougheda for a "bonding trip". Scoff as we did at the idea of "bonding" most of the Ty group signed up to go. We hopped on a bus and as we neared our destination the radio presenter read out our request on air. It was the perfect start to an amazing two days.When we reached the Neptune Outdoor Adventure Center we were all fairly hyper. The next two days were filled with activities on the beach. For me the most memorable was the boat building (our aptly named titanic mark two sank), kayaking(being the slowest person to kayak but the rest of the class waiting for me and the surprise appearance of a seal by the side of my kayak) and pier jumping (plunging into freezing cold water from a height and helping others to do it too nothing more fun). It was special because of the memories that I have from it, the weird random things I learned about my class mates and the tiring but fun activites. Sure you can go to the beach and enjoy yourself but how many people out there say that they went to the beach and bonded with the people who came with them?


2010-08-28 00:04:47 UTC

I love Hawaii!

It's so relaxing...

A lot of homes are about a minute away from a beach, and the ABC stores everywhere make life so convenient.

The weather is perfect; about 80 degrees F all year long!

Everybody is so happy there- they live in such a cool place. What's not to be happy about?

Hawaii is a laid-back place... you can relax, and you don't have to worry about anything.

Although the living cost may be a little high, everything else is cheap!

Thumbs up if you love Hawaii!



2010-08-26 09:53:37 UTC

Going to Black's Beach in San Diego. It is a nude beach and I surprised myself by actually going in the buff. I met some of the locals and we went out diving in the ocean. It was gorgeous. I am an avid swimmer and we went out about a mile. I remember turning around and viewing the cliffs from my location in the water. Once we hit land again I felt like some kind of mermaid! I was pleasantly exhausted from the swim and amazed at how fit my body was...then we played volleyball. Nudity is the way to go!

Vivian Sze

2010-08-26 07:04:37 UTC

I was born on the beautiful island of Saipan. Because barely anyone knows about this tropical beauty, it remains relatively untouched by pollution. My favorite beach is located on a tiny companion island of Managaha, where I collected mini sand dollars on the shell sprinkled beach and scuba dived to see a wonderful assortment of tropical fishes. I loved this particular moment when I as swimming and a needle fish darted right in front of me! Afterwards, I was able to have my first try of a "breadfruit" with my classmates. With minimum commercializing and tourists, it's truly a great place to relax.


2010-08-25 07:15:40 UTC

HAWAII! i loved it there. My family rented a little beach house and it was so cute. There was a jacuzzi, a hammock, and the view was amazing. You could see the sun set into the water while laying on the hammock. Just ten meters away from the back door was the beach. I went snorkeling at a coral reef and saw a fish with knife like fins. I also saw a parrot fish! Then I went to a center and kissed a dolphin. It was fun to just relax and do whatever I wanted with my family. I also went to an amazing smoothie place and a restaurant right next to it. I would love to go to Hawaii again!!


2010-08-24 20:16:17 UTC

Oahu, Hawaii- This is where I feel in love with my husband all over again. Our relationship has been through a lot, but somehow God always seem to find a way to merge our hearts closer than they were the day we married. We were asked by friends to join them on a trip to Hawaii. We agree, but three weeks before we were set to leave, I was laid off my job. Of course, stress was at an all time high, but my husband told me that no matter how hard to work-he would ensure that I spent my 10 days on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii. Needless to say, he's a man of his word. We have never done anything like this before. I am a MS girl and he, a born and confined Atlantan. We knew that we needed it and so we managed to enjoy jetsking, para-sailing, while watching dolphins swimming below, snorkeling and miles of site seeing. To me it was a trip of a lifetime and he, a husband that will NEVER be replaced.

2010-08-24 17:09:24 UTC

I remember the time I went to the beach.. it was in North Carolina. Emerald Isle's. I was around the age of 4-6, in that range. We had rented our own cottage on a spread of more private beach.

My mom, dad, granddad, sister, and cousins all went.

I don't remember too much, but what does come to mind the most is running along the wet sand, with the incoming storm rolling in. I was running with my cousin, trying to catch up to our family ahead. He told me to be careful, for I'd get stung by a jellyfish, I believed anything back then.

This is a strong childhood memory for me personally. I love the beach and hope that one day, I take my family to this same place.


2010-08-24 09:36:45 UTC

When we took the kids to the Outer Banks in 2008. This was the very first time any of them had seen the ocean, and was our first real vacation - 13 years after we got married! We had the best time :) That first walk over the sand dunes was just amazing. We went back on 2009 and again this summer back in June. In 2009 and 2010 I went parasailing. This year was great because I got my daughter and her friend to go up in the parasail with me - we were about 500 feet up - spectacular views:) :)

New Trends

2010-08-31 02:57:56 UTC

according to me Crystal Cove, Barbados most memorable beach. A hop, skip and a jump from mainland USA, the island nation of Barbados thrives in our fall season. And the beaches are all different and breathtaking, but Crystal Cove here caught our eye because you can kick your shoes off and stay at the nearby all-inclusive resorts. No need to wander far with everything from boogie boards to umbrellas, and family friendly accommodations. Plan a fall vacation to the Caribbean and check out Crystal Cove.


2010-08-29 19:59:44 UTC

I went on a 12 hour ride with my daughter and 3 grandsons to the gulf. It was great to see the boys and my daughter in the water. All you could see was water and seagulls. I had a great time watching them play in the sand and water. They didn't want to leave. We spent a week there and driving. A lot of sight seeing going down and back. I showed the boys how to body surf small waves in to shore. I don't have any pictures as my daughter took them on a digital camera. The memory will be great though. I've been down there in 1994 to Galveston. The boys had never seen the ocean before(or gulf).


2010-08-29 18:57:59 UTC

When i was 6 we went to Prince Edward Island in Canada. Most Beautiful thing you'll ever see, the water was a little chilly, but there was a heated pool and hot-tub we were staying in, we took a cruise around the shore for a couple hours and saw all kinds of Whales and fish. I'd go back if i got the chance, it wasn't even that expensive either.


2010-08-28 07:55:26 UTC

i went to the bahamas two weeks ago and it was Beautiful we stayed at the ATLANTIS which is on the beach so it just toke about like 3 mins to get to the beach the first few days the water was cooling and small waves all i did was put on my life vest and lay out straight in the water it was so relaxing the next day i went to the beach it was a high tide but not that big i still just relaxed in the water the next day it was huge i was laying by the red lines are balls that warned us that there was deep sand and i was laying where i new my feet couldn't touch the water and this three big waves came and it washed my back on shore after that i was done with the beach and i went on some of the water rides


2010-08-26 15:07:34 UTC

South of Bangkok about 200 miles , a town with a new sparkling temple overlooking the Gulf of Thailand then down to phu*ket and north about 40 miles for dining on the beach on the Sea of Andaman ( seafood seafood and more seafood ) .

Both locations had fabulous scuba and snorkeling .


2010-08-26 11:16:06 UTC

I went on a cruise last year with my family. My favorite beach out of all of them was Bermuda. The sand was actually a salmon pink color. It was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. The sun was so bright, the ocean unbelievably blue. My sister and mom and I waded out pretty far and just swam around laughing and talking. It was a time to break away from the complications and struggles at home. It was wonderful.


2010-08-25 13:58:10 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation was with my best friends, Damion, Alex, and Aiden, at Miami beach. They were all 16 and Aiden's older brother dropped us all off at the beach. We all went swimming, and then, we couldn't see aiden anymore. I started to panic, cuz he is my best friend. So a few minutes went by and still no Aiden . Damion went deeper in and then we saw something red in the water. He looked closer and Aiden was being dragged down by a shark. I started screaming and Alex took me out of the water and called the peremedics. The shark let do of Aiden and damion dragged him to shore. Aiden was unconsious and lost a lot of blood. The ambulance arrived and we all got a ride to the hospital. They said he lost a lot of blood and needed a blood donation. Someone donated blood and Aiden woke up later on that night. Aiden broke a few ribs, and lost some flesh, but he was okay. A few weeks later he started feeling very sick. So he got tested and we found out that the blood was contaminated with HIV, Aiden is diagnosed with Aides and all because of a ******* blood doner! The hospital didn't even ******* check the blood and now he could die! His life is ruined all because of the trip to the beach! And it was my fault! If i hadn't suggested the beach, he wouldn't be crying himself to sleep every night! One day i hope he can forgive me and look past that day!

Pretty Maggie Money Eyes

2010-08-25 02:23:46 UTC

When I was younger we vacationed in Florida often. The beach was never nice for me, the sand was awsome to play with but the salty water made me itch! Snorkling was fun though, we went out on a little boat into the ocean and jumped off in an area where there was lots of sea life and a coral reef. It was so neat, but scary at the same time being so young and floating around in the middle of the ocean! We went on a glass bottom boat too, that was interesting.


2010-08-24 23:07:34 UTC

Me and my friend Kelly made it to the beach about 9 something at night with her mom and dad. I wanted to walk on the beach, under the moon so bad!!! (It was my first time being at the beach) So, we don't even sit down, we walk outside along the water where it's hitting our legs. I said, "Kelly, you know what this makes me think about?" She said, " What?" I said, " Like in them movies where a wave hits your legs and a shark bites you." About that time the wave hits us and we jump and scream. We laugh and walk about 5 feet when Kelly realizes she's lost her phone. We walk back looking for it and can't find it. I keep calling and calling. Then I see a flash in the water and dive for it,but before I make it and other wave hits and takes it away. We spent the WHOLE next day getting her a new phone. She wont let me live it down. But its a good laugh.


2010-08-24 12:38:47 UTC

This past November, I traveled to St Marten in the Caribbean. Since I speak french I decided to visit the french speaking side of the island. The scenery was beautiful. The Caribbean was crystal clear, Caribbean turquoise, and the people were warm & welcoming. Of course the world famous Orient Beach with it's renound nude beach was a curiosity.

For me, the serenity of the private beaches, away from the comercial, tourist ones were the most spectacular. There were mangrove trees, fragrant flowers, powder soft sand and a sweet smell in the air.

I swam out to a sandbar and layed there in the sun until the water lapped around my body.

After swimming back to shore, a young couple approached me on the beach stating that they had noticed me swimming back to shore. They had planned to dine a la fresco, seaside that evening and their staff would be arriving shortly with all the acoutraments. Would I care to join them for dinner? All they would have to do is alert their staff to add an additional guest to that evenings' meal.

I accepted.

Within 15 minutes, a host of serving staff set up a graciously elegant table abundant with fresh fruits, wines, freshly baked breads, cheeses & spreads followed by fresh fish, poi, & fresh grilled vegetables. I thanked my hosts & their staff for such a wonderful meal & dining experience.

My host couple were from Germany. They owned the beach front home beyond the dunes. They vacation upon their little slice of heaven each year from the end of November into the New Year. Family & friends visit them there very often.

When I asked why they had invited me so easily to dine with them, they stated that I posed them no threat & they enjoy meeting people from other places in the world.

We spoke of our backgrounds, some huomorous life experiences as we sat around a now warm glow from the seaside fire the staff had started for us to enjoy.

I soon felt tired from this glorious day and thanked my hosts for their graciuos invitations and bid them adieu. We communicate quite frequently on-line and I have a standing invitation to re-enact our first meeting anytime.

I ask you...how wonderful would any place be if a first meeting were so unexpected,so gracious?


2010-08-29 06:49:55 UTC

When I was little, our family had a cottage in the south of France, in a little place called Peznas. It was beautiful! We lived in vineyards, and we had vines all over the historic house. We had a fountain in the front of our garden, and in the back, we would often hold bon fires. After we moved to Canada, we sold the house because of the long distance. I also went to an island called Lanzarote and I went on a camel ride. It was so fun! I was about four years old, and I wore my first bikini! I will soon be going to Cuba in the winter, and I have also been to Barbados.

rugby numbah 7

2010-08-25 16:50:57 UTC

My favorite beach memory is not just of the beach, but who was there. In 4th grade my best friend moved from Arizona to Maine! When I was 13 my family planned a trip back east that included a stop in Maine to see her! We went to the beach with both of our families and had such a great time. It was like we were never apart! We both have little brothers, so they were friends too.

The beach itself was just amazing too. It had absolutely perfect boogie-borading and body-boarding waves, and it gradually got deeper, not dropping off. You could just wade right out into the waves and still be standing, and they weren't so strong that you'd be swept away. The view was gorgeous too.

After our beach day we went to a chocolate shop with a giant chocolate moose and bought tons of salt water taffy. I haven't seen my friend since, but I will always remember that day! And hope to repeat it:)


2015-08-18 14:14:12 UTC

I looked at my husband and we said, "why not. They know better than us" So we headed to the part of the building where there was an overhang. We made it just in time as the rain cooled the beach by 10 or more degrees and poured hard for 5 minutes. We watched as astonished vacationers hurried to grab their bags and run for shelter. We laughed as they were warned like everyone else was.

To this day that has been the most accurate weather report I have ever heard.


2010-08-28 13:57:06 UTC

I studied abroad on Ballina Australia for five weeks where I got to visit a number of beaches. My favorite beach has to be Shaws Bay. My best friend and I got to walk along a paved footpath to a peninsula where there was ocean all around us. We saw dolphins jumping and riding the waves closer to us. We saw whales in the distance blowing water from their spouts. Best of all we saw a whale swimming along the horizon. The sun was setting and the sky was turning numerous shades of pink and orange. To the left of the peninsula was a beach where local surfers rode the waves into the shore. We sat on the beach for hours just watching them catch waves. We wrote our names in the sand and took fun pictures as the local Aussies walked by. Even though it was their winter (our summer) we still suited up in wet suits and attempted to surf for the first time in our lives. I know we both wont ever forget this beach.

R. H

2010-08-27 20:12:24 UTC

Divi Little Bay Beach Resort in St. Maarten/St. Martin. Excellent food at the Toucan's Restarant (or any of the local establishments). Two cultures...Dutch and French. Warm aqua water, jet skis, snorkeling, para-sailing, fishing, 2 pools. Family friendly...clean beach with water so calm you can take your 2 year old for a dip with you. Try Le Mini Club in Marigot for their buffets Wednesday and Saturday (reservations a must!)...you won't be disappointed.


2010-08-27 16:35:16 UTC

The most memorable beach in my life is the Covelong beach, about 28 kilometers from Chennai where at the age of 12 I went for a swim in the sea with our family friends. We had delicious lunch soon after. The girls were a bit shy to swim alongside me.


2010-08-27 07:52:43 UTC

Destin Beach, Florida


2010-08-26 22:37:02 UTC

I come from a family with 32 cousins, and our whole extended family owns a cabin on Mayne Island, BC. It is a tiny remote island off the coast of Canada. The air is fresh with the smell of evergreens and the ocean. The ocean is full of shrimp, crabs, cod, and much more waiting to be caught. The water is frigid but you can always relax on the white sand beaches on the island. I, personally love the island because of all the wonderful memories that go along with it, but anyone could fall in love with Mayne with just one visit.


2010-08-26 16:14:45 UTC

One of the most awesome vacations I've been on was in Acapulco. The palm trees surrounded the princess Hotel which was absolutely gorgeous itself. Beaches of white sand with horses being riden by a few mounted security gentlemen. Going down to that beach or sitting in my hotel room patio sipping coffee from a silver pot was too spectacular view wise. All I could see was blue water and white sand and hundreds of palm trees with a pool between the trees. The clothes were beautiful and 3 to 10 dollars american money. The food was colorful and delicious and bountiful. It was definitely worth that 1,000 a week suite from my viewpoint with all the festivities you can imagine. Not to mention I got to fly on a private jet from Houston Hobby airport straight to Acapulco as a gift to me for my working for a very wealthy oil employee. It was unforgettable!


2010-08-25 14:49:56 UTC

I was at Oceanside, California at one of the beaches there. It was a full moon and the moon was shining over the waves, making the foam glow in the dark. One of the houses had a spotlight trained on the waves and as the waves broke, there was this exquisite line of silver light that flashed across the waves. It was so fleeting, yet hauntingly beautiful. I have never forgotten that evening. And I have never seen anything to compare since.


2010-08-25 09:48:38 UTC

My husband and I went to Hawaii for the 1st time in 1980. It was to be a business trip for me but we extended it to a 2-wk vacation and visited the 5 main islands. We stayed at 5 star hotels and enjoyed all the wonderful things those beautiful islands had to offer, luau's, native shows, water sports, shopping, the wonderful orchid forest in Kauai, the black beaches in the big Island and of course the white sandy beaches as well.. We visited Hawaii a few other times after that, but the first was like a honeymoon. Great memories!

Ed I

2010-08-25 07:12:30 UTC

Years ago, I went to the Bahamas during their Goombay Summer, after they gained independence from Britain. I was fortunate to meet a guy from New York who also scuba dived, and we buddied up for a dive in the Caribbean. It was amazing. The sea was like bath water: warm and clear. The view was incredible. We saw barracuda and all kinds of fish. It was so much better than diving in Southern California, where there is always a surge which makes it difficult to see very far. I could see for what seemed like forever. It was the best dive I ever had!


2010-08-24 21:38:41 UTC

I would have to say Wildwood N,J,. I was there for the summer and had a wonderful time on the piers. Morey's pier has a great water park and several rides for everyone. The beach's are very clean and the people friendly. Even the lifeguards are helpful if you need anything. I had a great time and loved the food!


2010-08-24 18:58:39 UTC

Malaysia Beach


2010-08-24 16:14:27 UTC

My most memorable seaside vacation came in High School. My school spent 2 weeks living on the beach (very literally). We washed in the ocean, cooked by fire and learned how to survive.

It was beautiful, challenging and exhausting. Now, all these years later, I still remember the lessons learned - like how to tell what time it is by looking at the sun.


2010-08-24 15:15:25 UTC

I went to a beach where the women were allowed to go topless. I was laying there in the sun enjoying the views when a girl walked by me that I had been in love with all through high school. She stopped and talked to me for quite a while. I could not believe my eyes as well as my luck. She did most of the talking as I was tongue tied. All of my fantasies came true all at once. She got up and just walked away. She looked back once and just smiled. I have not been the same since that happened.


2010-08-24 06:42:05 UTC

In the late 60's, a family friend took my childhood family to a Pensacola beach on the Gulf, for an evening out. We went late enough in the day that the sun was not too bright, the purpose being to catch crabs. A fire was started at a covered, cement, picnic table, and nets caught crabs as they walked-in to look for food on the beach. I don't eat crab now; I think the unclean foods are for cleaning the planet--a huge help from the Creator. Besides, although mention was made to not eat certain parts, nobody showed those parts to me and it was too dark to see what the adults were doing--I got a couple of mouths of something!

The amazing thing was to lie on my back on the sand, in the dark--before the beaches were filled with motels and restaurants--looking at the stars while breathing-in salt air. Millions of stars!!!


2010-08-23 20:22:55 UTC

For a friend's 14th birthday party, a bunch of us went to Long Beach, WA. Now, anyone who lives in Washington will tell you that the beaches are not the wonderful, warm sandy places depicted in the movies. While the weather was warm, the water was freezing. However, this did not deter us. We all went down to the beach and ran into the water like it was a swimming pool. We mainly just jumped in the waves and tried not to get eaten by the seal that was thirty yards away. Once the water finally got to us, we took turns burying each other in the sand in cool shapes. One of us was a mermaid, and my friend and I ended up being Siamese starfish because we ran out of ideas for sea creatures. The next day we were a little hesitant to go into the water because we had the brilliant idea of watching 'Jaws' the night before. Eventually we all dove in again, and ended up having to get out a bit earlier because it was just so darn cold. But, even if the water was freezing and I had sand lodged in my eyes and ears, it was still the most fun I've ever had at a beach.

2014-09-16 14:20:49 UTC

All tourist go and take pictures there. My friends and I flew from NJ to Miami FL, then rented a convertible Mustang and drove all the way down the Keys which took about 3 1/3 hours but very worth it. I've never seen view like this in my life. Definitely visit! It's a must!


2010-08-23 19:45:29 UTC

My family has been going to Fort Walton Beach, Florida every summer for 5 years now. It's the most beautiful place I've ever been! The beaches are like sugar, clean, white, & so gorgeous. The water is even better...you can see straight to the bottom. We do nothing but spend every day on the beach, just relaxing & swimming. I could spend all day, every day there. This summer was particularly special...with the Gulf Oil Spill scare (we thought our vacation would be canceled), we really cherished every second we got to spend on that beach & in the water. My mom, sister & I went parasailing, & I can honestly say it's the coolest thing I've ever done. I also went snorkeling & literally got to swim with the fish...just amazing. Tar balls washed up on shore our second to last day there...luckily, the beaches have stayed relatively unaffected by the oil spill from what I've heard.

I love Fort Walton, plan to keep returning as often as I can, maybe even live there one day! It's just a beautiful, magical place.

2014-06-29 19:38:45 UTC

However, we immediately decided that we needed to leave before we were completely covered. We rushed to grab some flashlights, but then noticed we didn't have any because someone forgot to bring them. So at 2:15 in the morning, getting dumped on and soaked by all the snow falling, while trying to put everything away and take down the tent, the only lights we had was from the moon, the nearby bathrooms, and my friend's little keychain flashlight.

BillyZeke YOU need TO SEE these HOME JOBS

2010-08-29 13:56:52 UTC

Most memorable when i was 16 yrs old the whole summer spent in Atlantic city with Mom and i worked as bus boy in same restaurant Carsons Triangle which is now gone !

and just had fun every day and nights off on the boardwalk met lots of girls had dates really sharpened my pool playing skills went to movies and i laughed so hard when i saw the ODD Couple that year the people behind me were in tears laughing with me !

2010-08-29 13:48:00 UTC

It might've been the time I went to the French Riviera with a school trip and one of the teachers suddenly developped a keen interest in getting pictures of all us kids which I am sure had nothing whatsoever to dowith the topless women in the background. Then again, it might've been the time when I went seashell hunting with my grandparents right after an oil spill. My clothes and shoes were ruined, and the shells had to be cleaned off with some sort of solvent when we got home.

...oh, you mean memorable in a good way? Nevermind.


2010-08-29 08:51:53 UTC

just a plain old windy beach in Cornwall with my family but it was lovely all the same:)

we were staying in a cottage that our friends had leant us so we decided to borrow their wetsuits and bodyboards and go to the sea...we were all quite different sizes to the people we borrowed from so we looked VERY funny waddling down the beach in either embarassingly tight or over-sized wetsuits. The water was FREEZING! but we caught wave after wave and they swooshed us right to the shore at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. It was so much fun even though i couldnt feel any part of my body from cold XD

when we got back all of us had dead white fingers and toes like little alien people

2010-08-28 18:16:23 UTC

Newport, Oregon.

I spent all my days with my younger brother adventuring through the "goat trails", as he called them, for miles and miles. We ran into hobo hangouts, empty at the moment but still scary, chased after lizards, made our own personal rock-climbing walls, found bushels of HUGE sweet blackberries at the handful. We always ended the day at sitting on top of "our" cliff to watch the sunset before we raced back to our rented beach house. He was only a year younger than me, we were 14 and 13 at the time. He past away from diabetes last year, I'll never forget that summer at the beach with him :'(.


2010-08-28 15:00:39 UTC

Paradise beach / Bubble beach.

On the greek island of kos, its really beautiful, i have been going back to the same place every year for about 10 years with my family cause we never get bored of it and its such a beautiful place.

Also there are some very nice beaches in south africa near hout bay, but the sea is very cold, and there are some beautiful beaches in ireland aswell.

I like beaches :)


2010-08-27 11:23:22 UTC

Well it wasn't the beach but I did go on a cruise and it was amazing. We got to relax everyday or you were able to do everything that they had! We went scuba diving and interacted with dolphins. The best part was being with my family and knowing that we all had an amazing time.

2010-08-27 09:24:12 UTC

I was surfing as the sun was setting at the beach with my sisters one day, when all of a sudden we saw dolphin's fins scooping up and down, over and under the waves literally less than five feet from where we were surfing. Even though I was nervous, they were so beautiful and it's a memory I'll never forget!


2010-08-27 08:17:20 UTC

During this past March, I went on vacation to Vietnam with my family. While we were there, we decided to take a trip to Vung Tau Beach along with my mom's entire side of the family. Although nothing big really happened, it was still very memorable because it was shared with people that I love, in a country that I love visiting.


2010-08-26 19:34:07 UTC

My family and I visit our relatives in Naples, FL every summer. On one of our vacations there was one evening when the sunset was just beautiful over the beach. The sky was orange and purple and red and it was gorgeous. That moment, with my cousins and siblings, just sitting on the beach looking at it. We then ran around in the water and it was so much fun. This was when I was just 8. Even though it was a few years ago, it was still so amazing to be with my family.


2010-08-25 20:05:35 UTC

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We stayed right on the beach in a huge house. Ocean views and instant access to the beach. It's such a nice area because the beaches are private you can't go on them unless you're renting the houses in the area. Hilton Head's such a great little area. Very "home towny"

2010-08-25 18:40:54 UTC

I was at a Barbeque on the beach on my last day of summer vacation. the sun was setting and cast an orange glow across the beach. a friend who i made while i was out there was with me too and we began to play soccer in the sand. he kicked the ball into the water by accident and i ran in to get it. he ran after me and we ended up having a little splash war. as the sun went down and the stars began to show through he grabbed onto my hand and we went on a moonlit walk on the beach


2010-08-25 18:28:26 UTC

A few years ago I got to chaperon my youngest son's 5th grade class on a 3day/2night trip to San Diego, Sea World and the Scrips aquarium.

We left our desert home in Arizona late one evening about 11 pm or so, on a nice tour bus trying to get some sleep. Of course everyone was very wound up and sleep was hard to come by. We made it into San Diego early the next morning at about 5 am. We boarded a small fishing boat which was supposed to take us out 'whale watching'. Well we never saw any whales, but that did not put a dimmer on things, since we got to put out a net and bring it back in. Bringing the net up was really hard work with all 30+ of us pulling until we could pull no more. The result was a tiny portion fo the ocean coming up to our ship. We touched sting rays and sea cucumbers, giant pink sea stars, and lots of other things. The return to the harbor was filled with laughter and some people including myself desperately spotting the horizon. I should not have had the on board coffee!

When we got back we boarded the bus, got treated to a nice breakfast somewhere close by and were dropped off at Sea World for the day. I got to be the 'cool mom' because no one else in the group wanted to do any of the rides, so I was soaked to my skin most of the day, taking some of the rides 5 times in a row in order to accommodate all of the kids that needed an adult chaperon on the ride. And all of this, on a balmy day in February!

When the day wound down we were driven to a nice stretch of beach and built sand castles for about an hour. We were told not to get wet; anyone that did had to get back and sit on the bus.

My son and his best friend were building a great castle, seemingly very content. I realized that they sat in almost the same position as my older son and his friend had a few years ago, so I went to take a picture with the ocean in my back. All of a sudden,out of the corner of my eye, I could see people scrambling away from the ocean. I turned around just in time to see a rather big wave coming in quickly. When I realized it was going to catch me fast I started running, made it two steps in and fell face forward into the sand. It must have been a hilarious picture seeing me pull my feet to my stomach in a last ditch effort to escape getting wet. I did anyway.

One of the teachers came over and teased me about having to sit on the bus right away.

After a night in a nearby hotel we got to visit the Scrips aquarium for most of the morning and then made our long way back to the Arizona desert. There was a lot of laughter and teasing going on during the ride back, but I still think this was my best seaside outing ever.


2010-08-25 12:52:01 UTC

I loved going to the Outer Banks, North Carolina with my extended family when I was younger. There is something about having food outside where you can see the water and the salt came from the ocean. We would always rent a beach house and it was cool to be in a room with my cousins and stay up way past our normal bed time and we could sleep until noon if we wanted to.


2010-08-25 12:33:38 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation happened right after I returned home from Iraq. My wife thought it would be a good idea for me to see more sand, and to visit relatives in my native Puerto Rico. So, two weeks after I got home, we got on a plane and landed in the island, got ourselves a hotel room and after visiting my relatives took our children to all the beaches in western Puerto Rico. Seeing sand again was not my idea of a vacation right after the desert, but the cool water and the children playing and napping under the palm trees enjoying the breeze and listening to the music really did it for me. It felt great! Come to think of it, I think I need to go see more of the sand at the beach!


2010-08-24 18:26:40 UTC

After a night of dancing my boyfriend (now husband) and I made our way to the beach. It was almost 2am, but we didn't care. Taking off our shoes we headed for the water. We promised to be together forever. It was the best night of my life. The night was something out of a movie. Warm summer air, fresh breeze. waves splashing against our feet, and the moon light shining down on us! I will never forget that night. It is the night I realized how much I loved this man and I knew at that moment that we would be together forever.


2010-08-24 17:15:14 UTC

Telok Chempedak Beach,Kuantan,Malaysia

Trekkiee Giirl :)

2010-08-24 07:34:06 UTC

A huge group of my friends and I went to North Carolina when I was 7 years old. There were four families there, including mine, and each had 2 kids. We stayed in a condo right on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. We went for walks everday, up and down the beach. We boogie-boarded, and body-surfed, made sand-castles, and bobbed in the ocean agaisnt the HUGE waves. But I think the best part of of it, was just being there with my family and friends!

And we're thinking of going again next year with one more family this time! I'll be 14 this time!

2014-09-02 18:56:27 UTC

We did the usual snorkeling and other beach activities. We only did one off resort excursion which went to Dunn's River Falls and Dolphin Cove. At Dunn's is a guided tour where you literally climb a waterfalls. Dolphin Cove was amazing. We got to swim with dolphins. Think of it as something like a dolphin show at Sea World except you are in the water with the dolphins and are part of the show. Very cool.

2014-08-21 01:23:51 UTC

Panama City Beaches are the most beautiful beach. In Panama City, There are so many things to do, you may want to extend your stay. Where one can enjoy a good quality meal and also there are lots of things to do such as Shopping, Golf, Fishing. The Adventure sports the main attraction of Panama city beach and rather than the museums, shopping malls, parks, zoos that attracts the most.

Rihanna Is Not Impressed

2010-08-28 11:17:15 UTC

My most when memorable beach vacation was when I to C.T. for my uncle's wedding. The reception was at a restaurant on the beach, but everyone was in dresses and suits, so my mom said I shouldn't go. BUT at the very end of the night she caved in and we all ran to the ocean. Although it almost picth black and the water was FREEZING COLD it was soo fun running up and down on the sand barefoot in fromal dresses with our high heels scattered around the beach!!!

Beach Babe

2010-08-27 15:09:23 UTC

I still remember visiting The Dominican Republic every summer since I was a child and I will never forget the my sister and I made a sand castle on the beach! It was the most cutest castle we had ever seen. Since we were amaturs at making them, we forgot to make the water hole and after our parents took a picture of us, we stood up and a big wave destroyed our work♥


2010-08-26 11:38:13 UTC

Well the one beach that I loved the most was the Verona Beach and it was FUN to swim there and enjoy eating and playing ton the playground with the little children that were at the same beach that I was at and I got to say that the beach was AWESOME and I loved to swim in the water it was some what cold and warm.


2010-08-25 22:19:53 UTC

1979, we were newlyweds and went to the South of France to a beach on the Mediterranean near Strasbourg. White sand, blue water so clear you could go in up to your neck and still see your feet clear as a photo. We went to buy me a bikini first in a local shop. It was a top-optional beach, I assume, because we saw all variations of humanity in all degrees of undress. As young Americans, we were too shy to take part, but I have never forgotten that Europeans of all shapes and sizes were amazingly comfortable with their bodies, and unconcerned that they were in a large crowd. Also, people brought children with them to this beach and didn't seem to feel that anything was amiss. Very different from what we were used to.

We had been told before leaving Germany that the French were generally rather disdainful and rude to American tourists (back then...?). So anytime we went to the snack stand, etc., all day, we spoke fluent German to the people and they assumed we were Germans and treated us very well.

Wonderful vacation! That was one of the highlights. A lowlight was a campground outside Rome, sleeping in a tent. It was so cold overnight that, rather than get out of my sleeping bag and trudge up to the facilities, I actually DREAMED that I did that, and peed my sleeping bag. Of course I didn't take any teasing for that.


2010-08-25 19:26:33 UTC

My family and I went to Jacksonville beach. We got a room corner room with the most amazing view on the top floor. Amazing hotel, beautiful, clean, sandy beach, not a lot of people, it was Heaven. The greatest part was just getting away from everything we have to deal with at home.


2010-08-25 12:45:51 UTC

When I was on vacation in Canada a number of years ago. The beach was white sands with dunes for miles the water was the most beutiful blue and you could see the bottom. The one thing that was most memerable were the sea gulls they took a bag of chips from a women and she was chasing them done with her umbrella. I never seen anything like it in my life. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the women.

2010-08-25 10:20:25 UTC

As as child my family always vacationed on the Jersey shore, in Wildwood, NJ. Now that I am older and married it has become our favorite spot to visit. The sounds and sights of the boardwalk at night, the ocean and clean beaches, the smell of coconut tanning oil on the beach and most importantly being with my family that I love so much.

ILuv Smokey

2010-08-25 09:12:46 UTC

Vacation? I live right alongside a beach on a small island off the coast of Maine. My vacation is every day. Every day I collect seashells and seaglass on the beach. I love going for a sunset ride on my horse on the beach. When you feel the water splashing on your bare feet and inhaling the wonderful salt air is heaven. Not a thing in the world to bother you. I have the kind of life that a city person would give everything for! To me, every day is memorable.

Amanda Welch

2010-08-25 05:38:13 UTC

I am 35 yrs old and just recently fell in love for the first time to the wonderfulist man in the world.. I had never seen a sunrise on the beach so one morning He & I went down to the beach and I got to experience this.. Pictures couldn't compare to this!! And Prince Charming sure could not have held a candle to Gregory... It was one of many memorable moments that He & I have captured together..

Tiffani Smith

2010-08-24 14:13:50 UTC

Luckily I am fortunate to live right on Virginia Beach, so everyday is like a seaside vacation. Some say one would get tired after seeing it everyday. Yet, every morning I look out upon the ocean it is like the first time seeing it over and over again. I am fortunate to live where I do and I am even more fortunate that I notice its beauty when others do not.


2010-08-24 09:36:43 UTC

As a kid I remember going to the beach with family and friends. One particular weekend we had a caravan of about ten cars packed with food, friends and family heading to a lagoon called Xiloa, not far from Managua, Nicaragua. Adults were roasting meat in a huge bonfire, listening to music and us kids frolicking around. We soon gathered in the water to tell scary stories. I remember looking up at a huge full moon, there were no clouds and everything was so clear that you could see beyond the darkness. There was a bunch of stars in the sky and oddly -- birds. We were all happy. I remember that day because it would be the last time we would gather together with our dearest and closest friends. War struck soon after that and many were scattered throughout the earth. Those who could get out did. It was a time that changed many of our lives. Today, those who were my parents age have died of old age, one by one, including my father, many never returned to their native country. Friends I frolicked with by word of mouth I heard news that they had gotten married and had children of their own and even grandbabies. I don't hear news of them anymore, but I still have the memories of those happy days, of happy times, of friendship that I will always treasure.


2010-08-24 09:34:38 UTC

My most memorable beach was when I went to bradley beach. I am a pre-teen but I went with my nef and niece and older sis. First we started off the day with pancakes. Then on our way to the beach. The beach trip was fun. I took pics of everything in jersey shore. The hospitals and a pic of the toll booth lady. When we arrived at the beach we walked on the edge of the water and we collected seashells. Then we went in the water. By the way I was the first one of my trip to get knocked down by the wave. The wave made me go flying. After that we went back to our site and ate lunch. After that we started making deep wholes and sand castles. We made a whole so deep that someone fell under. Then me and my nef played some football. It was so FUN. I was running down the beach if I were a football player. Later my niece and nef burried me. It was so fun. We went back in the water for hours. Then they three me into the waves. It was so frieken fun. After that my niece and nef and i made a hot tub. We surrounded it by sand. Then we put water paths so when the tide came out some of the water went in the hot tub. It was so fun. That is how we ended the day. I cant wait to go back to Bradley Beach. WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


2010-08-24 05:22:08 UTC

My first stop on my first cruise in Haiti. I usually hate beaches and ocean water, but the Caribbean is gorgeous. We were dropped off at this private beach, made our way to a private cabana where we waited to be escorted up a hill to a massage. The massage took place on a hilltop overlooking the lagoon, and was done while we were buck naked. Those girls were GOOD! When we were done we headed down to the beach and the water was like a luke warm bath and crystal clear. We sat and swam in there for hours only getting out to get a co*cktail and go to the big beach BBQ up at the point. Its is one of my best memories.

I feel better

2010-08-23 23:21:19 UTC

Miami Beach. Joined the Navy in Wi. when I was 17. Got shipped to Key West for Sonar school.

Went to Miami Beach for a week end. Wow. Ran into the ocean and did that undertow do a job on my nose. Got shipped to the Pacific after school. A beautiful piece of cake. I was in the ocean more

than out.


2010-08-23 21:19:56 UTC

Sailing in the Seychelles Islands, we anchored off of Lazio Beach on Praslin Island. The first time, it lived up to it's reputation as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We dinned within inches of the surf with our feet in the sand, swam in crystal clear turquoise waters framed by bright red rocks.

However, the second time we decided to stay and eat on the sailboat. So, as the began to offer another outstanding sunset we started cleaning the fish and octopus we bought in the market. Slowly we felt a growing presence in the reduced light of the setting sun. Reach for a flashlight, we realized we were being attacked by a swarm of the biggest black insects I've ever seen. Racing below we battened down the hatches and steamed in the oppressive heat. All was not lost, as we also brought of seafood meal below.

Fortunately, our visitors seemed to only be interested in the sunset and our fish and disappeared after the last light of the day was extinguished over the horizon.

2010-08-23 21:52:46 UTC

One of the few beach stories that I have is when I went to South Padre Island, TX this summer. The family bought boogie boards from one of the many huge tourist shops, and caught some waves at the beach. It was part of Schlitterbahn's property, so you could go back and forth between the beach and the shrimp restaurant they have. I collected many oyster shells and just laid in the moist sand, finding small sea snails and a crab as I dug into it. What a nice 15th birthday.

2010-08-27 05:51:58 UTC

It was back in December 2009 Sarova white Sands beach in Mombasa Kenya . I was always desperate in my life cos i thought i was not good enough n i thought i was ugly i really had a low self esteem , i didn't believe that much i always believed that all girls where better than me cos they could get whatever guy they wished for.

So i decided to take a tripe to Mombasa Kenya cos i need it so bad i need to find my true self n the person i really was .

While i was relaxing to the beach thinking about my life n everything i have been through , i didn't know where the voice came from but when i opened my eyes there he was a guy , he said hello n he told me that am the most beautiful creature he has ever seen .

He asked me my name n where i come from but i didn't believe that search a cool handsome guy was talking to me so i thought maybe i was dreaming , He asked me where i was staying n he asked me if i would like to have dinner with him .

I asked my self prenty of questions the fact that i didn't believe in my self n i thought i was not good enough, would this hot guy be asking a girl like me out .

I said yes n everything began .

That tripe made me discover the person i am n it helped me learn how to appreciate my self the way i am.

Found the man of my life n learned the person i was.

Reginald Flemmingsatire

2010-08-26 14:59:02 UTC

The freezing shore of Lake Michigan in January. Looks like a beach feels like hell may really be a cold place. What a rush is was to run in the freeze-breeze! How great a hot sandwich tasted afterward!

2010-08-25 12:53:36 UTC

This wasn't really down the shore, but my friend had her sweet sixteen in Maine, and she bought me and my other friend with her, and we had our own private "beach" on this beautiful lake. We were with two other families, both had kids our age, and we got along SO well, and we spent all day and night together. It was the best vacation I have ever been on, and I want to go back SO bad.

We got to go paddle-boating, kayaking, swimming, fishing off the beach, fishing off motor boats, they had a slide in the water that you could jump and slide off, and it was just a lot of fun, especially dinner time, the shopping day we went on, and the camp fire was AWESOME!

2010-08-24 18:54:41 UTC

A week I spent in the Yasawa Islands in Fiji, the water is like flat turquoise glass and clearer than the crisp morning air, there are hundreds of little islands that are uninhabited each with white sandy beaches, coral outcrops teeming with all kinds of fish and coral, and if you explore the islands they are all unique with rolling meadows or grassy hills.

I recommend it for anyone and everyone, its a real life changing experience, it reminded me how beautiful the earth is and what a shame it would be if my kids or the worlds kids couldn't experience it.


2010-08-28 15:14:58 UTC

I don't know if this counts, but Mackinaw Island in Lake Michigan is beautiful in late spring!!! My family went there for my brothers birthday. The island doesn't allow cars, so the air and sky was so blue and clean. The water was warm enough to wade. It was just absolutely gorgeous, That was the best beach/coast/island vaca i ever had.


2010-08-26 14:35:21 UTC

The most memorable one was when we went to myrtle beach NC after a hurricane. The pits in the beach were filled with salt water and we saw all kinds of trapped fish in the pools. Ever since then I like to visit beaches after a severe storm. You see all kinds of neat shells and creatures.


2010-08-26 13:53:19 UTC

My son and I often went to Rottnest Island, about 15 Nautical miles from Perth (Western Australia)by boat, when we could have special time (our secret holidays).

We were in love with - our Island!

We went to a movie and saw Pearl Harbour. The Theatre was much like my teen years of seeing movies - it had the old roll of Film and hessian seats.

Much to my sons horror, I cried a fair bit of the movie.

When we got our breakfast we had ordered in the morning, he put the tely on and the same thing was on each Channel.

I told him it was probably an in-house movie of Bruce Willis in die-hard or something...

I went to the bathroom and when I came out, my son had been watching tv, and totally listening, and said: 'No mom, it's something so bad and unbelievably true, that's happened in America.

It was our morning of The 9/11.

Much Love and...we will always remember...



2010-08-26 12:33:46 UTC

I stayed at this little thatched hut about 200m from the ocean and could hear the waves while lying in the darkness at night. Went swimming on white sand anytime of the day, sometimes at night, without any worries about schedules or sharks or jellyfish. The water was always warm. The food included heaps of fresh tropical fruits. And the snorkeling was excellent.


2010-08-26 08:39:31 UTC

Wow! We went to Tybee Island, Georgia for vacation, this year. Stayed at beach house that was absolutly the most beautiful place. It had nce pool with tiki bar. Everything about this place was jut amazing. Me, my husband, My daughter n son-n-law, and best friend and her spouse. We mostly just relaxed at the beach, pool, ate, drank lots of frozen tiramasus and almond joy's, Stayed a week at tybee and went to Savanah for ghost tour, carriage ride, dinner cruise, dinner at Paula Deens, checked out lots of history in Savanah.

Relaxing in the pool everyday after touring was the best thing. This was the best vac. ever. Tybee Island, though its small, is a great place to vac. and not as crazy as the bigger ocean resort areas.

before leaving on vacation don't forget to purchase beach towels and etc. Check out the items offered on. http://.www.prettyasapic1221.com This site is currently offering a discount for first time users.


2010-08-25 19:42:31 UTC

Staying at the Nakuti in Costa Rica, walking on the beach and watching the Halo Monkeys


2010-08-25 17:18:30 UTC

My most memorable was not only a vacation but renewing of our vows. My entire immediate family went to Honolulu, HI in october of 2006. It was a week of bliss! The first evening we couldn't get our bags to the room fast enough. Sent them up with the bell hop and we(tourists) ran to the beach. My daughter and niece were 2 years old and in their pull ups. It was hilarious. Mind you, we all had bathing suits but were too excited to go up and put them on. On the third day we renewed out vows. My hubby and I and my brother and his wife. We were only married 3 years, but we knew we were headed to Hawaii so we wanted to make it BIG!! Gazebo on the resort grounds, then reception in the ball room! Just awesome! We learned alot as well. I had no idea that anything (floral) given to us on the island must be returned to the island, or it is bad luck. The next day we took our lei's out of the fridge, our bouquet's and other flowers and threw them into the pacific ocean. It was beautiful! To make the trip even better, my little brother asked his, now wife, to marry him! Jet skis, pineapple plantation, sugar cane, pearl harbor, para sailing...all wonderful! Being able to make it a family vacation with my siblings and parent's...priceless. My daughter still talks about it and she was only 2 at the time, now 6.

2010-08-25 16:59:42 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation was visiting the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia. The weather there is unbeilievable, and the sand as white as snow. I had such an amazing time, I cant wait to go back one day


2010-08-25 12:38:07 UTC

Okay so this summer my best friend and I went to the beach and we went out on the beach at like 3 in the morning and we built a wide, but not too deep hole right near the beach access(not ours of course, someone else's) and so in the morning we watched like 35 people trip in the hole and I felt kind of bad but it was very funny and i'll remember it foreverrrr.


2010-08-25 07:57:23 UTC

It was on May of 2006 when I went to a river side near my hometown. I was sitting on a bench near the river view when a man about 13 years older than me approached me and ask for my name. I didn't really pay attention to him since I wasn't interested in making friends to anyone who seems a lot older than me but he was very persistent and even ask if he could sit beside me. Little did I know that he would be the man of my dreams. i was only 17 that time and I am 23 now. I still remeber how that memory changed my life for eternity. It was a memorable vacation because that was the time I met someone who has been a very big part of my lllife...


2010-08-24 11:30:15 UTC

When I was about 6 or 7, my family and I were @ an beach in Florida. I was wondering around by myself and ended up in the water. I though I could of swim but it wasn't as easy it looked. Before I knew it I was about 20 ft away drifting with the current. All I can remember @ this point was dogie paddling trying to get back but just getting farther away. My father saw my out their and came an got me. I was getting fussed at about me knowing I couldn't swim and what ever possess me to jump in. This is my most memorable beach experience.

Jamie Terrell Gilbert

2010-08-24 11:05:57 UTC

My dream seaside vacation, It consisted of My future in laws, My future husband, my best girlfriend, and three of my children..

We stayed six days on the most beautiful white sandy beach I have ever seen..Mexico Beach Florida..

I havent been to the beach in years, and this was a much needed vacation. My youngest of the children is three years old, and it was her first experience. I guess that is one reason it was one of the best beach trips. To introduce a young child to the most beautiful place on Gods creation is priceless. Not to menchine it was six days of relaxation with the man of my dreams..We had wonderful *us* time walking the shore, and there is nothing like being in Love and experiencing the Ocean together for our first vacation. Peaceful relaxation to say the least. And having my best *girlfriend* there as well, and getting to have relaxing girl time..I have to say it was one of the best times of my life..I would suggest it to anyone, especially if they are needing to get away from reality...

Luv Michael Jackson!

2010-08-24 10:23:26 UTC

My would be when me and my Love went to Long Beach, CA {Which I don't live far from}. I have been to Long Beach so many times...but this time He showed me things I've never seen before He showed me a whole new world! It was soooo beautiful and till this day I still learn something new about Long Beach...I love it the time we spent 4days there for New Years Day...It was Romantic and I would love to do it again!!!

Navy man

2010-08-24 05:51:55 UTC

my best beach story would have to be the time I went to Daytona Beach with my family.My aunts,uncles,cousins,siblings,etc.We all woke up in the morning on the first day and watched the sunrise and collected sea shells.The sun shining over the ocean waves is a magnificent sight to see.It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever experienced.Being there with family made it that much more enjoyable.Around this time the Sea Turtles were laying their eggs,so we had to be careful but the whole experience was wonderful.At the time I was only 13 but I can still remember and will never forget those moments.

2010-08-23 22:44:47 UTC

The beach in Barbados, called Sandy Beach! Which had pure white sands with the clearest of water you can clearly observe fish and other sealife swimming between your legs!. It was so welcoming, it was like getting into a warm bath. The bacians were just as warm, they convieniently sold some very relaxing and stunning stuff on the beach too! You know, ice-cold beers and crafts etc!!!!..lol


2010-08-23 21:34:00 UTC

The Seychelles. Got the privilege of visiting these wonderful islands when I was in the Navy. Having been all over the world and been to many many beaches, I can honestly say that none compared to the white sands and blue waters of the Seychelles. A local hotel there let us use their pool and other facilities without us even being guests. The locals there were very friendly. I wish I can remember exactly what island we pulled into, but I cannot. I would defiantly recommend a visit there to anyone.


2014-06-21 14:47:43 UTC

The night life was very entertaining. The main building had something going on every night. In the Aura lounge they had this performer, The Ultimate Chocolate. You sit around a large grand piano, he plays, and you pass a microphone singing karaoke. This same building has a disco bar that does not close until the last person leaves. So you can go all night long if you want.


2010-08-26 12:26:45 UTC

My best was just a simple vacation on the beach on Kelley's Island in Lake Erie. It was so good because one could swim, sunbathe, camp and fish in the same area. It was great. I made up my mind that there is the place I want to retire.


2010-08-25 05:18:48 UTC

I don't know if this counts b/c it was at night but I was in Costa Rica and a group of my friends and I went to the beach from our hostel and played football and swam all night. It was probably one of the best experiences of my life, there were so many good vibes going around, the water was warm and the sky was clear so we could see every star. It's funny I don't even know the name of the beach. We never went back there during the day.


2010-08-25 02:24:08 UTC

When I was a child my family lived a very modest lifestyle. My father was a preacher and we lived in a small town. But once we went on a vacation to Galveston Texas and I thought that was spectacular. And for my honeymoon, I asked to be taken to Galveston Island, and my husband loved the fishing and the boating and the beaches and the sand. Now I return every chance I get, which is only once every decade or two, but it will always be special to me.

Philadelphia Eagles

2010-08-28 08:55:06 UTC

We went surfing out at Sebastian Inlet, waves around 5 feet and glassy. It was 6 of us and we like to have chicken fights as we ride a wave in. After having fun for a few hours, it got more choppy and the wave pulled us towards each other and we all collided. It was fun, but the girls were scared so the 3 of us went back out for more until the waves finally fizzled. We all went for some awesome Mexican food which we usually do after surfing.


2010-08-28 06:06:47 UTC

When I lived in Hawaii we went to bellows for a weekend during surfer week. The waves were huge! If your familiar with Hawaii beaches I'm talking north shore huge. Although I didn't surf, I wore my boogie board out! lol. It was fun. and we all left our cell phones at home except for one in case of an emergency. It was nice to just spend time with the family.

2010-08-27 16:46:28 UTC

Going for the first time because it was such a neat experience when I was younger. Shark fishing, swimming, the amazing sun, and water were the best! However, some of the shops at some beaches are nice to bring along little souvenirs. :D


2010-08-26 19:52:50 UTC

In Hawaii, going sight seeing, taking a sail boat dinner at sunset, walking on the beach holding hands with the one that you love. going swimming in the ocean and in a pool that you have to swim under the waterfalls to a underwater bar, of course there are chairs up out of the water .

It is just Beautiful there .

Going to the 7 secret falls, having lunch out doors where the animals roam free !!!

This is in Maui.

Darla S.


2010-08-26 03:16:26 UTC

Naples beach in florida. So pretty. There was a low tide and it was slightly raining. Behind me there was a double rainbow. I walked down the beach watching the sunset until dark. Little children were playing in the sand and teenagers were trying to catch waves.It was beautiful

2010-08-25 21:55:47 UTC

Rio De Janeiro, Brasil is the best place with dozens of beaches. The girls are beautiful, and it is set in a particulary exotic part of the Atlantic Ocean. Green lush mountains in the back, bustling city, and the beaches are filled with all sorts of games, football matches, food, and people full of energy. It is quite exciting.

Eric Holowell

2010-08-25 14:26:56 UTC

Daytona Beach 1993. I was 9 no worries in the world. Made a couple hundred bucks mowing yards for $10 a pop push mowing. It was so fun great memories.


2010-08-24 20:39:18 UTC

Portofino, Italy. I was on my honeymoon. Our hotel was right across the street from a very private little cove. We stopped in the village at a local deli and picked up a bottle of red wine, some buffalo mozzarella, and fresh bread, and hiked down these ancient steps to the cove at sunset. We sat on the rocks as these tiny crabs began scaling the rocks near us. We watched the sun sink into the horizon as we snacked and fed specs of bread to the crabs that would scurry off with their wonderful new treasure. I miss Italy.


2010-08-24 17:48:27 UTC

When I was younger on a People-to-People student ambassador, I visited Normandy Beach.

I though it would be boring but it was captivating to see the ocean so close. The water was a little chilly but it was my first time at the beach. Seeing a historical sight like that is amazing.

2010-08-24 14:38:01 UTC

This was when I was only about 6 or 7, but I never forgot it. My family rented a nice little condo in Sanibel Island, FL, right on the beach. My dad was reading on the balcony and all of a sudden I heard him calling my name, I ran out, and he picked me up and low-and-behold two dolphins swam up on shore. The beach wasn't crowded at all so we could see them perfectly. We took an elevator down the complex to join the small crowd around them, but when we got to the beach they had already gone. First time I had seen dolphins outside of a zoo and it doesn't happen often!


2010-08-24 14:18:49 UTC

Traveling to Costa Rica on a tight budget. Some friends of mine and I went to find some adventure. We ended up taking a $5 bus ride half way through the country. We went through the cold jungle mountains and ended up in the southern part of Costa Rica know as Corcovado. It was amazing. It was so remote. We stayed in the deepest parts of the jungle for just under a week.

There was no electricity, no humans nearby, just us for 5 days in the thickest Costa Rican jungle. If you're used to camping in an RV, this camping wouldn't be for you. We ran across herds of animals we didn't know what they were. We saw so many tucans, spiders, and scarlet macaws that we lost count. We heard so many monkeys that we are now fluent in monkey. On the hike out of the jungle, we saw a wild tapir crossing a river and five minutes later a crocodile swimming up the same river. It was amazing. We were living something out of the discovery channel.

Every night before falling asleep was like wondering if you'd live through to see the next day. There were jungle sounds in every direction. I am sure we came in close contact with animals we don't even want to know about. I learned to value the comforts of my everyday life.


2010-08-24 10:00:50 UTC

Mine is when I went to the beach with my grandparents and my brother, in AC. our hotel was right by the beach and we went there all the time. I almost died by a huge wave that crashed on the shore. The hotel was the Tropicana, it was nice, the food was good, and the people were polite. I just recently went back this summer.

usha lall

2010-08-24 05:05:23 UTC

Calangute beach in Goa is also known as the Queen of Beaches. The period from November to February is the most pleasant to visit here. It's 15km from the capital city Panjim. The beach itself isn't anything special, with steeply shelving sand, however it's capacity is large enough to accommodate the huge number of high-season visitors.

The Calangute beach is usually crowded and the small resorts thrive in business during the holiday season. It is one of the most popular beach in Goa with a host of facilities to cater to visitors, including Golden sand along the beach and water sports.

Calangute beach lies on the shores of the Arabian Sea of North Goa in India. Calangute is the most popular holiday destination in Goa. Excellent accommodation facilites are available, particularly at the tourist resorts and cottages. It has also become a good investment plan to buy properties in Goa.

The beach in Calangute is also the perfect tourist haven, completed with shacks and stalls under the shade of palm trees selling everything from fried prawns and beer, to trinkets made of seashells. Its rainbow hued canvas has welcomed everyone to it always although it became popular across the globe only after the hippies discovered it in the 60's.

One of the places worth visiting nearby is the St. Alex Church. The Church of St Alex greets the visitors with its two towers and a magnificent dome gracing the façade. The inside of the church is a display of the line and beauty of its architectural style and attractive altars.

Calangute's nightlife is surprisingly tame and provides a nice break from the wild parties at Anjuna. All but a handful of the bars wind up by 10.00 pm. One notable exception is Tito's at the Baga end of the beach, which stays open until after midnight in the off-season and into the small hours of the morning in late December and January.


2015-02-18 20:04:15 UTC

Back to the resort. There is lots of activities included with the stay. There was a catamaran harbor cruise with all the rum punch and Red Stripe you wanted. There are Tiki bars located on the beach and the drinks are included. While on the beach all you need to do is plant a little green flag and they will take your order and deliver your drinks to you right on the beach.

Fred L

2010-08-26 12:56:27 UTC

My best beach experience was when I took psychedelic mushrooms and watched as lightning hit the water and beach at night on a beach on the Gulf side of Florida.


2010-08-25 12:11:38 UTC

my favorite was going on a crusie in the carribean :) allthough my ship captian made a good call when it was storming badly this january at 7am in a hatii port and left the port heading for jamica 100 miles away we felt a sudden shake of the ship..curiously wondering what was that a few moments later the capitan came on and said we had just missed a earth quake in hatii, happy that i wasnt on the massive zip line i had been planing to go on that day when the quake had struck, but the rest of the vactaion was very fun and a very good experiance. it made for a good story to tell the kids someday


2010-08-24 22:36:21 UTC

My husband and I just got married in a little gazebo overlooking the beach in Sandusky Ohio. The weather was absolutely perfect with sunny skies and beautiful clouds and the waves rolling in from the lake. It was quiet and peaceful. At night we can step out onto the deck of our cabin and listen to the water. With the moon being full we can even see the breakers as they roll in.

2010-08-24 19:58:20 UTC

Dominican Republic - kite surfing, windsurfing, scuba

i got my scuba license there. It was gorgeous and the water is so blue and clear and amazing.

Been to Hawaii, live in San Diego, so I know what a good beach is and the Dominican Republic is so beautiful.


2010-08-23 18:10:36 UTC

Because I live in Florida, I am surrounded by beaches. My best visit to the Jamaican beach was when I learned how to surf when a tropical depression was not too far from our shores. A tropical depression creates at most huge waves and a high tide which isn't dangerous but very fun. I also jet skied around the shore and my parents went on this huge trampolene in the far part of shore about a quarter of a mile away.


2010-08-29 18:21:19 UTC

My favorite memory of a beach vacation is watching New Years Eve Fireworks on Maui, Hawaii when I was a kid with my family. I have never seen anything so beautiful, they reflected off the water and the boats. It was great!


2010-08-26 20:45:36 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation was recently when I went to Pensacola Beach, Florida. I went their for just three days to visit my boyfriend who is serving in the Marines. I loved every moment I spent their with him. He threw me in the ocean when I was wearing my normal clothes and we just sat on the shore looking at the beautiful beach. What I loved the most was when we walked down the beach holding hands. I remember like if it just happened yesterday. I just wish I could be with him right this moment! :'(

2010-08-25 19:00:46 UTC

Me and My mom were walking on the beach together at Sunset,the sky a beautiful orange and pink color. We were both walking barefoot and I loved the feeling of warm damp sand on my feet. And when we got there,there was a wedding! We watched the wedding from a safe distance,and when it was over,we continued our walk by the low tide water. It was very memorable,and maybe I might have my wedding on the beach too.


2010-08-25 11:10:42 UTC

Outer Banks, North Carolina


2010-08-25 09:34:27 UTC

It was the first, and so far, the ONLY, time I saw the ocean in person (instead of on T.V. or pics). And it was in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I was in complete awe. And the sound of the surf on the beach was something that lulled me to sleep foor the three nights I was there. I was fortunate enough to have stayed in a hotel that was right on the beach. I can't wait to get to go back!


2010-08-24 20:59:14 UTC

Hello everyone! My fondest memory of the beach would be when I was 8 or 9 years old. I remember the smell of the salty seawater, the granules of sand between my toes...the screeching of gulls as they fight over pieces of my burnt hot dogg as I throw it upwards into the sky. Then, I remember grabbing my boogeyboard and heading into the waves. I remember the waves and how big they loomed over my little 4' frame. I recall trying to ride my boogeyboard back to shore with the waves. I did...then I try to stand up, only to be knocked down by another strong wave. I recall standing up again and running to my mom...who was so proud of my little wave ride. She had the biggest smile on her face and pride in her eyes. I washed the sand from my hair and body, & wrapped in a towel, headed home.

Dave Deleon

2010-08-30 07:44:13 UTC

My close friends and fam. had tried 2 tell me about the love of christ and that I should invite him into my heart. well years went by with this gnawing at my heart. One day I knew I had 2 do something so I went 2 the beach alone in Guadalupe, Ca. I looked up and down til I couldnt see anyone anywhere. then I spoke the words,, " LORD, JESUS, I dont know if what people r saying about u is real, but if it is, please come into my heart and change me. I surrender 2 you. please be my SAVIOR." from that moment on ive never been the same person. I ll never b a perfect sinless person but through his help, I can have peace knoing that he lives in me.


2010-08-30 03:08:42 UTC

It was fun going together with family, lots of people.

I went to Sihanouk Ville in Cambodia, and it was real fun. At the beach, we played sand castles, catch crabs, swimming and eat seafoods for both lunch and dinner.

The air was fresh, that was good.

We did a little bit of fishing with a scarf to catch small fish and return back to the sea.

One day, my nephew found a special weird creature and showed me.

We observed it then.

It's family time, rarely to have one, so it's real fun, that I played a lot with my cousins and nieces, nephews.

But we're just being sad after coming back home.

Still nothing to be forgotten.


2010-08-28 21:11:32 UTC

Emerald Coast, FL. The water is clear blue and green in various spots. I went snorkeling and I could see all these small fish surrounding me and rocks right beside me. There were no reefs, but with the whitest sand you could ever find and one of the most beautiful and scenic waters surrounding you, it didn't matter at all.

It's just too bad about the oil spill. If you see that part of Florida you would think that the oil killed its image.

2010-08-26 08:25:20 UTC

Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

Maharaj K

2010-08-26 07:09:17 UTC

DIGA BEACH in Medinapur district of west Bengal is the human savy beach.Here you can find lots of varieties of tortoise> a lover of tortoises must see this beach.

The Location of Digha is 21°G’N 87°33/E/21.68°N 87.55°E. The average elevation of Digha is 6 meter (22feet). It is situated at a distance 183 km from Kolkata / Howrah via Mecheda and via Kharagpur this distance becomes 234 km , probably this proximity has helped emerging this small hamlet as popular weekend gateway. The connection between Digha and Kolkata / Howrah has been made by highway and also via Tumluk rail link has been made for communication with Digha.



» Shankarpur

» Junput

» Frazerganj

» Sagardwip

» Bakkhali

History of Digha

The place in which Digha lies today, was named as Beerkul. In Warren Hasting’s letter this name Beerkul was referred as Brighton of the East. In 1923 an English tourist Jhon Frank Smith started to live here and his writing about Digha helped to increase popularity of Digha. Due to his request Mr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, The Chief Minister of West Bengal at that time, developed the place as Beach Resort.

In West Bengal one of the most popular Sea resort is Digha, having location south west of Kolkata . It is at a distance 187 km from kolkata and known as the best East Brigton’ for a holiday. Digha’s low gradient is billed with a shallow sand beach with gentle waves stretching 7 km in length

Here, From the Start of beach, sea starts about a mile away charming and lauring beautify the sight of the place along the coast , casurinas plantation also beatifies the sight of this place apart from beatifying these trees also reduce the erosion on the dunes.

The most attractive seen is viewing sunrise and sunset from the beach a most fabulous, mind blowing, amazing, beautiful seen can be viewed when the sunsets and the sunrises reflect of the salty water of Bay of Bengal .

The sea at Digha is safe for swimming because it is calm and shallow for about a mile from the beach .


2010-08-25 17:43:02 UTC

Santa Marta Colombia


2010-08-25 08:55:10 UTC

I remember one time when I went to Cobourg beach with my family. We were swimming and having a lot of fun. The life guards blew their whistles and called us out of the water. Nobody knew what was going on, we saw a rescue helicopter. We got out our cameras and zoomed in on the helicopter. They dropped a rope for a drowning person. The person grabbed hold of the rope but fell back into the water. The helicopter sent down a rescuer the rescuer grabbed hold of the person drowning and pulled them out of the water, halfway up the rope, they fell. I'm guessing the waves and wind were both really strong. It got so bad that they sent out a boat to rescue the people. I don't know if they fine or not.


2010-08-25 01:37:30 UTC

My most memorable moments was when I finally seen the Pacific Ocean on my spring break when I was 11 and my little brother was knocked down by a wave (LoL). And the 2nd is when I went into the Atlantic Ocean in Atlantic City, NJ during my summer vacation after graduation when I was 17.


2010-08-24 20:35:40 UTC

My most memorable trip was turks and caicos. We stayed at Beaches hotel and it was lovely there. They had a water park, lazy river, pools, beach activities and fun things to do at night. The food was delicious and the resort was a great size. I went on a catamaran one morning, went parasailing, kayaking, banana boating, and so much more. And to top it off the water there is gorgeous!! It was a trip I"ll never forget.


2010-08-24 14:10:53 UTC

Well recently me, my sister, my friend, and her mom all went for a weeks vacation in a cottage on the beach. It was soo much funn!! i will never forget the night the three of us went on the beach and just fooled around until like midnight then we just sat there on the cold sand looking at all the stars and the moons refection on the water. It was so peaceful and so amazing, its like with all the craziness of running around and doing everything during the summer that there was just one simple night of relaxation and i will never forget how amazingly fun the trip was and i hope to do it again next summer!!:)

Lisa H

2010-08-24 10:57:24 UTC

I went camping on a beach with my boyfriend and it was late so we were getting ready to go to sleep. But there was a really loud group down the beach and I look out the tent and I saw my car and fire. So I jumped up yelling and screaming trying to get to my car throwing sand at it when I realized it was a bond fire behind my car down the beach. Needless to say my boyfriend thought I was crazy but my car was safe.

Ryan S

2010-08-24 08:00:50 UTC

my girlfriend and i went on our first real vacation together and went to fort lauderdale, fl. the beach was fun but like usual it was jam packed and it wasnt the same. we got the chance to catch up with a friend that lived a few hours away and we walked across the street and tbhrough some bushes and there was a small beach with nobody on it and there were seashells everywhere! everytime you stepped you were on probably 30 to 40 seashells. that was really awesome. it was very remote and nobody came to it for th rest of our vacation so it must not be known about too much. it was amazing because one night you could see a stingray jump and smack the water and also a dolphins dorsel fin as it swam around. it was perfect!!!!!!

2010-08-24 05:49:26 UTC

The summer of 2002 my boyfriend and I rode our motorscooters (a Bajaj and an ancient Vespa) all the way around Lake Michigan. He was between semesters and I was out of work, so we took a few weeks and camped out in sleeping bags on the down-low, mostly on beaches, in the dunes, etc. I'll never forget looking ahead across the Lake and seeing the towers of downtown Chicago peeking over the horizon, playing tag the full length of the Mackinac Bridge, watching the sun set as we shared a bottle of local wine at Sleeping Bear Dunes, or seeing two bald eagles fight over a fish one of them had just pulled from the Lake in the UP. And the people we met just hanging out on the beaches were great. It was the last summer we had, and a great experience.


2010-08-23 23:47:50 UTC

My most memorable beach vacation moment was having a picnic with my girlfriend and taking a walk thorough the beach feeling the warm wind moving thorough my hair and the sound of the waves was purely intoxicating and then i stopped and held her hand firmly and then I looked into her eyes then I passionately kissed her and slowly leaning back and I said "how was that" Then she replied it was a dream Then I looked up to heavens to view the most powerful sunset while lying down with my girl friend. That is my favorite beachside moment.


2010-08-28 15:31:05 UTC

When I was really young we got this German Shepherd. A few days later we decided to go to the beach at night. We walked on the beach letting him of the leash and he ran in circles jumping in the flowing night sea :) Then fireworks started and he looked everywhere to see if he can bite them and set them off fire. He's now old and each 4th of July he jumps on the fireworks and tries to eat them. I loved our time at the beach, and till this day I still remember. :)


2010-08-24 21:29:26 UTC

Once it was raining out and i was standing on the Beach in Edmonds and these two seagulls were standing together under a big rock trying to keep each other warm and one seagull flew away but the other one started crying and seagull screaming the whole time the other one was away... It jjjust reminded me of Love...

Nuf Ced

2010-08-24 09:42:38 UTC

A rainy day in Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. My wife and I were staying in a small hotel that had a bench built into a bay window. The soft gray light was wonderful as was the hot cup of coffee and the book I was settling into.

Star ツ

2010-08-29 18:31:00 UTC

The only beach i've been to was Venice Beach (Or i don't really remember the name right) In LA

It was a little crazzy because i didnt know that if you just stood there the water took you back to shore as if you were as light as a leave! it was crazy! but fun! =D


2010-08-29 14:24:38 UTC

I went to Florida and got to swim with manatees! There was a really friendly one and came up and nibbled my face and fingers! Haha it was amazing! Also, if you rubbed its sides, it would roll over and you could rub its tummy! It was the cutest thing ever! After that, we got to swim in some crystal blue water. There was a fallen tree that was completely under the water, and a bunch of beautifully colored fish were swimming around it. That was an unforgettable vacation!


2010-08-29 13:59:09 UTC

the oregon coast with nice white wave caps thundering against the red rocks and above these rocks were the greenest fields i've ever seen and a nice icy blue sky to look up to. The mist from the waves was cold and refreshing and somewhat relaxing and the seagulls hovering above the sky made it even more relaxing.


2010-08-28 13:59:59 UTC

Puerto Rico


2010-08-28 13:03:29 UTC

The most memorable seaside/beach vacation for me was in Venice beach, Los Angeles!

2010-08-28 11:14:50 UTC

My 5 friends and I live in North Carolina. For my oldest friend Chelsea's sweet 16 we decided to go to Myrtle beach South Carolina.

It was 60 degrees out but we still went in the water. we rode bikes and had a bonfire.

we really enjoyed our time together (:


2010-08-28 08:42:28 UTC

Savannah, GA. Awesome beaches and seafood. I am not much of a beach fan but It was fun. Not too crowded and good waves for boogie-boarding. We even saw some dolphins whilst swimming (they were out pretty far, so don't worry about sharks or anything).

They also have marshes you can canoe in in you are interested in that. Overall a lot to do there.


2010-08-27 14:01:21 UTC

To JOnes Beach and on the sand for 1 hr

☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼

2010-08-27 09:48:53 UTC

The island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands is truly t6he best beach vacations we have taken. We enjoy it so much that we bought a condo there, so we have a place to call home when we go. :D

We have many pictures posted on Face Book. :D

Peace and Blessings


2010-08-27 00:38:14 UTC

Lying on the beach, no blankets no nothing. It's nighttime and the stars are out. All of them. Just submerging the two of us in the world of glittering dots above us. The gentle brushes of the waves splashing against the shore; our feet underneath the sand. It was cold, I had my arm around her.

And we watched the sun go down. And the sun go up.

The whole night.

Me and her.

And the sea.


2010-08-25 21:56:47 UTC

My husband and I made plans to go to Hawaii, a dream vacation for me. He suddenly became sick and died, after surviving meningitis without complications. So a friend and I went to Hawaii, to Hilo and Kaula. When I stood on the white sand beach, I cried as I remember my decades with my soul mate and our plans. But in those tears were the joy as I looked at the cloud in heaven and goodbye.


2010-08-25 03:33:21 UTC

Me and my friend went to the Black sea in Russia, Novorossiysk. The thing that made this beach memorable was that it wasn't sand beach, it was full of small spherical stones and I thought they hurt but to lay on them feels like receiving a massage. And the water was warm of course and the sun mm..:)

2010-08-24 08:20:05 UTC

The Outer Banks in North Carolina. We rented a beach house with cable TV and had a private beach. It was sooooo nice!


2010-08-26 11:47:37 UTC

well my most memorable beach vacation was taking a trip to st. martin. i went with my mom over winter break in February. the place was BEAUTIFUL. we ended up taking a mini boat ride to this lil island right next to st. martin called pinel island. it was adorable and i ended up going snorkeling. It was such an amazing experience because i learned so much about sea life. it was very educational because the equipment they had was so cool. i wish i could relive the experience over and over again. the only negative thing that came out of it was my back got sun burned :(

nutella :D

2010-08-28 11:07:09 UTC

2 years ago my family went to Cozumel, Mexico. It is absolutely gorgeous there! It is the perfect temperature, nice flowers covered the buildings, the sunsets were amazing and the hotel had the greatest buffet EVER! We got to swim with the dolphins, and that was really a great experience. I will never forget that trip.

workingclass ryan

2010-08-25 22:39:16 UTC

St. Thomas. Awesome beaches and great snorkeling that was really cheap to rent equipment. People are friendly and relaxed. Worth spending the money to go there at least once.

Jacob v

2010-08-24 08:16:58 UTC

I just went to cape hatteras (an island off the coast of NC). I loved it there. We camped basically right on the beach! Volleyball on the beach, body surfing the waves, and campfires on the beach.


2010-08-29 10:04:58 UTC

Tramore in Waterford when i was a child. I was with my mother and we walked the beach every day,went to cunninghams chipper (best chipper in Ireland in my opinion) and went on the amusem*nts there. Everything was magical back then and i was so innocent. I also made great friends there during those summers. I'll never forget them days and still look back at it with longing.

2010-08-27 21:17:41 UTC

In michigan near traverse city we stayed on a lake front house with a dock and a kayak. It was so much fun!!! even though the water is cold its stilll gorgeous the sun sets really late and the way its on the water is beautiful!! It's perfect for collecting shells and whatnot... also the water is really shallow until u go out real far sooooo its nice for wading in too. DEFINATLEY RECOMMENDINGG!!!

2010-08-27 18:47:10 UTC

Surfing in Aquitaine, France.

The light, the ocean, the waves, the loooong sandy beaches, the atmosphere. Every thing was just perfect.


2010-08-27 16:09:20 UTC

Last summer, my girl scout troop and i went to Galveston Island for 3 days. We rented a beautiful, old style beach house that was 1 block from the beach, and right next to this bbq restaurant. We also went to schlitterbahn and the moody gardens. it was so awesome and before we left, we went to a gift shop that was floating on the ocean! it was SOOOOO awesome!


2010-08-26 12:09:09 UTC

Well I like to go to the Verona Beach and go swimming in the water with my family and my cousin`s and I also like catch the football with my brother and the little kids and the big kids too and I also like to play on the playground with my sister and her boyfriend and I also like to eat a snack and have a drink of soda. I like to run around with the little kids at the beach.

2nd Best Killer

2010-08-25 20:11:36 UTC

In 2005, me and my parents went to the north part of Peru. It was amazing, there are beautiful beaches there and there are a lot of friendly people and the food is the best I've ever tried.

Cold Blooded

2010-08-25 19:42:20 UTC

A couple days ago in Maui. Beautiful sunsets and water. The water was warm 24/7 and the salinity was high so you could float effortlessly. It was extremely relaxing, until what was the size of a bee that was all black with bright orange wings pressed his butt against my foot.

Yoi and Double Yoi

2010-08-25 10:05:52 UTC

Wildwood, New Jersey when I was 19 (back in the Stone Age. lol). I went with 3 of my buddies, the first parent-less vacation for any of us.

It was a different world back then. The legal drinking age of 21 wasn't a national thing. We were legal in Jersey. Each day, we'd stop in the beer store on our way back from the beach, and viewed like our own personal smorgasbord. We didn't spend the entire trip wasted, but we did take advantage of our legalness.

I wish I could say we were perfectly behaved gentlemen the whole time there, bud I'd be lying....although on the whole we were pretty good. Didn't get arrested...didn't get thrown out of any places....didn't get into any bar fights.

Why so memorable?

Well, the novelty of going away without the rest of the family, for one thing. And finding out that, while we weren't entirely grown up yet, we could function on our own for 9 days without any disasters befalling us.

For another, one night at the Shamrock we were dancing with some young ladies, two of them who were students at Pitt, like me....once sophom*ore year started, I looked one of them up, and we dated for a few months.

Also, that trip was where I tasted my first Yuengling. Of course, to be truthful, I also had my first Dos Equis, my first Coors and my first Corona.

Funny story...one day a beer called Wiedemann's caught our eye, so we tried it....probably the worst beer I've ever tasted. Apparently, it was a regional brand from down South, because there were some guys from Florida at our motel, and when we mentioned it to them, they started laughing, and said that down where they live, they call it "Wee-Wee Man's" beer.

James P

2010-08-24 16:02:52 UTC

Barrow Alaska the northern most point in the US early July snow flurries warm us as we venture into the water. We refuel later on some wholesome whale blubber memorable to say the least.


2010-08-24 14:00:40 UTC

My little sister always wanted to go to Hawaii. She'd never been to the beach before. She was suffering from Leukemia, a very serious cancer. She was being treated with chemotherapy, but it kept coming back. We spent months saving money, but we finally saved enough to go. She was afraid of flying, so she kept her eyes closed the whole way there, with earplugs in her ears. I remember she landed and we got off and there was the beach. Just the look in her eyes, made it all worth it. All the saving and hard work, and the long ride was worth it. We went and played in the water for hours. Then we left and went to our condo, right on the beach. We ate all our meals laying in the sand, water beating against our legs. We spent a day at an aquarium, just looking at the fish. We went snorkeling everyday. We had a waterproof camera, and we would take pictures of ourselves underwater being silly, the fish surrounding us. It was the best time of our lives. We went to a coffee plantation. There were 5 baby geese she fell in love with. The owner let her hold them. It was the best time of our life. She passed away in Kona, Hawaii on July 2, 2010. We had her funeral there. The whole family came to say good bye to her. We all dressed in purple, her favorite color. Her grave was covered with lily's her favorite color. You could see the beach from her grave. The same beach she saw getting off the plane. The same one we lay at to eat. The same one we took pictures underwater at. A part of her will always be there, playing in the water laughing. The same way it used to be. Rest in Peace Scarlette Melody Mitchells age 9. <3

"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side

Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,

In the sepulchre there by the sea,

In her tomb by the sounding sea. "

Michael Z

2010-08-24 07:09:49 UTC

Laguna Beach. We lived near it for a few years and went to it as often as possible. It became the beach I judged all others by. People were there, but not too many, water was nice, beach was clean. I can't think of a single negative about it.


2010-08-24 00:25:03 UTC

Three years ago, my precious daughter and wonderful son-in-law got married at an elegant estate overlooking the ocean near Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. It was so beautiful and the weather was perfect. She walked down the aisle of grass and exquisite Hawaiian flowers, while her Hawaiian singers sang Izzy's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Of course, my daughter looked gorgeous wearing a mermaid dress with red with white polka dot 4-inch high heels!!! A couple days later, my husband, daughter, & I went to Hanalee beach (home of Puff the Magic Dragon) !

Ben Stiller, the actor was checking out the Island for a movie "something Thunder" (forgot the first word -- tee hee -- Morton Downy, Jr. was in the movie, if that helps. Jewel, the singer also rented our beautiful Paradise. Oh, Ben didn't come. I was hoping for an "Oprah wedding crasher scene.)

Our bedrooms had sliding doors to walk out onto the beach. I was awakened at 4 a.m. and thought someones porch light was shining in my eyes. As I tried to figure out how this was happening, I realized that the moon was setting (or sitting) on the ocean, just as bright as can be. I have heard of watching for the sunrise, but I can assure you that the moon dipping into the ocean is just as spectacular.

Thanks for letting me drift back to my daughter's beautiful wedding. Muhalo and Aloha!


2010-08-23 20:36:05 UTC

We were celebrating the Second Sunrise Festival in the Philippines in November 2004. This involves rising up very early in the morning and sitting on the beach before the sun rises and greeting the sun with spiritual songs. I was with about sixty other yoga practitioners, artists and musicians from all over the country and some American artist friends. We hiked from the populated and famous side of Boracay Island, crossed to the other side of the island, and selected a rocky islet adjacent to the beach which was more secluded and where only a few snorkelers and sea bike riders were in the water. It was very quiet.

We played our musical instruments and sang spiritual songs. It was very inspiring to do it and see the sun slowly coming up the horizon. I felt like I was so close to God and that He was extending His hand to touch me. We did group meditation after the singing. I know everybody else was inspired by the experience.

Don M

2010-08-23 20:12:40 UTC

Re-posting, as somehow or other this didn't get posted.

This wasn't exactly beach or seaside, but it was "waterside" and very peaceful.

Back in 2004, my wife and I spent our anniversary at Canoe Bay (Chetek, WI), at an isolated resort with about 12 luxurious cabins on approximately 200 acres of forest. 1 phone on the property, and we were out of range of any cell phone towers. We went hiking / walking in an area that seemed so undisturbed by people that we actually surprised a deer sitting about six feet from the path, and there were numerous bunnies and other small animals that didn't appear at all fazed to meet a human.

Here's a picture:


It was totally idyllic. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

2010-08-23 17:09:09 UTC

My Most Memorable Holiday Has To Be My Last Two Years Summer Holidays To Stalis Crete Greece, The People Made You Feel Very Very Welcome, Even Though There's Not A Great Deal To Do The Friendliness Of The People Make Up For This, All In All Both Holidays Where Very Very Relaxing And Enjoyable, We Are Thinking Of Going Back There Next Year For Our Summer Holidays.


2014-09-14 07:05:03 UTC

We enjoyed rainstorm,s sunsets, sunrises, clear dawns and the company of gulls; I collected shells on the beach there and we visited a n abandoned lighthouse I wrote a poem for; and the full moon above the attractive bay was unforgettable, as were the sailboats that seemed flecks of white paint out on a blue water.

2014-08-21 19:23:10 UTC

On the way back from the beach that day, I found a human hip bone. Villagers stared at me as I carried it back, wrapped in a palm leaf. Nobody at my "eco-camp" believed it was human until I brought it up from the internet. Later in the trip, I dropped it off at a police station--they also didn't believe me. Perhaps it was the last piece of a missing person. Who knows?


2010-08-27 14:02:07 UTC

My first vacation at the beach where my sister's family had rented a place right on the Gulf. The airport lost my luggage and didn't find it until the day we were leaving. I learned a lesson. . .always carry what you need with you. . .never trust an airline to have your necessities.


2010-08-26 20:44:39 UTC

Going to the lovely Jamaica, the beaches are to die for, beuatiful water and sun to soak up. Also heading out to Dunn's River Falls and the various soothing sounds of nature!


2010-08-24 10:39:53 UTC

The summer we went up to Cape Cod, MA. Granted it was raining the whole time we were up there and it was freezing cold (it was late June/early July we went). But, it was enjoyable because I can remember it was the first time I saw the Atlantic Ocean and having fresh, piping hot New England Clam Chowder as a kid.


2010-08-30 01:14:30 UTC

The cox's Bazar, Bangladesh is the most beautiful beach or seaside in the world because this beach is the largest beach in the world.


2010-08-28 18:41:07 UTC

St. Augustine Beach, FL


2010-08-28 15:01:53 UTC

I'm not from Hawaii but I'm currently living here...Hawaii has the best beaches so far and my best beach here on the Big Island is Hapuna Beach...There's no beaches on the Big Island is as pretty as Hapuna Beach...


2010-08-26 07:55:19 UTC

The Registry resort in Naples,FL beautiful, private beaches, great food, 5 star hotel with a fantastic staff.


2010-08-26 05:57:45 UTC

In 2006 I drove to Virginia with my Girlfriend and we left Ohio late at night to avoid traffic. While in the mountains of WV we had pull over and spend the night because of a snowstorm. We eventually got to Virginia Beach and settled in our room. The rest of her family met us there and that evening we got engaged. We spent the rest of the week watching sun sets together.

danish cHee

2010-08-25 21:52:48 UTC

It would be Kuta Beach in Bali.

And I went out with my siblings to go dinner in Legian Kuta, it's like a food court on the seaside.

Well it might be sounds lame, but what makes it interesting the spot that we were sitting is the bomb spot from years ago. maybe you ever heard Bali bombing in 2002 and 2005. It's a little creepy in there.

Rob Torres

2010-08-25 18:36:18 UTC

Chicago, North Ave beach, ive lived in the city my whole life (27yrs) and there is nothing like a hot summer night, drinking beers on the boat ( a huge two deck boat docked on the sand) listening to the DJ spin, talking to less than half dressed beautiful women!!!!! I love the city.


2010-08-25 13:07:21 UTC

I had a woman and took her to a nice secluded place for some booty call. we made out in the truck until nether of us could stand it. I grabbed a blanket from the back and we went out to the sand dunes to Consummate our relationship. spread out the blanket and we could not get out cloths off fast enough. we dropped to the blanket and went at it. about 5 minutes into foreplay and every biting, stinging, flying. walking, blood sucking bug every known to man started in on us by the time we got back to the truck we had so many bites and welts all we could do is go home and get some medical help..... the last thing either one of us wanted at that time was sex

2010-08-25 04:03:21 UTC

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


2010-08-25 02:30:40 UTC

A weekend in Homer, Alaska halibut fishing with 3 of my girlfriends. The cabin we stayed at was so beautiful and the scenery was just breathtakingly gorgeous. Snow capped mountains with waterfalls trickling down the sides, turquoise lakes in betwixt with little does drinking out of them. Butterflies flying all over. Baby moose everywhere. Green trees and green grass with with all sorts of beautiful wild flowers growing everywhere. Bald eagles soaring though the sky. Seals in the ocean, my one friend even saw whales. Imagine all of this mixed together. It was also in June, so it was daylight for about 22 hours a day, but the sky would get these amazingly beautiful hues of pink, green, gray, blue, purple. Imagine all of this mixed together all around you. Not to mention all the halibut we brought back with us. That stuff is twenty dollars a pound at the grocery store and we brought back enough to share with all our family and friends. I will remember that trip to Homer for the rest of my life. Best thing I ever have done.


2010-08-24 15:08:36 UTC

It was at Nha Trang beach in Vietnam. The white sand was absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking; the water was a beautiful, pristine, turquoise color. Unfortunately, our time got cut short because out of nowhere, it started to rain! We stubbornly continued to swim but in the end, we didn't want to risk getting shocked by lightning so we had to stop and run back to our tour bus. We couldn't change either so we had no choice but to sit in the bus, still in our wet bathing suits, while the bus drove through the terrible traffic, back to our hotel. In the end, it was worth it because swimming in the rain (and lightning and thunder!) was definitely an unforgettable experience!


2010-08-24 08:31:18 UTC

Trinidad and Tobago!! <3 Even though I'm terrified of big waves, and evidently there were HUGE ones! My step-dad made me go in the ocean, where the waves were at there biggest\highest point. We did what we called, body surfing. AND I SWEAR THESE WAVES WERE AT LEAST 7'' FEET TALL!!! Soo We did our competition who can go the furthest on our wave. And as we saw the wave, HUGE wave. I got soo nervous. But i ended up getting tumbled in the waves, nearly drowning ( same thing with the rest of family!) BUT I WON THE BODY SURF round. I landed righ tin front of the shore.

Good times.



2010-08-24 02:01:55 UTC

I have 2 houses near the sea. My favorite seaside vacation would have to be in St.Malo in northern France. We went there in may with our 3 year old daughter. We went to St.Servan and it was great. We had a lovely meal in a restruant called Brassierie le Corderie, over looking the harbour. My daughter had a lovely time looking at all the boats in the harbour and every night she was exausted! The hotel we stayed in was great and had some gorgeus meals. Really enjoyable holiday :)

2010-08-27 02:25:24 UTC

Emerald Isle, North Carolina. Best beach ever, man. The beach is private so there's not too many people on it. So relaxing and calm.

2010-08-26 18:55:54 UTC

Pirates Cove, Diablo Canyon Calif on the Pacific near San Luis Obispo. My first experience at a nude beach and by hanging out withguys who were much less endowed than me it led to mucho nookie.


2010-08-26 08:57:08 UTC

Summer of 75 Lakeside, Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan in July. spent one night there camping out with coffee in one hand and music from Greenbay. It was awesome, my friend and I threw frisbee for a bit before taking off to Rainbow Festival really nice to get away from it all.

It went down so cool over night that by sun set I had to wear a sweater.


2010-08-25 06:34:52 UTC

Just got back, The Cove Inn, Naples Florida. The Cove is five minutes from Gulf of Mexico, it's situated on a marina. A slice of paradise, all private time shares. Has a great pool, also a private bar area, not opened to outsiders. Go see, I go every year. Walk to all your needs, see you there!


2010-08-24 22:17:05 UTC

A Seaside Vacation would be better in my opinion because, for a Seaside Vacation you're going to stay there for an extended period of time, but for the beach you will just be there for a couple of hours. Go explore Seaside. :)

Whatever you decide, I hope you have fun, and enjoy it ! ;)


2010-08-24 18:56:21 UTC

I loved North Beach Fl. I lived there when I was younger it was a special time in life just wish I had someone speciall yo go there with now.


2010-08-24 08:36:14 UTC

The best beach in the world is on Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas.

2010-08-30 09:50:53 UTC

When i went to Thassos with my mum, dad and sister, we went horse riding on the beach, did water sports, and went snorkeling we went climbing on the rocks, went on a boat trip where we got to dive off the boats and catch fish when we stopped.

It was great!

The food was fantastic, the sand was white and soft.

Very relaxing but also enough to do.


2010-08-28 08:14:52 UTC

I went to a place called Anguilla in the Caribbean. It was amazing. The beaches were as beautiful as the ones that come on desktop pictures on computers. The people were great and the culture was fantastic.

Blonde Chocolate

2010-08-27 13:18:04 UTC

The 4 days I spent shacking up on Topsail Island with a hot younger guy


2010-08-27 11:13:20 UTC

i went deep sea scuba diving near the great barrier reef and saw all this beautiful coral and underwater sea life. the water was clear and i also got to see a reef shark. I was a little scared at first but our diving instructor had a shark repellent made out of ( dead shark). The smell of dead shark is suppose to scare off the shark. luckily we never got the chance to use it. I thankfully got a peice of coral to take back home with me.

2010-08-27 08:14:51 UTC

Ocean City,Maryland


2010-08-26 18:43:31 UTC

My idea of a seaside vacation is going to the local beach where I would sit on the beach, watching gallons of treated sewage and dozens of rotten fish heads wash ashore while being overtaken by the stinch of the local fish processing plant.


2010-08-25 13:13:42 UTC

When my family and I went on vacation to California. It was cold but the were very nice shells at the shore, and we found a couple getting married on this rocky cliff. We found little snails. I'm pretty sure my family and I had a great time.


2010-08-25 10:47:49 UTC

I went to Costa Rica for a spanish trip with a bunch of my friends and on the day before we started the family stay we went to a very beautiful beach called manuel antonio. It was very funny to watch all the capuchin monkeys trying to get into our bags to eat our food. they were very people friendly. I saw a baby monkey riding on its mother's back! I swam in the bathtub-like water and got a very bad sunburn but it was all worth it. I loved Costa Rica.


2010-08-24 12:27:47 UTC

I live near Seattle, Washington and was planning a trip to Ocean Shores, WA with my buddies over the summer. I was in charge of planning the trip, and my buddies were in charge of bringing most the equipment. So I made sure to plan according to the weather schedule, so we would hit the best weather. I planned the trip in late April, 2008 because the weather forecast said there would be clear skies during the day and the first few nights would be, and I quote; "slight chance of LIGHT rain". In other words, near perfect.

So we packed our things and headed out. We arrived at the campsite where we pitched our tent and went for a mile stroll down the beach towards Ocean Shores. The first day was BEAUTIFUL. We had a great time in town, and on the beach, explored the beach stores, had ice cream, we just had a marvelous first day and was looking forward to the next 3. We were also exited that it was our first "vacation" without parents or family, just three friends.

That night we decided not to put up a tarp over our tent, since the day was so gorgeous and there were no clouds. Instead, we believed we would get by with just our rain-fly. We had our dinner, talked about the day and what we would do tomorrow, then hit the sack.

It took a couple hours for us to settle down and actually start sleeping. At 2:10am, (I distinctly remember the time) I woke up with the tent's ceiling in my face. Immediately my senses perked up so I could survey my surroundings and noticed the ceiling was almost completely caved in. I pushed up the ceiling (which was heavy for some reason) and shouted to my friends: "Guys! The ceiling collapsed!". Groggily they woke up and looked around like a couple drunks. Later they told me they thought I was joking, or pulling a prank. They quickly discovered I was not kidding, and we all stood up and opened the tent door.

Outside it was pitch black, with a faint light coming from the bathrooms 100 yards away and the moon above, and it was DUMPING snow. Already, about a couple inches had accumulated around us and I stepped out and looked at the tent and sure enough, all the snow gathered on the tent was what made it collapse. Aside from the fact that we were suddenly panicking about our condition, it was actually quite peaceful and beautiful. However, we immediately decided that we needed to leave before we were completely covered. We rushed to grab some flashlights, but then noticed we didn't have any because someone forgot to bring them. So at 2:15 in the morning, getting dumped on and soaked by all the snow falling, while trying to put everything away and take down the tent, the only lights we had was from the moon, the nearby bathrooms, and my friend's little keychain flashlight.

We finally got everything packed up (the tent was shoved back into its case so distorted, it barely fit back int the trunk) and headed out. We were wet, cold, and miserable. And we could only drive 15 miles per hour for about 15 miles before we could actually get out of the storm and get onto a faster road.

i agree with avid film freak

It was truly, the shortest AND most memorable vacation I've ever had. I look back on it and laugh, and so do my friends. We DID have a great time, really enjoyed ourselves, and got an interesting story from it.

"Slight chance of light rain". Not even close.

Edit: we ended up driving to my friends parent's house In Olympia to spend the night there and let everything dry out. ok that it.

2010-08-23 22:08:24 UTC

when i was smaller, we went to a beach on the washington coast every year. we rented a hotel by the beach and went up and down the boardwalk and got icecream etc. etc. but the best part of every vacation we spent there were the beach cats. wild cats that hung around the beach, eating the fish that people would catch in the ocean and cook especially for them =^..^=

2014-10-29 15:13:43 UTC

This particular year was bittersweet for me and will always remain one of my favorite childhood beach memories. Our room was on the 8th floor of the hotel and I practically lived on the balcony when my toes weren't in the sand or surf. One evening, towards the end of our week long vacation, I looked out towards the horizon and saw something jumping in the water. I looked closer and realized it was whales! i counted almost 13 of them and called my family out to watch them. My grandfather grabbed some binoculars, (now that i am older i am thinking he used them for watching girls on the beach) and saw that they were Killer whales, orcas. we sat there for almost 2 hours, until the sun set over the gulf of Mexico. After researching it, we realized it was a very rare event to see them in the gulf, much less tha


2010-08-29 17:35:08 UTC

Langkawi, Malaysia. The water was so clear and warm, it was beyond belief. One day it rained and i just laid there on the calm beach floating on my back and was just taken to another world. I the rain hitting the water made a noise that blocked out all thought and i was just completely lost.


2010-08-27 20:07:21 UTC

I go to a beach every summer called Sibbald Point and it's a really big beach, always fun there


2010-08-26 20:41:07 UTC

My cuz, my friend and i went on the beach at night so it was dark and we had a bonfire and roasted marshmellows. Its was funny because we ran around in the dark by the water and we screamed when we thought we saw a dead sealion. so then we started running to the parents.lol and while we were running my friend fell! lol but she was ok of course and then we got flaslights and found out it was just a pile of sand! :)


2010-08-25 20:04:33 UTC

I had so much fun this one time I went to Venice Beach, CA. There were so many seagulls, it was "people quiet" and all you could hear were the birds and the ocean. Although, looking back, the person I went with made it great. I miss them :-(


2010-08-25 17:26:37 UTC

I went down to saint augustine beach with my sister and my roommate and we just went down to have a good time together. well, we met some guys at this restaurant who wanted to take us for a walk on the beach. they kept bragging about how they were military and they knew all these cool moves.... but what they didn't know was that me and my sister are both in the army as well, and knew everything they knew. so me and my sister played stupid and we both bet them 50 bucks a piece that they could not beat us.... and they laughed and agreed. we kicked their butts. and afterward my room mate took one of them back because she was going to "sleep with him" and come to find out he had a fake plastic leg and it kept squeaking while they were "sleeping together"...... that was the best trip ever.


2010-08-25 10:17:46 UTC

My favorite place was in La Jolla, CA we stay La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club great view of the ocean, shopping and dining was just 3 min. walk away, shelling, scuba shop was next door, plus it few away from other site in San Diego area.


2010-08-23 23:00:10 UTC

Just watching the power surfers at the Wedge in Newport Beach, California.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !


2010-08-23 21:57:17 UTC

Back in 2008 I traveled to Montego Bay, JA. On the day of my arrival it was intensely raining right up until I arrived at the resort. I walked along the beach as the clouds parted at sunset and went as far as I could until I reached a dock stretching way out into the ocean. There was a group of guys a little older than I was and one turned around as I was approaching. We locked eyes and shyly smiled at one another, and at the moment I knew I had a purpose with him in my life. Days passed and I was always too nervous to talk to him and vise versa. Eventually I didn't see him anymore and knew he had departed back to his home town. Weeks later I stumbled across craigslist and typed in "Montego bay, JA," with only one hit. I emailed the person asking if they knew any information about a man with dark hair on the dock, and sure enough... it was him! Through fate, destiny, luck.. whatever you want to call it..I met my soulmate. We've been talking every day for the past three years and are madly in love with one another. That beach vacation was by far my most memorable.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ in the sky

2010-08-23 17:10:15 UTC

My fondest memory was camping along the sands of McGrath beach in Oxnard, California. I had visited Oxnard prior but to camp there was an experience I never forgot. It was 1992 and I was ten years old . It was me, my twin sister, my mother, my aunt and my two cousins who were there. We children would frolic into the frothy ocean while my mom and aunt would wade and walk along the seashore. We dug for sand crabs which we got a laugh, body surfed using a "boogey board" and we cooked our food on a campfire grill.

One evening, I sat alone watching the sunset upon the blues of the ocean. I kept staring at it until the sun would get thinner and thinner until there was no more orange over the horizon. I want to remember this vacation always because our family will never get another chance to do it again.

Mina Gonzales

2010-08-26 00:22:28 UTC

SIARGAO - best for surfing, white sand beaches, gamefishing, snorkeling, kayaking, cave trekking, mangrove eco-tour, diving, island hopping. You can reach siargao by plane because the island has an airport serviced by a commercial airline.


2014-06-20 16:34:38 UTC

For me, the serenity of the private beaches, away from the comercial, tourist ones were the most spectacular. There were mangrove trees, fragrant flowers, powder soft sand and a sweet smell in the air.

I swam out to a sandbar and layed there in the sun until the water lapped around my body.


2010-08-24 15:13:42 UTC

The Best Beach 4 me was Bora bora Its actually an island If you been to hawii it will blow your mind going there its the most beautifal island ive ever seen and been 2.We stayed in an openwater bunglo crytal clear aqua colored water.All kinds of colorful fish Its a must..


2010-08-30 19:19:44 UTC

Maui! I went there with my 3 cousins and family, so there were 10 people in all. But, ohmygosh, it was so much fun! We went waist-deep into the water, and the water was clear and blue. And we started splashing each other in the face, because the water was so warm. After that, we took our inner tubes into the pool and soaked my uncle. And because his hair was so wet, it was able to stay in different positions, so we gave him mohawks, spikes, and other crazy styles. But it was soooooo much fun, and one of the best vacations ever! :*}


2010-08-29 20:16:27 UTC


my most memorable beach is Ratnagiri ( dabholee). white sand, blue water, coconut trees all is there. I got peace of mind on that beach actually Ratnagiri is my native place. whenever I visit my native place I enjoy boating or fishing. I was saw dolphin in the sea four to five times. it look like mermaid in the seat , it's look very beauty full.


2010-08-29 15:09:00 UTC

Going to California along time ago... Huntington Beach with my Boyfriend at the time. It was beautiful and relaxing


2010-08-29 14:32:04 UTC

Umm! Scuba Diving with family!

kipp m

2010-08-28 19:48:49 UTC

Key West


2010-08-28 16:16:24 UTC

Ios island in greece 6 months 18 years old almost the best time of my life,then I had a daughter


2010-08-28 12:05:14 UTC

High Beach or Plage Opera in Nice,France

Cleopatra Beach in Alanya,Turkey

Hilton's beach in Mauritius though every beach is great there


2010-08-27 21:04:58 UTC

Lake Chelan, in Washington State


2010-08-26 06:37:15 UTC

Myself and my family went on safari to Tanzania. It is the most amazing, beautiful, diverse country. Lots of wildlife obviously, but we certainly did it in style. We used The Ultimate Travel Company, who really surpassed themselves with helping us organise the trip. We were a large group, but everything was seamless.

2010-08-25 14:49:07 UTC

Spending 2 weeks at the Jersey Shore with my cousin's in 1976, during the Bicentennial, fireworks, rides, good food.


2010-08-25 02:39:59 UTC

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this past summer.

My ex-boyfriend and i went for a week and i was expecting him to ask me to marry him, since i had accidentally stumbled upon a set of diamond rings while cleaning one day.

So we go, the first few days are great.. then.. he starts acting all weird so i'm thinking to myself, "this is it!"

well, then, out of the blue, he breaks up with me and tells me he wants to spend the rest of the vacation single and tells me i have to move out when we get back home.

So saturday rolls around and we have a 15 hour drive back home.

i'll never forget that vacation.

2010-08-25 00:10:56 UTC

Ah my memories back when I was a brainless 9 years old... I remember spending the most unforgettable time on a beach in Dubai. My uncle and auntie came to Dubai as their summer vacation, so we all went down to the beach. I would trail along my bro and cousins doing stuff like dare you to go infront of suntanning women and ask stupid stuff, who can swim fastest, go around rocky areas poking on little marine miracles. In the afternoon, my mom and auntie would shout at us " come and grab your lunch before flys get them!!". We filled our stomachs with bbqs and soda, then run around playing roles as warriors holding wooden sticks as swords. Then as the sun slowly turned orange red, settling down we sat on these isolated boulders on the beach, throwing shells and stones at the beach water shouting out stuff like "brothers until death!" or "Jay sucks!"

till our lungs blew up. When it became a cool evening we stuffed ourselves with the leftovers from our parents, who were chatting all day XD, then went for a final swim. The

water was really calm, floating on the water looking up at the

sky glimmering with stars. I miss the days when I didn't have anything to worry about, but the anger of my mom after recieving a bad reportcard.


2010-08-24 20:06:25 UTC

I spend a lot of time at the beach seeing as my house is only two blocks away. My most memorable visit was recently while I was hanging with my seven year old cousin. After about two hours of swimming she decided to make a sand castle so I laid down on the towel to dry off (she splashed me and I was in my cloths) and she started talking to this couple next to us, she said.

"Hi! This is my cousin!" and told them my name. The guy smiled and said.

"Hi, this is my," glanced at the lady next to him then said, "friend Amy."

She continued to talk to him about her sand castle and the beach when all of the sudden she looks at him and asks. "Are you going to marry her?" The man smiles and smoothly says, "Do you think I should? Do you think we look like a cute couple?" My cousin nods and smiles then continues talking about her sand castle like nothing happened.

It is amazing what little kids can get away with...


2010-08-24 10:50:13 UTC

Menorca,, Balearic Island


2010-08-24 02:06:43 UTC

It was Antalya beach in Turkey.. everything was great can't say one-by-one! but i liked that city's doners we ate a lot of them, and the bars around the beaches, mini hotels were cute we just wore swimsuits and walk to the beach the sun was really hot there & it was a lovely place for couples~


2010-08-23 20:28:34 UTC

My first time ever going to the beach. Cocoa beach, it was very hot. So I decided to go into the water, and had fun waiting for the waves to hit my back. Just don't get the water in your mouth yuck, it smells like fish. After it was time to leave, I discovered my phone was in my pocket the whole time, and I forgot to bring spare cloths!. Still, what a great day. A beach is an amazing place, even if it is crowded. Planning to go to somalia, and will swim in the indian ocean shore. What a sight that will be.


2010-08-25 18:56:55 UTC

Myrtle Beach, amazing


2010-08-29 22:17:25 UTC

It is Beirut without any competition ....i traveled a lot and saw many other countries ....but nothing like Lebanon , my favorite ever . no other country on earth u can be swimming and still look back and see the mountains behind you . services are beyond ur dreams and people are all about fun ....beach parties are outstanding ,....living like there is no tomorrow ....it is a sin city .


2010-08-28 22:04:32 UTC

my favorite was just recently and was the best vacation i ever had. We went to the big island hawaii kona side for a week. the first day i rented a snorkling set for the first time and went out by myself for the first time. i walked out and dove in and the first thing i saw was a green sea turtle. i followed it and we swam among the corral and other exotic fish. it was a amazing experience and i will never forget it.


2010-08-28 14:20:17 UTC

lake charles beach in lake charles,la it was my first time at a beach seeing different people and the atmosphere was great.my mom and dad took me there in the 80s' and it fun.i almost got caught by the under toe(the current under the water ) but my uncle saved me and we went back the swimming.i've made sand castles in the sand bigger than the dirt and mud castles in my backyard in lafayette,la.i had a great time and a life time of remembering that day it was awesome.


2010-08-27 10:45:41 UTC

Going to Oregon Coast. It's very cold, even in the summer (40 degrees F) but beautiful


2010-08-26 12:28:56 UTC

I went to the Huntington Beach in California last week! It was very fun. My brother and I were messing around in the water by sitting in the sand, and letting the water pull us in deeper. We also let the cold waves splash our face, and push us down into the sand. The sand was pretty soft and squishy. :D My baby cousin was messing around too, and but he was afraid of the water touching his little toes.

2010-08-25 21:32:43 UTC

Trip in 09 on the Bahama cruise

Tracy L

2010-08-25 19:28:10 UTC

Oh my god. Me and my boyfriend took a trip to the Bahamas and I loved it! The food there is great. The best part was swimming with the dolphins. It was amazing!! I TOTALLY recommend it to anybody who's looking for a romantic getaway or a family friendly trip.


2010-08-24 18:45:45 UTC

Ladies Beach in Kusadasi,Turkey.


2010-08-24 17:59:57 UTC

I went to San Diego with my family once. We were chased by huge waves, walked the boardwalk, went on the fastest carousel I have ever seen, walked through tons of shops, and definitely got some tanning done.


2010-08-24 13:06:14 UTC

For Easter in 2009 I was able to go to Pensacola Florida to see my brother (he is in the Marine Corps). That was also my first beach experience and to just be able to hang out with my bro was awesome. Not to mentions watching the approaching storm on Pensacola Beach before the oil...

Dick Whitman

2010-08-24 12:29:30 UTC

Big Sur, CA . I was really stressed out at work and I needed to go somewhere beautiful and quiet. I got exactly what I needed. When I pulled into my hotel, I saw deer nibbling at the plants. I went on beautiful hikes and had great meals. Nobody rang my cell phone. It was worth every penny.


2010-08-23 20:56:22 UTC

When i was around 5 or 7, i visited my 5 cousins for the first and last time ever since.

They had some cabin house with no houses around, shortly on the other side of the road there's a little stream of water, and down the road 5-10 min walk there's the beach. ahh, i loved it. I wish i go see my cousins again sometime soon.... im 16 now.

:( i miss my cousins

2010-08-23 20:35:22 UTC

I've had various beach vacations but the most memorable one is when I once accompanied my dad- sans mom- on his official visit to a city famous for its beaches. Since I had already been there multiple times with parents, this trip was just to kill some time during college summer vacations. Well, one night sitting on the sand looking up at the sky, after several minutes of silence, my dad said "I pray that you have hundreds of thousands more moments of happiness in your life than there are stars above, there's nothing more I have ever wanted or will ever want in my life. I can give up everything just to see my betu (child) happy". And then there were many more minutes of sob sob followed by jokes from dad to cheer me up.

dani d

2010-08-29 11:56:09 UTC

My best memory was the first and only time I've been in the ocean. I live in Wisconsin and we went to Florida for the second time, but it was my first time in the ocean. I liked getting hit by all the waves.


2010-08-28 18:15:38 UTC

Bondi Beach, in Sidney.


Anzali Lagoon, on the Caspian Sea, in Iran.


2010-08-28 08:59:09 UTC

In 1966 myself and a passel of other SAILORS stationed here in Rota, Spain, bought a 180 Pound Pig/Hog, we took it to the Rota beach in front of our favorite bar, and after fourteen hours playing SPADES to see who had to keep the HOG turning (it required two Sailors at each end to keep it turning over the fire). Just as this HOG was ready to CHOW DOWN ON, a thunder storm rolled in. We all ran the fifty or so yards to the Bar to get out of the pounding rain, which lasted only five minutes.

Arriving at the bar, we turned around to see six Gypsies running like cats who had had their butts rubbed with HOT PEPPERS with OUR FRESH BBQ'ed HOG. Try as we did, those Gypsies ate our HOG. We never caught them. TRUE STORY of The Hot-Hog


2010-08-25 19:22:31 UTC

I went on vacation with a chick who turned out to be a real beach indeed!

(Not in a good way)

2010-08-25 17:35:40 UTC

unfortunately my most memorable trip to the beach was the day a group of eco terrorist had our beach closed in the name of a wildlife preserve for a bird prevalent to the entire west coast from Baja to Anchorage. 15 yrs later it is still closed for the summer months


2010-08-25 14:19:36 UTC

When Me & My Family found an empty sandy beach in Spain, with no wind or waves and extremely clear water. Was beautiful .


2010-08-24 13:07:28 UTC

Myrtle Beach S.C where we spent the whole day at the beach, then Pawlys Island Beach where we did some kayaking.

Black Actor

2010-08-29 19:40:10 UTC

I was chillin on the beach with my family in Cancun listening to Bob Marley's One Love and watching the waves.

2010-08-28 20:12:36 UTC

I remember going to a beach in the Big Island,Hawaii and there was one turtle laying on the beach and while i was swimming there was another one swimming right next to me! it was a pretty awesome moment.


2010-08-27 13:01:10 UTC

3 or 4 years ago. Me and My family went to the island of Maui for Christmas.we did zip lining, snorkeling,sat on the beach etc.


2010-08-25 23:55:50 UTC

i was 10 when my father took me to Huntington beach for the first time. i didnt know how to swim but loved playing in the water and jumping over the waves. i wasnt paying attention when a big wave came and knocked me down, pulling me down into the water. i was down for a few minutes before my dad found me and pulled me up. i'm 30 now, still cant swim, and i make sure i am extra careful when playing in the waters.

2010-08-25 12:17:14 UTC

When I was 4 we went to the beach 4 my bday.

Sonu M

2010-08-25 05:27:22 UTC

Apollo Bay on Great Ocean Road in Melbourne, Australia and Wineglass Bay in Tasmania, Australia and Ocean City in Maryland, USA.

2010-08-24 02:10:01 UTC

Me and my family went to Hawaii it was beautiful but the reason we went is because of make a wish foundation my oldest daughter has hydrocephalus and the past 3 years have been full of surgeries and hospital stays when she finally got out she wished to go to Hawaii and swim with dolphins which she had a amazing time but unfortunatly she is back in the hospital now

Yvan R

2010-08-29 02:18:06 UTC

Goa with my wife on a honeymoon. The Indian Ocean is magic with its colors and the silhouettes on the unlimited beach.

2017-02-20 00:12:37 UTC


Ana Salazar

2014-06-11 09:31:45 UTC

One day we decided to head to the opposite side of the island to the Emerald Coast where we got to explore an oceanside cave and take a ferry to an isolated beach. We also got to see Bill Gates' yacht.

2014-06-03 08:39:58 UTC

Lucky for us, one of my friends on the trip was Sardegnian so we got to experience one of those big family Italian dinners you only see in the movies. The food and homemade wine were amazing and the family was so warm and welcoming.

2014-05-29 20:09:48 UTC

It took a couple hours for us to settle down and actually start sleeping. At 2:10am, (I distinctly remember the time) I woke up with the tent's ceiling in my face. Immediately my senses perked up so I could survey my surroundings and noticed the ceiling was almost completely caved in. I pushed up the ceiling (which was heavy for some reason) and shouted to my friends: "Guys! The ceiling collapsed!". Groggily they woke up and looked around like a couple drunks. Later they told me they thought I was joking, or pulling a prank. They quickly discovered I was not kidding, and we all stood up and opened the tent door.


2010-08-29 23:22:42 UTC

Savannah,Georgia at Tybee Island with the love of my life...We had a very good time at this beach and even seen a fish who had teeth like a human! It was neat...

2010-08-28 22:15:21 UTC

i go to hawaii a lot, and of course we have to hit the beaches! my fav beach is kailua on oahu. i was lying on the beach, in the shade of a tree. my uncle was playing the guitar and i was just about to fall asleep when my cousins think it would be hilarious to wake me up by tickling me and throwing me into the ocean. it was one of the most relaxing moments on the beach until my cousins thought of that bright idea lol.


2010-08-28 17:44:21 UTC

when I as 4, I went to a chinese seaside vacation. I was standing in the water laughing at my sister making funny faces. Then I saw a dolphin beside me making sounds! I was so scared I tried swiming away but it kept following me. it was like I was its owner but I dont remember the rest...sorry


2010-08-27 07:59:36 UTC

Porter Rico. Culebra island


2010-08-26 04:42:12 UTC

I remember going on a beach vacation with my grandmar just before she died. She spoilt me and my big brother rotten. And i remember on the last day she give us a ten pound note and told us to spend it all on sweets and not tell our mother. Twelve years after and i can still remember it like yesterday :D


2010-08-25 12:46:15 UTC

First time visiting the Oregon Coast which was just 2 weeks ago. Beautiful place!


2010-08-24 22:07:00 UTC

This was in an island called Palau. A buddy and I went there for some R&R. You can practically see 30 feet underwater because of how clean it was. We went kayaking with our snorkeling gears with us and we took turns jumping off our kayaks with our gear and snorkeled. My friend tried to grab a turtle and take it back, but he said it was too strong. Lol.


2010-08-24 19:19:44 UTC

Terrana Resort and Spa in California is absolutely beautiful. Also Catalina Island is price less

2014-06-10 19:17:23 UTC

Aside from the fact that we were suddenly panicking about our condition, it was actually quite peaceful and beautiful. However, we immediately decided that we needed to leave before we were completely covered. We rushed to grab some flashlights, but then noticed we didn't have any because someone forgot to bring them. So at 2:15 in the morning, getting dumped on and soaked by all the snow falling, while trying to put everything away and take down the tent, the only lights we had was from the moon, the nearby bathrooms, and my friend's little keychain flashlight.


2010-08-29 23:59:39 UTC

My most memorable vacation on a beach was in Mazatlan, Mexico with Peggy.


2010-08-28 09:02:58 UTC

I was 3 years old when my family took a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We had a great time.

gay white dude

2010-08-27 09:37:41 UTC

I went with my exboyfriend to Southern California we had a great weekend making out on the beach playing valley ball and just having all around fun


2010-08-26 21:44:22 UTC

My summer in Odessa, Ukraine. The Arkadia beach is a magical place.


2010-08-26 09:24:19 UTC

My most memorable was when i stayed at a beach house in a place called bonnie mat,bejia in algeria... it was amazing!

i went to concerts that they had daily for free

i swam in water that was an amazing blue

i ate lots of yummy sea food

i spent time with family i rarely get to ever see.


2010-08-25 21:46:02 UTC

Palm Beach Florida at sunrise and sunset


2010-08-25 20:47:39 UTC

Bali beaches are the best.

The sand and warm water are lovely.

You can rent a beachfront private villa too for long term.

Just check this out www.mata-bali.com


2010-08-25 17:40:36 UTC

It was 1990, I was deployed to Pisa, Italy for a Joint Service Military Exercise. Most of the people had returned home, and I was still there in our tent city, until the folks from an Air Force, Prime Beef, Civil Engineering Squadron, Team, began to tear everything down. At that time I moved into a hotel on the beach. One afternoon, after all the work was done I and another Air Force member (Communication team) went to the local beach. Where we laid out our bamboo mats and began to work on a tan. A few feet from us lay a young woman and older lady (later to find out, her mother). The young lady was stunning, blondish hair, golden tan, all the right body parts in all the right places, etc. and emerald light green eyes. She was beautiful. My friend was looking at her and telling me how he would do this or that with her and how he would like to do other things as well. The young lady would then talk to her (mother) and if looks could kill, I died that day. Anyway, I knew most young Italians spoke pretty good english, so I would never have found myself talking this way in front of them. I told my friend this and he maybe should ask her if she knew english and he could , if he liked ask her out, or something. He went on about how in the part of Italy he was stationed most spoke no english and he did not care, all he wanted was a night with her and nothing else. Each time we, my friend and I talked, she would be talking with her mother. Anyway, after a session of how he wanted to act with her he asked me what I would do if I awoke one of these mornings beside her? I was a little tired of the raw way he had described his wants, so I felt a little decency would be good. I said "If I where to awaken beside such a beautiful woman, one of these mornings, I would look at her physical beauty and then turn over and say a little prayer. I would thank God, for seeing fit to have such a person so beautiful as she to even want to be next to me. Somehow, in my life, I must have done something very noble or great to deserve anything so wonderful and beautiful." Anyway, she was talking to her mother the whole time, and for once we got something other than daggers. I then turned to her and asked in english, "do you speak english"? Her reply was, yes, and Italian, Norwegian, and French. My friend turned many shades of red and beat a hasty retreat to the hotel we where all housed in. I stayed and apologized for my friends rudeness and asked if she could forgive us. She said yes, and asked who I was, I gave my name and told her I was in the U.S. Military and temporarily staying in Pisa, Italy. She told me, and by the way, everything to her mother too, her name, age (28), martial status, single soon to be married. Now, before I forget, most beaches in Italy are top optional, Angelina (.her name) had a top on, her mother did not. She asked about myself, age 36, married, three children. We then had a pleasant discussion about several subjects, and mother was included in every word. It became late and I had to leave, so I excused myself, rolled up my mat and turned to leave, when I heard Angelina's mother call out my name, I turned to see if there was something I had forgotten, when she (mother) reached over and pulled Angelina's top off, exposing her. I looked, and yes, even today, after finding myself single, I will sometimes tell God, he was in-fact kind to me that day, I do not know what I may have done, but the reward was extremely nice. I will always remember Pisa, but the beach that day and the day afterward, too, is special. Not to mention the name Angelina, if I hear it, I remember Pisa, Italy.


2010-08-25 09:10:02 UTC

When I was in the Air Force everybody in my Squadron was going home for ThanksGiving weekend. I chose to remain on base at my California Station & just spend quality time with my horse Gabby! Knowing of this secluded beach, we camped out & enjoyed the beach,sun & privacy. I would ride her into the great Pacific, we watched the wales, played games, had a nice Camp with plenty of food & a warm fire at nights! But what I did that was so different was stay the whole week without clothes! All I wore was my bandana! On several of these days I was unaware that I was being watched. I knew the Base Commander didn't mind, I spoke to him about my own Holiday with Gabby. He just laughed & spoke that he understood why we Indians had no reason to set down to a Dinner. I agreed & thought a lot about this as i walked naked along the beach & Gabby followed close behind! After the short week came to an end, I rode about 20 mile taking Gabby back to our Base-Stables. I was feeling sort of down that Monday morning when I got a call to see the Base Commander. Many Officers were smiling as I walked into the HeadQuarters Building. I wondered why?! "Indian!" the Base Commander spoke loud with a smile."Just how fine was your vacation!?" I assured him that it was great, but the week went too fast! Then he proceed to tell me about a call he had received from a Russian Sub that asked. "Sir, who is that long haired Lady walking the beach with nothing on but a bandana & her horse is following her?!" Since he knew of my plans, he spoke with laughter! "Oh, that's just our local Indian doing her own thing for the Holiday! Is she alright?!" They assured my Commander that I was safe but they were taking many pictures of me! When my Commander spoke this with a happy red-face I just smiled with my answer! "I have been to many Beaches but none where I could be at home & still travel to another Country at the same time!" We shook hands & I made an 'about face' & returned to my assigned division! To this day, I always think about how those photo's turned out for the lonely Men at Sea! Me & Gabby was happy & we made laughter for many miles on Thanksgiving from a Beautiful Beach!


2010-08-24 16:45:11 UTC

It's been almost six years since that unforgettable vication which happened when my parents and the rest of the family members decided that they should stay in contact more and deceed that the weeken should be spent together.It wasn't summer, however spring at that time was decievingly warm and nice.

I was only 11 at that time, but i still remember every detail by hard. My special get-away was this vication because it was something different. I go on a vication to relax and enjoy my time almost twice a year, but it is'nt every day that the beach gives me a 'change' like this.

Our family is numersly huge, and since i was still considered a 'kid' that time, i was squashed in a car along a 6 hour road trip. I hated it, and the ride was still so detailed in my memory because uptill now i hate road trips in cars.

When we arrived there, me and my causins got so excited because we thought we were going to spend the days there swimming, eating ice cream, and making new friends. My aunt turn out to book a small, lilterally small, place to stay next to the beach, and the beach was empty! It was only us there and my aunt was so proud of herself because she thought she found the perfect place to stay.

The beach was dirty, and only God knows why since at the first day, it was only us staying there.

When we went inside the house that my aunt booked, it was dirtier. I could still never forget the smell. No words could describe that soiled, grimed, muddy house and nothing is more notable to me than my parents' faces when they saw the place. For those who spent their vication in a five-star hotels and meeting the finest people from all over the world in the finest resturants certainly did not expect that!

Again, since i was still a kid at that time, i got the couch to sleep the night in, but with my sister! co*ckroaches were every were, and my sister was determind she saw a rat, but my causins could'nt find it... We played a game trying to find it, and my sister was 'Conan' for some reason.

My parents at the begining were obviously not pleased and wanted to leave, but as soon as they walked out the door calling us to follow them, we had to go back. Lightning was striking and the thunder was so loud that my parents knew they could'nt drive with this much of rain falling.

My causins and i spend the day, instead of swimming, mopping water away.

But what is certainly so unforgettable is the laughter...

I've never heard my parents and the rest of the family laugh this loud. As soon my parents and I got back to the house my Uncle made a joke out of us and they spent the whole time left for the night to come was making jokes out of the vication. They brought up memories of their childhood and shared them with us until we started nagging that we are hungry.

My uncle took us in his car under the heavy rain trying to find somewhere that sells food. There was a place that was called "Bizza", and we figured out when we went in,they meant 'Pizza".

I ordered a "four season" but he didnt understand. So i had to explain that it had vegetables in it. When we got home we were surprised to chew beans and carrots!!!!

There is so much more to this vication, and alot of things happened. We got our uncle who stayed in the city to travel his way to us because he thought we were dying... but that is a really long story.

My family is still so close after that vication, and everytime we bring it to mention, every body burts in to laughter.

Angel Eyes

2010-08-23 22:01:23 UTC

Because I live in Florida, I am surrounded by beaches. But, most of our beaches are polluted today by sewage and bacterial content that isn't healthy to swim in. It's a sad sign of our times and over population. Recently, my grown son wanted to take me on a three day vacation for some time one on one. He's 33 and sweet as he can be, and as good looking as they come. I was surprised by his invitation and excited as well. He told me I could pick the place.

Flying is such a hassle, with long lines and stripping down. I wanted some place we could drive. So I decided I wanted to go to Key West, I hadn't been there in 24 yrs. The four hour drive was a pleasure and so scenic & beautiful. The Gulf on one side the Atlantic on the other. He wanted to make sure I didn't get tired, hot or sick. Since I recently have had health issues. The waters were so crystal and blue, everything so pristine. Beautiful Blue Skies and fluffy white clouds, fantastic weather. We went out on a Sail Boat and snorkeled and the reefs were alive with tropical fish, which was such a relief after what our country has been dealing with in the Oil Disaster.

The town and it's little white cottages, the historical places, such as Hemingway's Home, "Ripley's Believe it or Not" Museum, "Mel Fisher's" Museum. The things to do were so many, the restaurants, the shops, the Key Lime Pie.

The following day we took a low flying plane to the Dry Tortuga's, it was delightful looking down into the clear waters and seeing an occasional shark or huge turtle. Large Fish, the Ocean looked healthier than I had expected, which warmed my heart. The Tortuga (Fort Jefferson) is an old Fort and a Prison which is presently being restored. It goes back to the days of the Pirates. We visited the tip of KEY WEST at the bell that reads only 90 miles to Cuba and had someone take a picture of us. .

I really gave some thought about the tourist industry and with the hard times, I wanted to spend our money in a place that would benefit our state. I think American when I buy anything anymore and feel all American's should feel this way. The people were very kind and all of the natives had a glow about them, that radiated "Happiness". Which was infectious. They were thankful for their lifestyle, they were proud of their town, and they took pride in pleasing the tourist that came there. Everyone was Happy in Margarita Ville.

The mixture of people was both young and old. In Mallory Square at the end of Duval Street the heart of the town, where everyone gathers to watch the sunset. There were acrobatic planes to watch as the sun sat and in the Square there were street performers to enjoy. The food was delicious, in a restaurant or from a Vendor. They had "Rick a Shays" you could ride in, a Conch Train to take you around town and the cutest little red mopeds you could rent very cheap to buzz around the Island's hot spots. Or Bicycles if you were in good shape.

There was something for everyone and Margarita's were made by the Pitcher. They weren't that strong, but certainly refreshing. It isn't many sons who would take their Mother on vacation and allow her to do what pleases her. We talked about his opinions of world events and the personal things he felt in his life, his plans for the future. But, what made me feel the best was when we retired for the evening. It was like he wasn't all grown up anymore. And I was able to capture some of those moments when we played together wrestling on the bed when he was three and four, giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Those memories flashed back in my mind. And, though I was sad those times were gone, at least I was given a faint memory of the way things use to be. And proud my son had grown into such a wonderful man that he is today. It was a Vacation that was Happy, Memorable, and Valuable. I will always keep these experiences we had in Key West close to my heart. A Mother and Child's Love for one another is such a beautiful thing to treasure. He made me feel very Loved and Special.


2010-08-28 21:27:27 UTC

I went to Saint Martin in June for a week, it was really fun. That was my first trip out of the country. I posted a bunch of my pics from Saint Martin on flickr. It was a blast.


2010-08-26 09:21:27 UTC

without a doubt it was about 20yrs ago, when my family went to virginia. we went to chincoteague island, also known as pony island for obvious reasons. we took a tour bus around the island to see all the ponies. the landscape was absolutely spectacular! it looked like my idea of heaven! the beaches were gorgeous. i loved it!!!! this was in early july. my bday is the 14th, and i begged my parents to let us stay one more week, so we(i) could watch the ponies swim across the bay to be auctioned off. they said no, but i've always wanted to go back. it was so beautiful! ps.. thanks mom & dad!


2010-08-25 22:35:23 UTC

My son and I had been going through some tough times...both emotionally and financially. However, we had a trip scheduled to Hawaii for months. When I asked: Is there anything you would like to accomplish while we ar on vacation? He said: "I would love to get over the fear of heights". We enjoyed our trip and he did something unimaginable...

2010-08-25 21:37:24 UTC

Ahh! My most memorable beach or seaside vacation? Hmm..... I haven't go on TRIP but I could go to but I can tell my imagine is very beautiful moment probably hehehe!


2010-08-25 15:25:40 UTC

It was in Mozambique, Beleni Beach. I live in a land locked country so it was a real treat swimming in the ocean


2010-08-25 09:24:39 UTC

Spending a week with my wife and kids on the outer banks of NC a few years ago. We rented a house and did everything we wanted to do. We were a block from the beach and could see it from our balcony.


2010-08-25 04:48:17 UTC

Anini Beach, Kuaui, Hawaii


2010-08-24 21:56:31 UTC

My best friend and I were laying on the beach in San Diego, right behind sea world.

The fireworks from sea world lit up the sky and we just sat and watched while listening to the waves.

One of the best nights of my life. :)

2010-08-27 14:13:38 UTC

Mine was when we went to Panama City Beach in Florida

What made it so great: It was before MTV had ruined that area


2010-08-27 08:01:25 UTC

When me and my boyfriend stayed at the Atlantis hotel in the bahamas, i loved every minute and that was the first time he told me he loved me. The holiday was meant for me and my best friend but after she had to drop out, me and my boyfriend of (then) 2 months went. That was the holiday i realised i had found my soul mate.

2010-08-26 11:21:23 UTC

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii. Enough said. Go there.

Grey Goose

2010-08-24 10:02:24 UTC

Maui. But it was memorable because I'd finally made it to Hawaii after hearing about it all my life, and it was just another beach. Nothing special, just sand and waves. Blegh.


2010-08-28 06:29:36 UTC

Koh Chang, Thailand! The water is clear, light blue, and the sand is pure white with full, small pieces of coral washed up. It's warm, smells amazing, and was a great place to go snorkeling!

Ken H

2010-08-24 09:01:01 UTC

Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands


2010-08-29 12:32:06 UTC

Where I grew up at Lake Kezar Maine.I could write a book of my 16 years of camping, swimming and fishing. No other place like it that I know of. I could give you links but you have to be there yourself to see this natural beauty. nuff said

2010-08-27 11:25:40 UTC

I went to florida wen I was 4 with my family. That is when everything was alright and we all lived at home. Now I am 17 and it just seems like it was a dream.


2010-08-26 16:44:42 UTC

My favorite was going to the beach in Alabama. It was beautiful. There were shells, white sandy beaches, and we all loved running in the water. The beach didn't have hardly anyone on it. (I guess because a storm was coming.) lol

It's a shame that it will never be the same thanks to BP.

2010-08-26 01:00:40 UTC

I was about 5 years old and when I was little my dream was to dig a big hole at the beach with my family. well one hot summer day we went to the beach and found the perfect spot to sit just close enough to the ocean but far enough so that we wouldn't get wet. well as usual I came with my brother,my sister,my cousin,and my mom. before we left my mom packed a big picnic for us to eat at the beach and bought a couple of sand play sets with shovels and buckets in it. well when we got there I started digging a small hole for me to sit in with my brother. then my cousin came up with the idea to make a hole. so we started digging and we made a HUGE hole in the sand. we each had sections too. one small sand corner for my sister,one for me,one for my brother,and one for my cousin. we had the best day at the beach. we made I gigantic sandcastle and we collected shells,we skipped stones even though they didn't skip and they weren't stones,we ate our lunch,and I will never forget that day because that day was so fun and I was actually happy with my family.


2010-08-25 15:18:50 UTC

It was a trip I took with my first husband to Ambergris Caye, Belize. They have the largest barrier reef in the Western hemisphere, and we went snorkeling, fishing, and sight-seeing. I swam with sharks and stingrays, and took lots of pictures with an underwater camera.


2010-08-25 06:28:13 UTC

Disney with family then Clearwater FL with the family,apt was superb beaches had fine sand diving was great and swimming with the dolphins,mind blowing.Got my first sunburn there,and a special moment.


2010-08-24 22:23:56 UTC

To Naples and Pompano Beach.


2010-08-24 13:24:54 UTC

we went to the beach in sc and it was really crowded and some people set there chairs and stuff in front of us, the tide was coming in and i remember getting my hair wet in the water and i could find my parents i went all along the beach. my parents freaked out and they looked everywhere, they had a bunch of people looking for me. they thought i drowned and died but i found my way back, so im alive i didn't die! i was 8 years old and it happened on my parents anniversary.

2014-07-11 04:38:46 UTC

We sat and drank some tea, had some fruit and talked. Then he took me back out to the bus stop and when the bus came he talked to the bus driver. We shook hands and I got on. A while later the bus driver signaled to me to get off and told me to catch bus number 19. Sure enough, I got bus 19 and it took me to Nyali beach.


2010-08-24 17:38:52 UTC

I went to South Padre Island on my senior trip. It was my first time at a beach, so I remember it especially.


2010-08-28 23:11:33 UTC

Airlie Beach in Queensland, Australia.

Sparkling perfect turquoise water.

Smooth white sands.

Schools of beutiful fish.

The best...

2010-08-27 19:46:34 UTC


FF'n Momma

2010-08-26 07:36:49 UTC


The first time my toes touched the ocean. The soft waves rolling in over the beautiful white sands. The brightly colored fish swimming around playfully. It was amazing.


2010-08-25 14:12:20 UTC

I made a trip to hawaii when I was 19. It was the most beautiful scenary that I saw.

Can't find my pictures of sunsets from there since it was so long ago.


2010-08-29 08:02:24 UTC

I didn't go on vacation, but in 2009 I went to Holiday Inn, in St Louis. Does that count?


2010-08-29 03:12:05 UTC

Definitely the time I went to the great barrier reef, hired a boat, and did nothing but scuba dive :D

Kathleen the traveler

2010-08-28 13:28:05 UTC

Montauk Point, Long Island


2010-08-27 16:20:29 UTC

So I get a question from a staff member. I go to bed early an get up early. I am headed to the shower.

I do have a good story.. I will give it to you tomorrow. It has to do with the Bahamas. Remind me tomorrow.


2010-08-27 05:16:28 UTC



2010-08-23 20:33:35 UTC

Well my most memorable was actually my first and only trip to the beach. It was on our family vacation this summer with me, my husband, our twin 3 yr olds, and our 20 month old. Me and my twins were wearing regular summer clothes and I took them down to the ocean to let the water splash over our feet. They giggled and splashed their hands in the water. My 20 month old cried because he didn't like the feel of the sand, and he hated the loudness of the ocean. My husband's uncle took us there since me and the children had never been. My husband held our 20 mon old and stood near his uncle a few feet back, while me and the twins were standing at the edge of the ocean. I actually bottled up some of the sand, water, and shells to bring home. I now have it on my kitchen counter. I miss the ocean.


2010-08-28 10:50:23 UTC

Ummm , i went to the beach yesterdaaay, and super tired. i don't think im going to the beach again for a while hahah, but it was super pretty, butttt, my phone got sand in it AND im not sure if it's broken or not hopefully my phone isn't brokenn. . .


2010-08-27 16:27:27 UTC

i went to hawaii with my family and we stayed at kona on the big island. We scuba dived with a company called dive makai who we have been diving with for a long time. we did the night manta ray dive and it was the most memorable experience of my life


2010-08-27 14:38:35 UTC

my most memorable beach is carolina beach

1. i was 4 or 5 when i went there.

2. i also had a seagull swoop down and snatched my double cheese burger from me. ha ha ha.

I Love♥Birdy

2010-08-26 22:26:07 UTC

I spent time Kite flying with my friends and family at long beach California. I also found a conch shell. We also went fishing.


2010-08-26 05:00:18 UTC

I remember when I was ten and my whole family went out to the beach. We drove from LA to the very tip of Washington. So basically a whole trip down the west coast with me the ancy ten-year old in the back seat with nothing to do. Of course, this was seven years ago and I had much time to mature.

So before we started packing, it was extremely difficult to begin the getting started, such as two minutes and we are not out of the driveway, and then my little sister says, "I now have to go to the bathroom!!!" or then my little brother going, "Were is my tooth brush?" It ended up like spending fifteen minutes looking for the toothbrush, but really we could have bought a new one at the gas station ten minutes down the road. If your parents, you probably know what I'm talking about.

So as we leave town, I kept day dreaming, about what my future will be like, will this boy like me, which boy will like me, etc. And then after I day day dreamed I would look up, listen to my parent's conversation that seemed like would care about that? I always thought. My political view at the time.

Not long after we soon reached a beach and then splashed around there while my parents sun bathed, and oh my gosh! The image of my dad's hairy back is still scarred in my memory. So then they said, "okay kids! Time to get on the road!" The antagonizing hours of sitting in the car and thinking, "are we there yet, are we there yet?" And occasionally I would say it out loud to one, test to see how far they would go, and two is to make them go faster. The reality is it made the trip feel like it was hours longer.

We soon made it to Palo Alto, were we made a point of going to California's Great America amusem*nt park. And before we got through the gate, he just had to but sunblock on his legs right there in front of us. Not the prettiest thing to see.

It was paradise is a ten year olds' point of view. Then of Dad rushing us through so we could get to the car quicker so we could get to San Fransisco for the tour of Alcatraz.

Alcatraz is amazingly pretty, I mean all of the vegetation that is there, unlike what is stereotyped for the island; rock and cement. After the four hour tour of the island, I was very tired and wanted to head home, but the answer was always, "NO!"

After what seemed like hours of sitting in the car diving up the coast's edge, we soon made it to a motel called, " The Curly Redwood Lodge." And to blow your mind, that building was made out of ONE log. It's unbelievable.

After that, I decided to stay awake for the rest of the trip. I ended up sleeping through most of Washington, but I thought that Oregon was pretty interesting, like the tides, and all of the odd formations. The cold, dark sky seemed very...un-beach like. You imagine a beach all nice, warm, tropical. Bandon Beach was my favorite beach there, because we saw a wonderful sunset with reds, yellows, oranges, and a few shades of a bright-red pink color. The long walks were just wonderful, besides all of the pain of stretching my legs due to lots of running with the dogs there, which I'm pretty sure caused a tiny pull.

After the ten day trip through the west coast, California through Washington, this was my favorite trip. I have another story to tell about the east and southern coast.

Amit Rai

2010-08-26 04:43:27 UTC

Grand Bay


2010-08-25 18:26:19 UTC

I think it was when I went to Long Beach in California with the Palms trees everywhere, I was so nice. Marge and I didn't bring the kids it was cool. gotta love it....


2010-08-25 13:42:43 UTC

When I went to Malaysia and went scuba diving and fed fish with my uncle. My uncle bought plane tickets to Malaysia while in Hong Kong and we stayed in Langkawi.


2010-08-25 06:04:58 UTC

Puerta Moreles in Mexico. Beautiful fish town. Sad thing because we were not in a resort I was shock to see how much plastic washes up on a beach each day. Very sad.


2010-08-24 20:12:08 UTC

Florida 2009. Siesta Key off Sarasota. We stayed for 3 weeks and I went with my entire family, and I love spending time with my huge family :)


2010-08-27 05:20:27 UTC

turkey 08 best holiday ever and met the best people- the beach was out of this world paradise x)


2010-08-26 16:12:27 UTC

Kayaking Georgia's barrier islands and camping on the beach.

2010-08-24 23:47:49 UTC

Airle Beach was great on the way to long island but they had just had a bad storm. So then there were jellyfish.But on Long Island was beautif and great:) <3 xx


2010-08-24 05:42:07 UTC

My husband and I live about 7 miles from the ocean in NC so everyday when it is nice is a beach day for us. My mom lives near the jersey shore so we have the ocean when we are there.

The Source

2010-08-30 08:52:32 UTC

Just a couple of months ago me and my boyfriend Harry went to Eygpt. We saw the Sphinx and the prymaids, and also went in dune buggies in the desert, it was absolutly amazing!


2010-08-28 11:16:37 UTC

Mine by far was little more than a year ago. I was in Lake Charles, LA. I was there with at the time my Girlfriend. She is now my fiance`. We spent the day together,in a pavillion. It was by far the best day of my life.


2010-08-24 20:56:34 UTC

1978, st pete beach, fl. pure , pristine water and white sand awesome experience rented a small sailboat and went out. was able to stay a month at summer rate.


2010-08-23 18:05:49 UTC

My daughter and myself went to Key Largo for our SCUBA certification. On the last day the water was real choppy and my daughter got seasick so I dove with the instructor and other students, We were down 25 feet when I saw a shadow, Looking up I saw the unmistakable shape of a hammerhead shark. The dive instructor signaled to get out of the water, while writing on his underwater tablet "11 ft hammerhead"


2010-08-29 09:13:00 UTC

Caribbean has nice water and Beach's. They have clear water and you can see the bottom if you can suba diving or snorkeling or try Philippines or Hawaii.

Small Peace

2010-08-29 07:56:48 UTC

During winter in Wisconsin I couldn't find anywhere to privately have sex with a girl I had just picked up.......... so I drove to the lake in Sheboygan.......... it was cold, and my car was tooooooooooo small so we did it on the beach......... I used my coat as a mattress and the seat covers as blanket


2010-08-27 09:50:56 UTC

my family and i got to go on an all-inclusive vacation to Cozumel, Mexico. We went snorkeling and swam in the pool, But the best was the opportunity to swim with dolphins, we got to pet them and get "hugs and kisses" from them. We even got to ride them across the pool.


2010-08-25 12:33:27 UTC

I love falling asleep to the sound of the Florida waves. It's natures rhythm-- almost like a lullaby.

2010-08-24 21:38:00 UTC

I swam with a white shark at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. By swam I mean I bolted back to shore as fast as I could.


2010-08-24 10:10:26 UTC

Halfmoobay, I went to Halfmoonbay 1 month a go with my husband, realy is beautibull an funny.


2010-08-24 10:04:22 UTC

mexico 2002. my family vacations in a small town outside of Puerto Vallarta (Las Palmas), Nayarit.

it was the most relaxing time! just swam and ate real mexican food - one of the best times of my life!


2010-08-24 04:06:01 UTC

I went to San Francisco this summer, and the sea cliff was beautiful.

It was the first time in years I have been to the beach.

I loved it.

We waded in the water, huge waves coming over, calming down as they come closer.

I loved the cold water, coming knee high, the wind blowing my hair back.

It was beautiful!

2010-08-24 00:21:48 UTC

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam has the most beautiful beaches I've seen.

2010-08-28 11:12:34 UTC

Isn't this just chit chatting Yahoo. No wonder these 10 year olds have no concern for the truth!

2010-08-28 18:38:24 UTC

when me, my aunt, and my little sister went to the beach in california. i forgot what beach it was but it was fun. i put my feet in the water and it felt really cool when the tide pulled the sand out from under my feet. lol we didnt have bathing suits on and my sister fell down in the water!

Virtual Analog

2010-08-27 10:47:48 UTC

I spent a year at a place in Australia called Byron Bay...

its all beach...i love it...more than any other place i have been...

dolphins , whales, sharks, clear water, beautiful sand, and beautiful girls.....awesome...

2010-08-26 20:13:57 UTC

My favorite was the beach in San Diego. It was a sunset and my boyfriend proposed to me but he also told me he was going to the military.


2010-08-24 22:54:05 UTC

my friends and i went to virginia beach. it was amazing. from the 4 person bike which we manage to fit 7 haha. sunrise in the morning and sunset at night plus boardwalk and carnival what more can i ask for

2010-08-24 11:02:10 UTC

I was in high school, I think the tenth grade and I skipped school to go to Biloxi Beach ankd when I got home I was sunburned really bad and my mother asked me how I got sunburned and I told her I got it from P.E. class. She told me that she didnt believe me because I was red as Rudolph the red nose reindeers nose.I finally fessed up to skipping and appologized for my wrong doings.

2010-08-24 01:40:32 UTC

Sri Lanka.. beautiful beaches ever!! I am going again for the 10th time this september with the family of 10 and it is going to be amazing!!!


2010-08-29 07:55:34 UTC

When i went with my family and my aunt and uncle and my cousin to Martha's Vineyard. it was sooo pretty and there weren't that many people on the entire island. I like those kinds of trips because they bring you closer. mostly because you have to learn to live with each other for a week!

Sarah A

2010-08-25 00:42:44 UTC

My boyfriend and I just got back from Maui- it was just an all around romantic and relaxed time. We snorkeled everyday, and managed to see at least a dozen sea turtles overall, some sting rays, beautiful fish, eels, ect. It was amazing!

Scott B

2010-08-24 11:58:38 UTC

Night dive at Black Rock at the Sheraton on Maui. Best dive I've ever done. Absolutely FANTASTIC diving but can be dangerous for swimmers and snorkelers because of the current

2010-08-24 09:13:04 UTC

my most memorable beach moment was when i went to dolphin cove here in jamaica. i went swimming with the dolphins and sting rays smurkling with the sharks and i even got my head stock at the sord of a pirate.... thats unforgettable for me


2010-08-23 20:34:43 UTC

I met my fiancee here on Yahoo Answers a little over 3 years ago. We met in the Rock & Pop section, as both of us have a love for music...much of it fairly obscure rock from the 70's. Neither of us came here looking for love, it just happened...and out of our many common interests it grew to what it is now.

Both of us are still regulars of the R&P section of Y!A, but since her coming to Canada and moving in together 18 months ago, our Y!A time is less frequent than it once was, understandably.

In early July of this year we spent 2 weeks vacationing in Mexico where she is from. A few days spent meeting her family and checking out the sites of Mexico City. The remainder of our time was spent in Acapulco, and Pie de la Cuesta which is a beautiful quiet little beach community approximately a 30 min drive north of Acapulco.

I haven't been to very many beaches in my life, outside of some of the lakes/beaches and whatnot here in Canada. So experiencing the gorgeous scenery of Acapulco Bay, and the beaches of the Pacific with the one I love was breathtaking to say the least.

Here's a picture of us on the beach at Pie de la Cuesta...


The Sweet One

2010-08-23 18:00:46 UTC

A family vacation to Barbados in 2006 the beaches were so relaxing & beautiful and the sight seeing trip into the rain forest was breath taking.


2010-08-30 07:40:00 UTC

in the isle of man. i remember just n the beach all day eating ice cream from the parlor. the sea was really warm because of the sun so it was really good XD

Kay Sten

2010-08-29 18:31:49 UTC

St. Pete and Clear Water FL are the best places ever.

2010-08-29 08:25:05 UTC

In Koney Isnald.


2010-08-28 21:40:23 UTC

In D.R. when i got a massage on the beach while the sun was setting it was so comforting and beautiful

2010-08-28 07:17:10 UTC

well... since i live in Indonesia and never goes abroad (yet) the senggigi beach is my best visit on beach ever. The white sand and not overcrowded, made it best for your relaxation after weeks of jobs.


2010-08-27 11:33:30 UTC

memorable as in bad or memorable as in good?

bad - i was hit by a huge wave and almost drown. but i didn't :)

good - my family and i built a huge sandcastle city that took all day to make. my friends and i also built one and found a rubber duck in the water and made him king of the sand castle ha ha


2010-08-27 05:49:21 UTC

My first time visiting gulf shores, being from Louisiana I've never seen water so clear. I sat in the sand for hours and just stared at the moon. :)


2010-08-26 01:43:19 UTC

Getting kicked off the foreshore by a bunch of Maori's! Phwoar that was fun.


2010-08-25 17:41:07 UTC

When I went to Philipine, in Bohol island-Scuba diving, dolphing watching, sea turtles and sharks...


2010-08-24 08:44:20 UTC

Going to Spain and going to brazil for 6 months


2010-08-24 08:35:58 UTC

In Ocean City, MD. Jet Skiing. Feeling the breeze and cold water coming on me, it was so peaceful. My first time jet skiing! It was the best feeling ever!

Велина Меледжиева

2010-08-24 06:17:47 UTC

I've spent my vacation in a resort near Varna in Bulgaria. We went to the delphinium there and I was chosen in the audience to swimm with the dolphins I will never ever forget this in my entire life.

yumyum bob

2010-08-24 05:28:23 UTC

i went to pukaskwa national park in ontario. it is hilly and rocky and is the most remote beach on all of the great lakes.there are cliffs dropping about a hundred feet into the water, there are sand beaches, and there are pebble beaches. the park staff is also very friendly.


2010-08-23 17:25:04 UTC

I went to Bali a few years ago. Scuba, snorkeling, monkey forest. But the best part was the novelty of my favorite restaurant having seating in the sand right on the beach. Our tables and chairs were in the white sand, drinking beer and eating great seafood.


2010-08-29 16:43:46 UTC

I was playing volleyball with my cousins. We were listening to some music on the radio when an announcement came on. Michael Jackson had died.


2010-08-27 07:30:52 UTC

Palm Beach I stayed at a really nice hotel and it was really relaxing:)


2010-08-26 11:16:52 UTC

When I went to Galveston, tx with my mom and sister for my dance Nationals... It was soo much fun! the beach was kinda dirty but besides for that it was amazing!


2010-08-25 13:34:20 UTC

Cayman Islands. We went to this place that took care of all of your stuff and all you had to do is get on the boat. They guided great tours of beautiful reef and stingray city. ocean frontiers at compass point.

2010-08-24 06:41:05 UTC

I was six years old visiting my Grandma in Puerto Rico. She and my mother took us to Luquillo beach. The whitest sand and clearest blue water I've ever seen to this day. And she taught us how to float in the water. One of the best days of my childhood and I will never forget it.


2010-08-23 19:17:58 UTC

I had this good friend who decided, for the weekend, we should go to Point Reyes by San Francisco and hang out on the beach. We found this great overlook that had this panoramic view of the bay. We drank $100 bottles of champagne sitting on lawn chairs. Her name was/is Valerie and we were just platonic. Shared a room and didn't even have sex.


2010-08-23 17:12:41 UTC

Relaxing on a beach at Italy while watching the sunset in complete silence...

Or Myrtle Beach sitting in a pool right on the beach as the stars lay overhead...

Good times :)

Wabo man

2010-08-25 06:06:25 UTC

Huntington Beach in California.

Watching the surfers was fun for my family, dude!


2010-08-30 02:49:55 UTC

when me and my family went to a beach in dorset i went snorkeling my rubber ring and my dad walked up and down the beach with my head in the water i caught a crab and it was really good.


2010-08-27 15:44:01 UTC

It was a great day when we met at the beach with our friends.we were more than happy to celebrate.we swim,dance ,cheer up,play fools around the beach.and after all i was the most happiest among them all,so i didnt forget it at all.since that day was my lucky day.


2010-08-26 00:38:15 UTC

We went camping on a beach in Guam when we were kids. My parents had a tent and we had our own tent. We didn't stay too long though.


2010-08-25 20:41:13 UTC

I lived in Hawaii for a while. The best vacation I ever had!


2010-08-25 15:04:11 UTC

First would be Myrtle Beach, second Galveston.


2010-08-25 05:47:33 UTC

We debarked from the NCL Dawn at the port of Nassau on a sunny Thursday morning and walked down the long narrow pier, occasionally pausing to look at the thousands of tourist trinkets lining the walls and shelves of the seaside market. Always adventurous, my new wife and I didn't waste any more time than necessary and made a quick exit for the closest scooter rental with only a few glances back at our large and temporary home lining a portion of the dock . The port of Nassau is by far, a tourist trap and the constant line of cruise ships are a testament to that fact. However, with a set of wheels even as meager as a 50cc scooter and a few helmets, we were ready to see much more of the island than the typical tourist map offered. Adventure often comes with risk, but it was worth it.

Mid-day spring outings along the coastline in Nassau can be sunny and hot but our newly rented 100CC scooter offered a wonderful view of the coastline while providing a welcome rush of air while motoring along the windy road. Traveling north and out of the city center brings one past hundreds of estates and gated communities so our search for a more private beach was met mostly with a security shack or long private roads. We did however stop along a stretch of highway that had a rest area and the site of natural sea caves. There was a placard along a rocky hill and a large black gaping hole in the side of the cliff that screamed out to be explored.

In the bright tropical sun, the hole seemed like an endless drop into the earth and at first glance I immediately wondered why in the world they would leave something so dangerously open for anyone to fall into. However, after my eyes adjusted I could see a narrow set of carved stairs in the rock descending into the darkness.

I grabbed my disposable 35MM camera from the backpack and headed for the "hole".

My wife protested, but I insisted on checking out the cave while she stayed behind to watch our belongings. I carefully made my way down into a large open room with a sort of mountainous rock formation that cropped toward the ceiling. The room was probably the size of a small gymnasium and the ceiling about as high. The middle outcropping of rock felt like coral at the touch but I know it was volcanic. The sea had carved out this room, probably millions of years before. Since the walk around the border of the room seemed less dangerous, I decided to go for the whole experience and climb my way up the slippery slopes to the top near the ceiling. There were again, steps to guide the way and the climb only took a minute. It was so dark up at the top and I could barely see down the rear slope which seemed drop way into the back and into nowhere.

That's when I decided to take my first picture and found out bats are not totally blind.

The flash from the camera lit up the cavern, the pock-marked ceiling and from my estimation about ten thousand bats dropping from their resting place and flying all around me. I couldn't see them, but the thousands of little wings and the air movement could be heard and felt all around me. In a panic, I stepped back, but stumbled and slid backward down the way I came. Keeping my composure, I managed to carefully make my way back to the sunny opening of the cave and back out into the daylight.

Not one bat made contact with me which I found amazing. I was not injured which was even more amazing. Even better, the 1-hour photo place back at home managed to ruin my negatives. We'll never forget that one.


2010-08-24 23:24:15 UTC

Asbury Park,New Jersey.Hearing J.Perks tell me where to go&what to do.2001.May.My Chevy pickup&Feline were waiting in a great&easy spot.The waves&weather were smooth.And I got to run.Also sit on beach boulders.And retrieved my purse safely.


2010-08-24 09:34:23 UTC

Heres my story:

It was 1989 my thoughts were short my hair was long

caught somewhere between a boy and a man

she was seventeen she was far from in between

it was summer time in northern Michigan.


I dont like the beach


2010-08-23 23:19:44 UTC

it was in 1967 manhattan beach calif i was 14 year's old i had a 6 foot bord i made i took this 15 foot wave wow want a day


2010-08-23 22:09:46 UTC

Gokarna, Karnataka, INDIA -------- This is a place near Goa. There are seven beaches with all the amenities similar to Goa, excluding the rush and people with dirty mentality......no restrictions on staying on the beach over night........Om Beach, Half-Moon beach are two of them.....the beach is surrounded by rocky terrain.....which secludes them from the main landscape....


2010-08-23 19:51:17 UTC

Honolulu was the most beautiful,but the most memorable,was North Africa's, Miami Beach the dolphins were so tame they swam with u,or at least alongside of u if they didn't know u,the young children,whom I assumed were regulars fed them sardines.It was a lot of fun watching the kids interact with those clever animals.


2010-08-23 17:06:26 UTC

i would say that one of my more memorable ones is the first time i went surfing. my dad had moved to new jersey to go to commercial dive school, and i had moved down with him. it was late summer/early fall, and it was just getting out of a few hurricanes up there. we went to the shellem surf shack in Atlantic city, and looked at boards. i convinced him to buy a really cool 10"6' board, that he would use, while i used an old Stewart nose-rider that he had bought from a friend in class. we went out and the surf was HUGE. the waves were choppy and the pull was strong. we surfed (at least i tried to surf) for at least 2 hours before i was so full of salt water it was dripping out my nose, and neither of us could walk. that day has since added joy to my life in the form of surfing, and i will never forget it.


2010-08-29 14:20:32 UTC

i went to spain with my family before my mum and dad broke up, it was the last memory i have of us all being a happy family, we ate strawberrys and cream on the beach and went body boarding.

it doesnt sound much but its the happiest memory i have :)


2010-08-28 20:43:46 UTC

my experience was, were going to the beach of ocean view in PHILIPPINES .together with my family and friends we can eat plenty of food drink bit of wine swimming and a lot more oh.i really had a good time...


2010-08-28 01:44:57 UTC

Nila weli beach

2010-08-25 09:44:35 UTC

Being from NJ, we go to the jersey shore. I went for prom weekend my senior year in high school. It was an amazing learning experience for me. I met the greatest girl, it didn't work out, but it taught me important lessons. I will NEVER forget that weekend.


2010-08-25 07:45:53 UTC

virginia beach. I remember as a child being there with my cherished childhood babydoll. It's a time that reminds me of when my family was still family. And not scarred by my parents divorce.

2010-08-25 05:48:44 UTC

In Malaysia, Langkawi!!! I was on my honeymoon!

It is a beautiful island and lots of romantic and interesting things to do. Lovely scenery too.

The best thing was when we rented a private island, took a boat there and were left isolated in the island for 3 hours with a 5 stars lunch and a first aid kit (in case)

Me and my husband swam naked, ate our lunch, made love, and took loads of beautiful pictures!!



2010-08-24 06:55:58 UTC

oh hi mr yamster

my most memorable time at the beach was in the great tsunami of 2004.


2010-08-23 19:09:33 UTC

For our 3 year anniversary my boyfriend and I went to Atlantic City. He proposed on the beach, and it was really sweet.

Almost exactly a year later we were on our honeymoon on Matira Beach in Bora Bora, taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. We got to go snorkeling and got up close to some sting rays and sharks in the lagoon. Getting so close to the rays really scared me, but I'm so glad I found the courage to get in the water because it was one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed.

Big T

2010-08-30 05:30:56 UTC

My most memorable beach , is, the last one we went to, and the next one I'll go to!


2010-08-29 00:14:53 UTC

going to vancouver island tofino and running into the waves at long beach


2010-08-28 14:02:51 UTC

Marco island florida while i was in highschool. I met up with some girls who were down on vacation and I banged one of them


2010-08-25 20:46:29 UTC

Beach down at Savannah, GA is one of my first beach memories. I was even lucky even to spot a whale! :)


2010-08-24 23:19:53 UTC

Zhenshen Dameisha Beach , I had good memory there


2010-08-24 14:28:15 UTC

My family and I really love Hilton Head Island, SC. We live in Tennessee by the way.


2010-08-24 12:06:41 UTC

Swimming in crystal clear blue waters in Abacos Island, Bahamas....with a dolphin and her 3 month old calf !!

It was truly the most amazing experience of my life. They were so gentle and beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.


2010-08-23 19:43:52 UTC

Last year my family and I went to beaches Turks & Cacios...

Most amazing vacation in my life the ocean is as clear as pool water and the sand is white and I did soooo much..

I did






wave simulator

water park (in the resort)

everyday we had alot of activities to do it was also an all inclusive vacation so its the best vacation ever


2010-08-25 23:05:25 UTC

My all time favorite 1)Marina Beach 2)Poombukar :)

2016-06-04 17:02:59 UTC

There is unlimited aid and support incorporated in the membership to make certain that every member can get the greatest freelance writing positions.


2010-08-28 15:24:41 UTC

Myrtle Beach, south carolina :)


2010-08-23 18:32:57 UTC

Going to Aruba with my Dad, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, my two Cousins and I. It was absolutely amazing! I loved Aruba SO much! The locals were nice and the weather was great every day we were there. We went on an off road jeep tour which let us see the whole island, went to the beach everyday, went on a sunset cruise, went snorkeling. And our condo's were great! It was such an amazing trip and after my Dad get's back from Iraq we are going back! (:


2010-08-30 09:18:41 UTC

i went to Jamaica on vacation it was relaxing and the people in Jamaica always smiling and every time i ask a question they say 'no problem mon'the tour driver take me to the bob Marley birth place and it was fun,relaxing.the beaches are to die for......love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-08-28 09:44:28 UTC

The Jersey shore; but I lived there so everyday was a vacation.


2010-08-27 14:33:14 UTC

2 years ago i went on a sailing trip to british virgan islands for 2 weeks it was amazing

2010-08-27 14:32:27 UTC

A couple of years ago i had my first **** on the beach =D


2010-08-27 08:20:24 UTC

behavior when it complies.

The clicker is just a gadget, the idea is to MARK the behavior. You can do that with the clicker, your voice, or a treat/toy.

A clicker IS NOT a magic wand, you kill the gummi bår.

go to tahiti you dipstick.

2010-08-26 03:21:27 UTC

once in california a boyfriend bought me a white bikini and we went to the beach i had no idea how thin it was till i got out of the water


2010-08-25 23:35:36 UTC

I surf for the feel

the night breathes the beach

and you want a story?

go fig

2010-08-25 05:40:18 UTC



2010-08-23 18:33:03 UTC

my most memorable beach vacation was when i was about 11 or 12. it was campfire girls camp (might be called something else these days) and my mom was along as a leader. it was awesome camping with my mom who never has been much of an outdoors girl. Lake Michigan and it was perfect sunny weather and everybody got sunburned. we made sand candles ate smores and played in the water till we were all pruney.


2010-08-29 18:10:13 UTC

once me and my family were going to a island in florida

a little while before the trip we went to a chinese restraunt

i got a fortune cookie and it said that soon you will travel to an island


2010-08-29 14:37:15 UTC

sandbanks is a great place in the uk but out of the uk i would say diani beach in africa but get a private location and lovely beaches in the maldives

2010-08-25 13:38:46 UTC

Virginia Beach. It was my first vacation ever.

Evan 11

2010-08-25 02:10:50 UTC

Hilton Head Island. I love you Grandma and Grandpa R.


2010-08-24 23:34:16 UTC

for the fourth of July a couple years ago i went to the beach with my cousins and as everyone else was digging the pit for our fire and to sit in as we watched the fireworks a couple of my cousins and i went to play in the water when all the sudden the Macarena starts to play on my i pod so with out thinking i begin to dance to it my cousins laughing reluctantly joined me and as i shook my booty and turned i saw a woman shake her daughters arm point at us laughed and got this most astonished look on her face she couldn't believe we were doing the Macarena right in the middle of thousands of people i told my cousin and we had a good laugh and joined the rest of our family.

♥♥♥𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓖𝓸 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ♥♥♥

2010-08-24 08:01:34 UTC

When I was at the beach in Michigan and my cousin try to let me drown. I was in grade school and will never forget it either.!!!!


2010-08-29 08:30:01 UTC

well it was really nice out and me and my family were at Wildwood, NJ. we left our hotel, (on the beach), and went down to the water to go buggy boarding. the waves were AMAZING and we had so much fun! i even got to ride the biggest waves i have ever went on! it was so cool!

2010-08-27 19:02:31 UTC

Panama City Florida because i got to hang with my friends.We also went deep sea fishing!


2010-08-26 11:34:22 UTC

Visiting grandparents on the beach... heaven.


2010-08-24 12:28:48 UTC

A few years back I spent a week with my family in rented cottages in Bailey Island, Maine.

2010-08-24 00:35:12 UTC

The # 1 island is Koh Chang,Thailand.It is across the gulf from Samui on the Thai/Cambodian side.If you are looking for an island to see then I strongly suggest Koh Chang.You can take a bus there from Mo Chit bus station,Bangkok.I have lived here in Thailand for years and have seen at least 90% of the country and have seen almost all of the islands.I consider it to be the most beautiful island in Thailand.Koh Chang has everything a person could be looking for in an island.It is the second largest island in the country,it has the largest cloud ringed mountains of any island here,only one side is touristy(but not too much)and the other side is almost people-less.You can feel truly cast away while standing on secret white sand beaches being the only people around.The touristy side has a law that restricts any building to be built over 3 stories so it does not have the ruined Honolulu,Hawaii look.Koh Chang has accommodations to fit everyone's budget.It has full moon parties like Samui,Island and excellent live music bars,incredibly good/cheap seafood/snorkeling,scuba diving on the outer small islands and because there is only one main road that circles the island 90%,the interior is completely wild.Most tourists come and go from Koh Chang thinking there is no wild life but that is because they hang around the coast all day and the animals have split into the mountains.If you go elephant trekking you will see plenty of wild life.Also,if you take my advice DO NOT worry about finding a place to stay prior to going there.White sand beach,Kai Bae and Lonely beach are guaranteed to have plenty of rooms available when you come(Unless it's the Song Khran new year festival time in April).The first place you will see is White sand beach it is the most expensive area to stay in but still has all kinds of normal backpackers partying there.My Thai friend Moe has the largest bar on the island in White sands.It is called 'Sabay bar'(Google it).Every night there is live western style music and sometimes on the beach concerts.The bar itself is also beautiful.In White sands you can find plenty of places that are also not overly expensive to stay in.The next location is Kai Bae where things start to get better priced.There is tons of really good western style food to eat in Kai Bae when you get really sick of rice like me.There are many,many bar/clubs there.My friend Nick from London owns 'Lek bar' in Kai Bae.It has good/cheap rooms and live music everyday plus excellent western food.The next place is Lonely beach.It got that name because years ago it was just a quiet,tranquil little place to relax.Then every rasta,dread lock person in Thailand found out about its very tolerant atmosphere and came there,now it is the Jamaica of Thailand.All the bars pumping out reggae.On from there there is Bang Bao.It is like a little town built out on the water.Where ever you walk the ocean is under your feet.It is full of sea food restaurants and tons of shops.I have barely covered the fun you can have on Koh Chang,there is just too much to do.You just have to see it for yourself.I have been there 30 something times because my Thai wife's family has a restaurant in Kai Bae so it is like a second home for me now.I often go wild boar hunting with her father in the interior and take people to the coolest places on the island that are far from the tourist ares.There is a place I found some years ago that even some of islanders did not know about I call 'Secret beach' if there is anywhere in Thailand like the little hippy commune (minus the hippies)in the movie 'The Beach' it's my little "Secret Beach."There are only a few fisherman's huts and the greatest beach I have ever seen in this world and I have traveled alot.The best part is there is a small river then comes down out of the mountains that backs up against the beach creating a large pool and then flowing over and on into the sea.The pool and river are perfectly clear with white sand bottoms and best of all,cold because Thailand is hot.When I go with tourists that I often show around the island who want to see the real Koh Chang they freak out when they see the beach.

I hope you take my advice you won't regret it.

Have fun in Thailand.


2010-08-30 07:04:44 UTC

Taking acid on the beach at shaman tales!!! woah that was a party!!!


2010-08-26 15:02:40 UTC

going to the beach

amazon dot com buyer...

2010-08-24 22:44:49 UTC

spent time with family and friends, saw dolphins, played soccer and tackle football on the sand, got a tan (plus sunburn) and ate pollo loco (chicken) at santa monica, ca.

2010-08-28 17:24:48 UTC

the beach


2010-08-28 03:48:10 UTC

Never had one. Sadly, America doesn't have beaches. I mean, it does, but it's too damn cold here to swim in them. Even LA is cold!

Raul P

2010-08-27 13:01:01 UTC

when i went to cancun and just relaxed right in front of the beautiful beach


2010-08-27 12:12:38 UTC

Me and my sister and some friends went to Jekyll island Georgia it was really nice! And we saw turtles and hatched nest.

2010-08-25 19:16:48 UTC

Barbados - Coral reef club


2010-08-25 13:33:37 UTC

at the malgreutoute beach in soufriere,st.lucia. Warm water


2010-08-24 16:21:02 UTC

hahaha i got washed away in a huge wave and i was holding on to someone i thought was my dad the whole time but when it was over i realized it was just some random guy and i was like oh sorry!!!!!!


2010-08-24 00:59:49 UTC

probably in Bodrum, Turkey =) the sun was at 35C to 45C the sea was cool but very salty, It would have been so much better though if the sea water was clear like in Mauritius (ive never been there but my friend has and apparently is beautiful)

2010-08-23 21:17:19 UTC

I went to North Carolina with my grandparents to stay in their oceanside condo. It was honestly the best week of my entire life. I had so much fun and spent it all with my family. No phones, no computers, just quality time and beaching it up :)


2010-08-29 21:00:27 UTC

My fiance and I were surfing together and a shark was swimming under us..i panicked and my fiance came for me and it was just a tiny friendly shark :p

Mr. Balushi

2010-08-25 07:06:11 UTC

Pattaya Beach in Thailand was great.


2010-08-25 05:32:04 UTC

costa rica... north and south.

went to north the first week.. tamarindo area.. the more touristy spots

and went to south the next week where we met more locals and during "football" season.. we hung out in the university area... it was fun meeting and hanging out with the locals not just the tourists (like we did when we were in the north)

maggie l

2010-08-24 19:09:01 UTC


Black Boy w/ White MAN qualities

2010-08-24 17:17:28 UTC

Coney Island 1978. Two words; HOT DOGS!


2010-08-23 21:03:21 UTC

Absolutely loved our trip to Sanibel/Captiva Island in FL. The water was warm, beaches were wide, and there were great places for shelling, fishing, kayaking and snorkeling.


2010-08-25 14:14:46 UTC

watching the sunset in Peru smelling the Pacific Ocean watching some awesome surfers,,,,,,nice sunburn, and some sand btw my toes....mmmmm

Whatever Happens♥ :]

2010-08-24 07:40:17 UTC

My favorite trip was when I went to Cancun, Mexico! The beach is so beautiful, the people are so friendly, and there's tons to do! :]

Jon C

2010-08-28 10:24:44 UTC

we just had a vacation at a beach house at outer banks, north carolina and it was gorgeous

2010-08-28 04:40:48 UTC

bondi beach bullli beach there are lots like hawaii there are lots of beach`s all around the world


2010-08-28 00:09:11 UTC

Didn't really have one, though I have gone to beaches for one day only.


2010-08-26 16:31:33 UTC

Santa` Cruz definitely!!!! (with my Youth Group!


2010-08-25 16:12:08 UTC

like 5 years ago my family when to a beach in mexico(VIVA NAYARIT!) and somehow my little sister took off her bikini( she had panties under her swimsuit) and out of nowere shes screaming that her bikini was far off the coast. we never saw it again..


2010-08-29 14:26:00 UTC

New Zealand, mate. Snorkeling, fresh lobster, and llamas and sheep running amuck.

~*The Perfect Weapon*~

2010-08-27 09:28:09 UTC

i went to ocean city with one of my best friends and some of her family members. it was the first time i had gone past my hips in the water. we had tons of fun, and did a lot of crazy stuff!!!


2010-08-25 22:11:51 UTC

Nassau, Bahamas, 1989, with my mother. Best time of my life.


2010-08-24 12:26:56 UTC

San Salvador, Bahamas. The snorkeling and scuba there was amazing...along with the pristine waters and white beaches...mostly untouched.


2010-08-24 06:26:48 UTC

I remember my most recent trip to the beach.


2010-08-23 18:03:09 UTC

Spending time on Grand Traverse with my son who I adopted when he was 14. My parents have a timeshare in Traverse City, MI, it was the first place I took him after he first moved in with me and we've been there every July since.

Twice he almost missed being able to go becuase of behavioral problems, but I think looking foward to that same magical week every year has helped him face his problems and overcome them.


2010-08-23 16:58:41 UTC

I've lived near the ocean for all my life, so I have several really memorable visits to the beach. Other than that it's been more like a way of life than just a vacation. My first memories of the beach were traveling south on the west coast of Florida from Pensacola to Sarasota. We would visit a lot of beaches along the way and go beach combing and swimming. I remember at one beach, you could run your hands through the sand and dozens of beautiful shells would be uncovered. I think they were olive shells. From Sarasota, or thereabouts, we crossed over to the east coast of Florida to Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center to see one of the launches of the Apollo flights to the moon. For a 3 year old, from beach combing and sightseeing to seeing the launch of an Apollo Mission, it was all really quite amazing to me.

Then several years later, we had moved to New England, and dad taught me how to fish for flounder in the bay and go clamming on the clam flats at low tide. We'd also hop on the local party boats and go fishing, mostly for mackerel, but also for cod and other larger fish. Beach combing here didn't yield as much as far as shells as Florida, but every so often a hurricane or extreme winter weather would bring extremely high tides and we would always go to see what the ocean waves had washed up along the shore. Much of it was just piles of kelp and seaweed, but it was after these storms that you could find a variety of treasures from the sea, sand dollars, large whelks, snails, scallops and shellfish, and some more valuable items that were found with a geiger counter.

As I grew older, we'd visit vacation towns along the coast from Bar Harbour, Maine, to Atlantic City, New Jersery and everywhere in between. Visiting boardwalks and towns with a lot of urban renewal and historic restoration has always been a lot of fun. One of my favorite stops was to Camden, Maine. Nearby, there's a state park. I can't remember the name of the park, but I rememer signs that had the phrase "Where the mountains meet the sea". You can drive to the top of an overlook, several hundred feet above sea level that's right along the coast and look out over the ocean and see a vast array of islands stretching out into the Atlantic. To say it's a memorable sight is an understatement. On a clear day, at sunrise or sunset, the view is stunning to look at and incredibly beautiful...

So there you have it, just a few of my most memorable visits to the beach. Now that I look back and reflect, it seems like much of my life has been one long seaside vacation !

2014-06-14 10:13:14 UTC

I got sunburned and I told her I got it from P.E. class. She told me that she didnt believe me because I was red as Rudolph the red nose reindeers nose.I finally fessed up to skipping and appologized for my wrong doings.


2010-08-28 19:09:41 UTC

Cancun. Many fun things to do, clubbing, drinking etc. Also educational things to do, myan ruins, isla muheares etc.


2010-08-27 20:15:27 UTC

When we went to Tel Aviv, Israel a few weeks ago. It is so incredibly beautiful there.


2010-08-26 23:50:58 UTC

I have never been to a beach


2010-08-26 06:14:14 UTC

i went to the bahamas and we went to the most amazing hotel when you wakke up you can slip into ur bathing suit and slide into a pool with dolpins from a slide that comes from ur flooor. it was awesome


2010-08-25 21:07:00 UTC

when my friends and i went to puerto galera here in the Philippines. we had time to snorkle, rode on a banana boat, and party at night :D best trip ever


2010-08-25 09:24:33 UTC

2 weeks in a house on St. Barth


2010-08-24 08:13:20 UTC

Coronado, CA. 2002.

abigail :)

2010-08-28 14:24:46 UTC

scuba diving in bali has been the most beautiful experience of my life.


2014-06-30 22:49:37 UTC

my dad had moved to new jersey to go to commercial dive school, and i had moved down with him. it was late summer/early fall, and it was just getting out of a few hurricanes up there. we went to the shellem surf shack in Atlantic city,


2010-08-30 05:54:55 UTC

I think bondi beach in sydney


2010-08-29 16:18:34 UTC

the gulf coast is the greatest. i live in panama city beach. don't listen to the press, there isn't any oil!

2010-08-28 14:44:29 UTC

When we went to Florida this past Summer.


2010-08-27 22:27:05 UTC

just being with my family at coney island. this was over 20 years ago.

everything was clean and the prices weren't too high.


2010-08-27 10:26:23 UTC

Ocean City, MD.

senior week! 09 :)


2010-08-26 10:50:05 UTC

I think it's the Etretat in Normandie, France. It's so big and beautiful. I love it!


2010-08-24 21:15:34 UTC

my honeymoon in Bahia :) Laying on a hammic with my hubby, sipping on a chilled coconut...the beach practically vacant...it was perfect.

2010-08-24 21:08:52 UTC

Firstly, I LOVE YOU!

To answer your question. Cartagena, Colombia. Absolutely lovely.

I will take you if you wish to go Yamster.

Not o.O™

2010-08-24 21:03:53 UTC

That one time we went to the beach, ah it was so fun. I don't know how I managed to avoid getting sunburnt.

2010-08-24 15:07:02 UTC

Florida! And Corpus Christi, TX!


2010-08-24 10:15:22 UTC

i never been to the beach♥ but i will tell you about the time at Michigan's advanture☺. well i guess Michigan's advanture is not some thing you want to know about. ☻


2010-08-24 05:52:04 UTC

camping and snorkeling and fishing around the Florida Keys, cruising around the beautiful highway there in a really fun pick-up truck


2010-08-23 18:38:43 UTC

My wife and I got married at the coast. We rented a house which sat about 75 feet above the beach, with a great view. We chartered a sailboat, and got married at sea.


2010-08-27 15:19:53 UTC

Catching my first sailfish within view of Cabo San Lucas beaches.

I travelled alone to Cabo to experience the beaches, the desert, a place far away from the canyons of NYC. I chose the Hotel Solmar on the Pacific side of Cabo because I "wanted to feel" the ocean and its small rooms opened directly onto the beach overlooking the pounding surf. I enjoyed the usual tourist attractions, shopping, evenings in the bars and clubs, then, on the third day, I started a conversation with my "Solmar" neighbors about fishing. They happened to have chartered a boat for the following day. They asked me to come along. I was thrilled. Fishing. Some company. Its going to be a good day. We left early, visited the bait boat, and headed out of the harbor for the Sea of Cortez. Its a stunning morning of rising sun over the sea, pelicans in the air, and the sounds of surf crashing to the right. We entered the zone between the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean upon leaving the harbor, an active fishing area for Wahoo, Dorado, Mako Shark, Tuna, Billfish. Cabo has it all. I loved the morning air, the wildness of the Pacific and the occasional jumping Ray in the morning light. The tranquil waters of the Sea of Cortez, as if you simply looked away for a moment, and the ocean turmoil of the Pacific turns to a quiet sea barely noticing. We enjoy an hour of trolling lures, talking, enjoying the views of Cabo beaches and sunshine, morning sun worshipers. We talk curiously about other fishing boats that pass in the distance, occasionally overhearing the captain speaking spanish to his many friends working the Cabo seas for years.

Then, I noticed a shadow. I mean what is a shadow in a sea of one million shades of blue? I mentioned to the captain a shadow, he u-turned, followed at a distance for 1/4 mile before placing a bait fish on another line, and then he added the line to the sea. We trolled along with seemingly more determination, a more predictable direction, even though I had no idea where. I had almost forgotten, drifting back into the pleasure of the morning, the sea, the occasional spray of water, then "zzzzzzzrrrrhhheeeen!" everyone jumps, a "hit" a "hit", suddenly both my companions who invited me along say to me "take it", "take it", and I being very polite, and very thankful for being along said "oh no, you guys first...", "take it, come on, now!" So, I grabbed the pole, yanked up hard, sat myself down, and realized, I was in for a battle. The adrenaline rush, the power on the line, the sound of the whizzing line, the captain saying things nobody can understand. Its a few moments in life, that one can never forget, ones first major bill fish, "in my hands!...sort of" Its 10 minutes of progress cranking and turning and pulling and yanking, and 5 minutes of the fish running deep and I am helpless. Then, I start pulling, lifting for 20 minutes, "I will pull you out of the sea! 1 foot at a time!" I refuse to give up. Then, off to the left, we are riding in a parallel direction to the flight of the fish, we see it. It surfaces, bill first. It leaps out of the water, its sail immediately pops up as its body climbs from the sea." we all in a great chorus, say out loud "SAILFISH." We can't believe it. Its like a dream has suddenly come over me. I am lost, without words, I squeeze the rod hard, I lock my abs and legs with a determination, I've rarely known. "Its mine." For another 20 minutes, I fight, lift, drag, suffer set backs as it sounds again. I'm left wondering when will this end. I begin to realize that while I am fishing, nobody else is "fishing." They are watching me, and their excitement isn't what it once was. I find a 3rd wind, and I fight sweat pouring from me in the sun and spray for another 10 minutes. We land the fish near the boat. Its a stunning color of blue. Bright like one can't see in a paint store only in nature. Its shades of blue and indigo from the rainbow were magnificent. It was truly beautiful. I suddenly was aware that its profoundly alive. And as quickly as I noticed it, the captain smacked the fish on the head with a bat. It suddenly went grey. It turned the sickest color of grey, I have ever seen. My beautiful fish, was dead and grey. It was as if the skies closed on me. It did not feel good at all. We continued fishing with our remaining bait trolling waters off Lover's Beach catching a couple wahoo each. Its a stunning place, the beaches of Cabo, filled with excitement, sun, and fun. Its also a place we find other things in life, things about ourselves, and our relationships with all things around us that in NYC one never sees. Big blue beautiful living things.


2010-08-26 11:23:50 UTC

Hawaii is just the best place ever it is so pretty awesome and out of this world!!!

Carolina V

2010-08-24 18:42:15 UTC

When I was 17 years old my brother and myself won a trip to Acapulco with all expenses paid for 3 days and 2 nights by winning the International Dance Contest. We had never traveled farther than to Mexico to visit relatives so this was so exciting to us. We got to ride on the airplane for the first time, which was very scary at first when the airplane pulls you back against your seat and then slowly it lets you go. Sort of like a monster hugging you tight at first and then loosing up to a comfortable hug.

We took our sister Liz also. When we got there to Acapulco we rode a taxi into the city from the airport and got to see the beach curb which was so beautiful. It was a tropical heat there, which made it hot. My sister and got dressed in our bathing suits and went to the beach. The waves were huge but we said there is no way that we came to Acapulco to just stay on the sand. We went in for the kill and basically we got wiped out by a huge wave that pushed us to the bottom of the ocean and scascraped up pretty bad. My sister got out and I just started to laugh because she had a bubble butt with sand inside making her look like dimply cellulite. Then she laughed at me OhhOMGo me too. Laughed so hard. These two older men came up to us and were trying to hit on us and we had to get rid of them. We went to a nice restarant and ate fish there. My brother was doing his own thing and was playing the field with the girls and he would show up at one hour with one girl at a certain restarant and then one hour later another girl, the waiter just scratched his head. We went to a dance spot called BabyOs. Which is like a cavelike on the exterior and goes like underground which was cool, my brother and I did our dance which we won the contest too and they liked it and gave us whatever we wanted for free, peanuts, snacks and whatever we wanted to drink(sodas for me and my sister) my brother ? We lost the camera on the table and never got to have a picture of these times. We went on to the beach and I told my sister lets para-sail, she said what your crazy, and I said come on you chicken and she said no, I went for it and when we went up to the air, I saw birds next to me and got to see the Quebradas and the divers jump from much closer view. The wind hit me in my face and the peace of tranquility in the air was so awesome and unforgettable.

The last day we were there we went to dance and we were so tired around 3 in the morning and we said lets get a taxi, and my sweet brother Joe said lets walk it's a nice night(He had spent all the money we, I repeat we earned and he spent, ) So we walked on the street with ripped nylons and my feet were so tired I took off my shoes, which one of the heels broke so I was going up and down like a fool, so what the heck take them off. We got to the hotel and crashed and went back home with funny memories of our youth at Acapulco.


2010-08-24 10:26:07 UTC

The Isle of Wight. It's beautiful, it has everything, it's near.


2010-08-24 07:10:15 UTC

I went to the boardwalk but when I graduate College I will be traveling all over the world.


2010-08-27 16:47:29 UTC

i went to seaside oregon and astoria for months dam near living off wild mushrooms and stuff went crazy sold evrything !!!!!!!!!!! even my car took the bus home ...moral of the storie kids drugs are bad espicially shrooms stay away from astoria !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! azurescens will drive u crazy and ull never be the same ................... one hell of a ride though

2010-08-27 06:10:55 UTC

Saundersfoot - a little fishing village in Pembroke - West Wales, UK, EU.

Google it !!!

2010-08-27 02:28:39 UTC

GOing fishing in the new bass boat with my Grampa.

2010-08-25 10:14:15 UTC

My life is a beach I live near one and I work there as well.I love it.

2010-08-24 19:33:08 UTC

It was with my friends in Long Island Sound.


2010-08-29 20:34:26 UTC

my honeymoon with my wife at mertal beach, 17 years ago


2010-08-27 20:13:13 UTC

will i like langkawi beach resorts.its nice white sand, ang deep blue sea, i like walking during sunset ,


2010-08-27 13:21:32 UTC

Frinton on sea, in essex. Its amazing i went there every year on school journey. It was one of those places that was crap but good!

2010-08-26 11:29:28 UTC

when me and the family went to ocean city and we also went to Jolly Roger's , i had the time of my life even though the hotel kinda sucked.


2010-08-25 14:30:35 UTC

losin my virginty durin teh hotdogg eat contes at coney iseland while thos foolz watchin some chineyman eat a bunch o hotdoggs lol. i gettin my hotdogg served while they watch hotdoggs get served lol!!1

2010-08-25 09:52:49 UTC

when i went to the black sea..... in that water, you can walk 20 feet and the water still does not drown you.... it feels a lot more calm. Women can be topless, men can expose it all, ayy thats true freedom.

lynnette stewart

2010-08-24 19:42:05 UTC

I got married up in Alaska My brother was the preacher

2010-08-24 18:48:54 UTC

i went to egypt....

i still remember swimming in the red sea with all th fishes

the sea was so blue, and i remember that the resort i was staying in had para-sailing and i did para-sail.......

since it was my dad's office trip i had my dad's office friend's daughter with me too and we are great friends so we did everything together...

this tourist guy booked cruise dinners for us and everything....

and i loved the pyramids

i mostly enjoyed having my friends with me

2010-08-24 18:40:49 UTC

Maui was amazing and changed my life. Can't wait to go back, and can't wait to try out other tropical paradises.

2010-08-24 14:45:09 UTC

panama city beach baby! the sand beautiful, the water is so clear, the shells are pretty and plentiful. its just amazing


2010-08-24 14:04:17 UTC

kauai hawaii the most relaxing serene warm refreshing ocean and the most beautiful polace in the world

ƒσяєνєя ƒαв ♥ Zαínαв

2010-08-23 18:20:59 UTC

This summer, I went to a beach located in Canada, Kenora. Wonderful place. We were just sitting in the sand, relaxing and swimming in the ocean. It was a great place. Later in the evening, my family and I watched the sunset. The mosquitoes were terrible, but the sunset was great

[P.S., thanks for the 'Top Contributor' badge]


2010-08-26 06:47:20 UTC

jemeira beach

Justin Bieber

2010-08-25 05:00:28 UTC

When I was 7 yrs old my family and another family went to Hawaii for 2 weeks. It was so fun and it was my first time in an airplane.


2010-08-23 22:01:40 UTC

Hey my most memorable outing was in manglore ....

they have such good and clean beaches i dont understand why karnataka doesnt promote tourism.


2010-08-29 16:23:35 UTC

key west. i got really high the night before and had a solo emotional experience, made my whole trip very enlightened. ;)


2010-08-24 07:19:18 UTC

Swimming with werewolves and vampires on the beautiful (otherwise vacant) beaches of the Washington peninsula...priceless !!! Not to mention the Killer whales, seals, and the aroma of coffee!!!


2010-08-23 21:12:52 UTC

I was married at Wrightsville Beach, NC this past June 25th. It was a fairytale wedding.


2010-08-29 23:49:55 UTC

its the vyasac beach road


2010-08-29 13:12:40 UTC

Saona island of punta Cana dr...beautiful and secluded!:)


2010-08-29 04:37:53 UTC

Bora Bora.

don't worry bout' it

2010-08-28 19:24:16 UTC

When my mom took me there when I was a lil girl..she was holdin me while the waves were splashin so they wouldn't carry me out there..


2010-08-28 07:27:12 UTC

sipadan island, borneo. it's gorgeous and one of the top 5 diving spots int the world~

2010-08-26 12:35:16 UTC

Santa Barbara California and I can't tell you what I was doing.


2010-08-24 11:44:03 UTC

I loved Walt Disney World:) seriously it was a very fun vacation for my whole family and it was my first time being there.


2010-08-29 19:44:32 UTC

palm beach shores resort


2010-08-28 23:33:20 UTC

Wow, as a kid on Okinawa on Ie Shema! Da and I camping! Just me and my da!

goddess n

2010-08-27 18:14:24 UTC

the north sea in the south west of england in summer. gorgeous!


2010-08-25 21:13:51 UTC

going to jersey shore partying and fist pumping at karma every night


2010-08-23 16:55:48 UTC

Probably surfing my first ever wave. I was only 10 and this huge 10 foot wave came and I rode it all the way on the top. I have been addicted to surfing ever since. That was the best vacation EVAR

2010-08-29 19:37:17 UTC

When me and my girlfriend made out on the alleyway


2010-08-27 23:24:50 UTC

ocean shores with uncle Dell


2010-08-26 17:11:36 UTC

at night we were gonna take a picture and i stood close too close to the water and it pulled me in and i was fully dressed. and it was a cold night


2010-08-25 07:41:10 UTC

Old Orchard Beach, Maine! cant get no better then that (:

2010-08-24 17:12:12 UTC

Galveston beach :)


2010-08-29 01:40:01 UTC

spain swimming in the Mediterranean sea that was Amazing i was only seven

2010-08-28 19:56:36 UTC

Sex on the beach. With my divorce husband.... no regrets.


2010-08-27 17:55:30 UTC

One time Church took us to Zanzibar and made me carry a bomb, his name was Andy, I liked Andy.


2010-08-27 13:16:19 UTC

I went to Mexico with my mom. We went to Cozumel. We had a blast!


2010-08-24 12:54:52 UTC

the day before my dad went into the army, we went to southend-on-sea, playing in all the arcades, shopping, going into the aquarium, chasing me on the beach. he treated me like a total princess. he's dead now, but i will remember that day forever.

2010-08-23 19:05:21 UTC

It was at Pulau Redang, Malaysia.

Clear blue skies, clear blue waters, corals, fish feeding, beer at the pub by the beach. Oh my, what more could I ask for!


2010-08-23 16:54:21 UTC

Ahahhh...swimming and searching for shells in the Cayman Islands in April 2008. My family and I got off of our Cruise ship and went to one of the most finest beaches in the Cayman Islands. We collected shells, made sand volcanoes and sand castles, swam, relaxed, and did everything at a beach you could possibly do.

My father and brother went snorkeling in the deep, crystal-clear waters watching the blue and yellow fish swim right under them, they had fun, but were afraid that some shark was going to attack them. I wish I could go snorkeling but I was having too much fun collecting shells.

My Mom, Sister, and I searched for shells and I have 2 jars of shells, one bag of crab shells, and 2 jars of coral. I also found some green sea glass and it was very pretty. My favorite shell was the one that had zebra print on it. I also loved the tiny ones with A LOT of detail. It was all so beautiful.

I wish I could go there to that same exact spot again, and smell the salty ocean water, and feel the hot sand in my toes. Maybe someday I can go there again! Well, that was my most memorable beach vacation.

Alivia S.


2010-08-31 05:29:14 UTC

i got stung by a jellyfish at st. maarten's beach


2010-08-25 09:00:08 UTC

St. Croix virgin islands - small piece of heaven on earth.

best vacation I've ever had!

2010-08-25 08:06:58 UTC

you get paid to ask questions ?

also how come when we post questions there up for a little bit when when yahoo answers team staff ask a question it stays up for a long time and gets a ton of answers ? hmmmm i wonder....


2010-08-24 15:39:35 UTC

I can honestly say i have never had a good experience at the beach. i hope to have one soon though.

2010-08-28 11:20:52 UTC

My family went on a caribbean cruise.

sama s

2010-08-28 09:51:02 UTC

when I went school trip to north of Iran.It was three weeks ago and I was there Whit my best friends.


2010-08-25 05:14:24 UTC

Ocean City and Atlantic City. That's were i grew up. And i rember spending time with my parents and friends hanging out on the boardwalk and then going boogie boarding, making sandcastles, picnics, and Salt water taffies!


2010-08-24 16:23:07 UTC

beach with my family


2010-08-24 14:55:20 UTC

Cairo, Egypt! The pyramids, the sphinx, the Mediterranean sea, everyone loves the beautiful landscape of egypt.. But one thing everyone hates::: THE WEATHER!!

2010-08-24 08:47:36 UTC

First trip to a Nude Beach.


2010-08-23 18:28:53 UTC

Ko Sudmet


2010-08-27 21:54:12 UTC

St. John's, Antigua is my favorite.

2010-08-27 08:07:34 UTC

our Hawaiian honeymoon in April 1985 in Oahu. my beloved husband passed away last year just short of our 25th anniversary. the memories i have of our honeymoon in Hawaii are amongst my most precious. thanks for asking.


2010-08-28 11:33:39 UTC







oh yh brixham in '06


2010-08-26 13:16:23 UTC

all beaches on Corfu Island, Greece...this is one of them, simply unbelievable..


2010-08-28 04:01:03 UTC

Alexandria , el agamy , abo yossef

in Egypt :)

pictures here



2010-08-26 10:43:21 UTC

just going in to tne water and palying wiuth alot of friends that you have in school and out of school.


2010-08-25 07:52:11 UTC

when i was 7 i went with my family to Pensacola, Florida and saw that gulf of mexico. got to see it before bp destroyed it.

Eric Gees

2010-08-23 19:45:18 UTC

I went to Hawaii with my wife before marriage and it was the best vacation. I survived potential car accident and it was nice and stuff.

Demitria Gomez

2010-08-28 11:07:47 UTC

well i live in santa cruz so its awsome i go there every mornin to surf its really kewl

2010-08-26 07:24:46 UTC

nothinng like the jersey shore-wildwood, seaside, point pleasant..


2010-08-24 12:02:58 UTC

When I went to the Outer Banks with my BFFLE and we looked at horses, went crabbing, swam, walked around with giant inflatable animals (Gator & Turtle), and ran around with crabs at night.



2010-08-25 07:18:19 UTC

You should come to Goa, India! It's the best place for fun....


2010-08-24 20:28:53 UTC

It was when i was on the beach and f***** my girlfriend so hard, I swear she got hotter since.

sandra r

2010-08-23 17:20:08 UTC

plain relaxation on the beach!

everyone needs that once in a while.


2010-08-30 09:03:05 UTC

Pulau Langkawi,MALAYSIA...

S A Ayala

2010-08-29 22:44:22 UTC

My all time favourite beach :: mertile beach ., SOUTH CAROLINA


2010-08-26 13:38:58 UTC

kissing him by the water for the first time.

The Melancholy of a Yahoo User

2010-08-26 10:28:29 UTC

When my boyfriend and I swim together and kiss in the night.


2010-08-26 00:19:49 UTC

newquay fistral beach and a late night bonfire! need i say more x


2010-08-23 16:46:09 UTC

i live in England and i know the beaches here are known to be horrible which i agree some are but i was in Cleethorpes earlier this year and i thought of just relaxing on the beach but because ive been there like every year i thought id have a change and relax on a different part of the Cleethorpes coast miles further up then i usually bathe.

and it was the best idea EVER... the beach was so quiet and peaceful, the sea was out for miles with a few yacht wedged in the sand, you were able to see the another part of England on the horizon with the sky being so clear and sunny and the sand was so pure and white and warm. i had never seen such a beautiful area ever especially in my own country!!!

i so cant wait to go there again soon. it beats every other beach ive been up to now hands down.

its one of the moments where you have to be there just to understand that emotion of WOW!


2010-08-25 14:38:01 UTC

shark diving at seaworld


2010-08-24 09:13:12 UTC

My mom and dad’s house is always fun


2010-08-29 21:39:26 UTC

Riviera, Nayarit, Mexico... Its just so beautiful... You have to see it to believe it.

pradeep k

2010-08-27 20:26:22 UTC

VIZAG beach Andhrapradesh with my frnds.........its awesome


2010-08-27 07:43:54 UTC

my most memorable vacation was when i went to florida


2010-08-26 22:37:22 UTC

I hung out with my friends of course (:


2010-08-26 01:56:57 UTC

Having fun + playing with sand..LOL when i was small


2010-08-25 00:32:45 UTC

The funnest part was spending time with family and relaxing.

Yup, that's it.


2010-08-23 19:23:50 UTC

I'm not giving a story...

I'll say Jamaica is the best get-away. The people are extremely friendly, the ocean is warm. They have many activities like river-rafting, zip-lining, surfing, jet-skiing, water-skiing, para-sailing, you name it! And they have jerk chicken!


2010-08-27 18:04:16 UTC

I want a hamster avatar to.


2010-08-27 17:02:08 UTC

surfing jaws in maui. hawia


2010-08-27 03:43:19 UTC

marina beach in chennai.


2010-08-23 17:28:30 UTC

Miami Beach, Florida

I'm currently on leave as CEO of a multimillion dollar corporation that was a victim of the down market, and government regulators. Before that I was an accountant for an international distributor of exotic pharmaceuticals. It was my responsibility to keep the flow of funds, moving so that it was not problem for the federal regulators. Skill sets in keeping money clean is not always understood.


2010-08-29 23:49:25 UTC

I spit on my girlfriends face because she wouldn't make me a hot dog!!!

Ian Cruz achord

2010-08-24 20:03:06 UTC

oceanside beach


2010-08-23 17:30:05 UTC

once a long ago when i went with my family in vacation in Marsa Matroh and there was that beach where there was no body there but us and few people away from us , it was like our own private beach , the water was so pure and there was lots of fishes it was like heaven snorkeling there

Runner16 ♥ ツ

2010-08-23 16:52:57 UTC

when I went to Spain for a school trip (after working a year to pay for the trip) and going to a beach outside of our hotel on Costa del Sol and seeing the Mediterranean Sea for the first time with the moutains right behind me. It was beautiful and we got to watch the sunset.


2010-08-23 15:17:58 UTC

Coronado Island off San Diego. I thought it was beautiful, pristine, and exclusive enough to not feel like a "family vacation" setting. That was the place where I felt to be seriously wooed by the beach. Good thing I know better than to commit to something like that.


2010-08-29 14:46:09 UTC

My little brother getting stung to death my jellyfish :(

2010-08-28 05:32:36 UTC

I hooked up with a girl and boned her

2010-08-24 21:59:19 UTC

I've never been on vacation. my family is poor.


2010-08-23 15:44:09 UTC

Mmmmm. Totuga beach on Culebrita in Puerto Rico.

Remote beach, white sand, hot sun, bright blue water and palm trees. The water was warm, the weather warmer. Despite the two mile or so hike to get to the little beach, its a wonderful little vacation spot. Very good for snorkeling as well, saw some sea turtles and sting rays and lots of fish.


2010-08-25 08:10:15 UTC

saint martin, bangladesh is the best....the water is crystal clear and the waves are crazy....be there if u have time


2010-08-23 18:09:53 UTC

I used to sneak outside on summer nights with my cousin at the cabin and then jump in and practice our "synchronized swimming". Usually afterwards we'd end up just sleeping outside .


2010-08-29 12:34:39 UTC

morro bay calif


2010-08-29 09:01:13 UTC

Soon as I can afford one I'll tell you.


2010-08-25 04:53:46 UTC

i think my memorable time in beach is when my brother teach me on how to swim,in that time i am very nervous it is because that time is my first time to swim.


2010-08-26 10:27:27 UTC

all beaches from mauritius


2010-08-24 12:45:45 UTC

I made love to this hot 19 year old on the beach in Panama as the sun was setting. She was the hottest chick I have ever hooked up with, and the sunset was the nicest I've ever seen.

Steven Emmanuel

2010-08-24 08:09:25 UTC

I prefer Thailand !

Auntie Marie SueB

2010-08-23 18:44:50 UTC

Why, ....... the one I just took recently my dear mouse. Yes, we went to the Cape and to Nantucket just 2 days ago and had a blast my little rat boy. We ate lobster, sword fish and other goodies everyday, cycled and walked along the beach. So please include your finest trip w/fresh swirling memories between your ears for us to hear too, our yahoo pugent rodent.

Mrs. Nick Jonas

2010-08-23 18:37:11 UTC

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. amazing. We sailed on a boat for 1 and a half weeks. Turquoise water. Warm Sand. Star-lit skies. LOVED IT. Plus, it's far away, but English is the language.


2010-08-27 07:50:28 UTC

i live in england and my parents and i went to cornwall, newqauy and it was beautiful there

2010-08-28 13:26:29 UTC

you may bot be aware of this, but this question violates communty giudlines

2010-08-25 16:41:34 UTC

i like tanning in the sun and just watch peope have fun :)


2010-08-25 14:04:37 UTC

viña del mar, chile


2010-08-23 20:35:05 UTC

Myrtle Beach all the way!

2010-08-23 17:19:41 UTC

Balcon de Europa, Nerja, Spain!!!

2010-08-23 16:15:53 UTC

Well it wasn't a "vacation" it was a visit there. I remember going to the beach with my cousins and feeling that mist of the ocean and the cool water splashing our feet. It was really great, all that sand everywhere and the water was really cold. The we went to another beach and the water was also cold, but it felt relaxing. Hearing the waves of the water and finding tons of shells and my cousins, brothers, and i were climbing rocks when this huge wave hits us with cold water sure it was cold but it felt good at the same time. Then 2 weeks later we went to another beach to take pictures for my cousins quinceneara, i still remember it when we were running barefoot by the water and the cold water would hit our feet. The seagulls were everywhere. Then we would throw each other in the water it was still cold but we liked it it was a fun time splashing in the water having a good time at the beach, it was fun and i would go again. These were my favorite stories hope you like them :)

Ryan C

2010-08-29 14:43:00 UTC

a long time ago when i was with my friends lol


2010-08-26 11:34:18 UTC

ma most memorable moment is when i almost got attacked by seagulls... lmao.... and when i got a huge sunburn..........


2010-08-23 17:49:57 UTC

i remember going to the beach in California but it was so freakin cold we didn't even get in the water we actually made a fire and roasted hot dogs instead....it was awesome!

2010-08-25 06:05:37 UTC

Cancun with my best friends..it was incredible


2010-08-23 18:42:44 UTC

i went scuba diving with reef sharks in mexica and while i was feeding it, it bit my hand but it wasnt like a hard enough bite, just enought to hurt badly. ha. it was amazing under the water there

marcus g

2010-08-27 01:02:58 UTC

My House o_-

2010-08-26 07:20:23 UTC

swimming and snorkerling in menorca


2010-08-23 16:34:26 UTC

I was invited by my boyfriend and his family to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. It was the first time I had been to the beach since I was 8. It was probably the most romantic time I have had so far with him. We walked on the beach at night and lied in hammocks to look at the stars. We sat on the balcony in the mornings wrapped in a blanket and had our coffee. Everything was amazing, it was the most memorable vacation I have ever been on.


2010-08-28 13:34:44 UTC

ima report this as chat

Rajeev P

2010-08-27 20:31:06 UTC

san deigo

alexis t

2010-08-26 06:47:51 UTC

i went to jamaica and had so much fun

2010-08-25 23:05:04 UTC

turtle bay hawaii


2010-08-24 15:30:10 UTC

jackfish lake

2010-08-24 00:14:10 UTC

varkala beach


2010-08-23 18:56:36 UTC

I went to the Atlantic ocean, and my boyfriend and I went sky diving then afterward wrote in the sand, will you marry me? Then I wrote yes.

2016-09-14 09:28:16 UTC

I think it depends


2010-08-27 20:58:47 UTC

Mauritius!!! Look it up


2010-08-27 15:52:43 UTC

thong bikinis


2010-08-26 18:15:17 UTC

lake tahoe was very fun for me.

2010-08-26 10:17:36 UTC

blackpool. nuf said


2010-08-25 20:03:36 UTC

it has to be Cancun Mexico


2010-08-23 17:41:25 UTC

i went to Atlantis Bahamas and i was just chilling on the beach and when we went in the water i saw a baracuda. AND!!!! when i went snorkeling a baracuda started swimming closer to me but i got away! scary huh??? enjoy! <3333333333


2010-08-23 15:50:10 UTC

Reaf Beach, Manly, NSW Australia


2010-08-28 22:23:47 UTC

getting a ******* in my house every day


2010-08-24 17:55:44 UTC

ocean city, new jersey (nothing like jersey shore)

2010-08-29 16:01:36 UTC

poop in the under world


2010-08-28 16:34:10 UTC



2010-08-24 16:51:27 UTC

pismo beach , gorgeous place!


2010-08-23 23:21:18 UTC

I went to Costa Rica last month for a volunteer service experience. The first two weeks involved helping out with research on wildlife protection. The last two weeks, my peers and I went on a tour all over that third-world country, which gave me the opportunity to visit the most beautiful beaches ever. Even though I fell in love with the ferocious waves of Manzanillo Beach, the best day of my life took place in Samara Beach. The activities in the agenda were either surfing or sea kayaking. I just had to look at the guy in blue falling off his board in the brochure to know what my adventure-craving spirit wanted that day.

I had never surfed before, so I had to take an hour of training along with my peers before doing it on my own. We were about 10 people which got separated in small groups and assigned a hot Tico instructor. By the whims of the universe, or a mere math miscalculation, I got my own instructor. His name was Sandro, and with him I ventured out into the spilling waves.

Don't be fooled by this type of waves, though, because even if they are nothing like the tall, killer Hawaiian ones, they still have the raging fury to knock anything down. Sandro taught me everything he could squeeze out of his brain cells. Use the board as a guide into the waves, keep looking forward, strong and steady, analyze the upcoming wave, turn around, jump up and.. just.. stand! He was very patient with me, too. Yet, my body would make itself heavier and my feet kept stepping on the wrong spots, making me become one with the water and sand instead of with the board.

Maybe I should have told my frustrated instructor that I was a slow learner...

He suggested switching boards, because the one I was using was about a medium size, and if I got a bigger one it would have enough balance for me to be able to stand on it.

I refused.

My philosophy had always been to keep trying and find a way no matter what. Plus, I'm as stubborn as my zodiac kindred, the Ram.

After an hour or so (past the instruction session) I was able to stand on the board for about a millisecond, then lose balance and fade like the foam of a dying mermaid. The resigned Sandro, who had spent a little more time than what the contract said out of sympathy, finally decided to return to the surf shack. About another hour had passed by, and I wasn't doing so well on catching waves by myself yet. Everyone else had gotten out of the water by that time. So I was left alone in the lair of water titans; me and my polyester and fiberglass board.

I do clarify that I was never afraid, for I’ve been taught to always treat the sea with respect. Why give this powerful entity such horrendous, negative energy anyway? Instead, I had to make it become aware of my presence before trying anything. I was not so far away from that goal, though. With my dry mouth and the taste of salt everywhere, even in the air, I felt I had become one with the sea already.

Finally, after turning my back on a worthy beast and waiting for the hit, something amazing happened. I felt the ruffled water and foam caress my back as the wave gently took me in between its fingers, then its palm, which began to sweep me and my board towards the distant shore. That strange yet encouraging feeling was more than enough to have me place my palms firmly on the hard surface, push my hips up, and in a single jump, stand perfectly on my flat companion, and enjoy the free ride to the shallows.

Although this ride lasted three and a half seconds, to me it felt like time slowed down. I remember seeing the beach, a group of people kayaking away, a seagull flying with its prey, the surf instructors at the shack following me with their eyes, Sandro smirking, my friends laughing in amazement, screaming my name or holding up their cameras, our tour leader raising his beer can at me. For three and a half seconds, I ruled the world.

After that, Sandro let me keep surfing without charge for as long as I wanted. I ended up walking back to the hotel by sundown with bruises on my legs and back, red, worn out lips, a tangle of seaweed as hair, and a big smile on my face.

One thing I am truly grateful of my parents is teaching me to appreciate even the smallest things the universe brings to the table. I might have not become the best surfer in the world that day in the beach. Still, it was the best of my life, because I had faced a challenge, a natural entity, and learned a little bit more about myself.

Thrive in life, but never fear.



2010-08-29 12:47:02 UTC

When I almost drowned.


2010-08-28 19:21:05 UTC

st martins was pretty good

2010-08-27 04:33:58 UTC

UK Great Yarmouth love it there....


2010-08-25 17:41:45 UTC

the nudebeach


2010-08-24 23:20:14 UTC

The one i was on with your mom.

2010-08-24 09:24:29 UTC

this posts violates community guidelines. it is a chat, not an actual question. please do us all a favor and delete it before it gets reported.


2010-08-23 17:06:47 UTC

cabo san lucas <3 absolutely beautiful ..


2010-08-23 16:58:25 UTC

I would have to say Ft. Lauderdale. I went for my sister's birthday and it was really beautiful and we stayed in a hotel that showed a view of nothing but ocean! it was absoloutely gorgeous and I would go anytime again

Travel Oracle™

2010-08-28 01:01:56 UTC

For me it was GREECE undoubtedly...

With a list of probably the best and most beautiful scenery and landscapes, if u ask me 'beaches' i'd say Greece with closed eyes..Next in line might be Spain and Italy, but we aint talking about allrounders are we..??

It was almost like eating a Blackforest cake...Some start with the crust, some with the cherry...I picked the cherry..lol

So 1st island on my hit list was undoubtedly ''Santorini'' (the cherry)..Almost a paradise for shoppers, photographers, artists, hikers or anyone who just wants to sit at a cafe and soak up the sun and scenery... With the brimming 'white-washed' architecture everywhere, u almost have to wear your favourite goggles 24X7, painstakingly maybe, but giving u that edge over your favourite hollywood celeb whom u might just spot in fighting for his place for your next seat in some 'Firastina' cafe...


Next came Crete, buy why, wasnt Santorini enough, well no maybe u needed some history for your menu...Crete being a seat of history and diversity, the largest Greek island with palmed meadows and mountain ranges shaking hands like to long-lost lovers...The Ports of Rethimnon and Hania giving u an almost Venice like feel (if u'r Italian, almost home away from home..)

Next came Corfu.. And if u think hey its Italy i'm in, then u can just run to the nearest food joint for that souvlaki, almost like a pinch, bringin u back to reality...Thank God... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Souvlaki ... Agio Giordos ,Agio Georgios, Palestrikaeo , Glyfada..So many bloody choices..almost like a kid in a candyshop..lol

Now its time for some Turkey along with your Blackforest, but hey, it aint even Christmas or Thanksgivin...So we visit Rhodes..Definitely with that Turkish influence in food, architecture, even women (lol)...Walk a day trip to the village of Lindos, eat the local food, drink the Margarita, and you are just in heaven... http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=rhodes&m=text ... An important tourist spot for history seekers and mythologists alike..I was informed about some midnight-cult where i was invited to join for some goddess_worship, but i felt compelled to rather sleep off and let the dreams take me to the past, to the ancient greece where i might just never be able to go (unless some crazy Einstein kinda dude invents a time-machine to take me to the past..lol)

So next day I was off to Mykonos almost like Santorini, maybe better, maybe worse, but it was slowly becoming important for my girlfriend to shop and which other place can be as good as Mykonos...Sigh..Women and their shopping...lol http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=Mykonos&m=text

Other Unmissable islands were Paros, Golden sunset beaches and stone paved alleys.. Bikini almost bein the national dress...

Skiathos..Probably the housing some of the best beaches in whole of Europe..apart from that, the city is nothing particular...

Next came Ios..The ''Ibiza of Greece'', though its almost like Mykonos..Not a place for people wanting sleep...U party for the whole night...!!! http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=ios&m=text

Naxos - mainly for the mountains than the beaches...The beaches house a large variety of water sports...Good place for european people who dont wanna go to New Zealand or Australia for wind surfing...

Sifnos -- Probably the best island if u wanna get a cheap beachside villa, for that quiet and peacefultime with your family...Best way to end the Week Long Sunday...also excellent place to 'prepare your mind' to go back to your home country -- damn tomorrow office again...

Greece is an excellent 'beach_country' ..Beautiful people, beautiful country, Sometimes i wondered if Ouzo was the National Drink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouzo , and bikini is the national dress, maybe yes maybe no, but who cares, if u'r looking for that 'excellent tan' along with that big hole in your pocket head to Greece....



2010-08-27 19:01:15 UTC


2010-08-27 01:59:43 UTC



2010-08-24 12:38:26 UTC

wassaga beach

going to dominican republic so we'll see ;)


2010-08-24 12:04:48 UTC

newcastle australia, amazing waves, amazing country

2010-08-25 08:17:00 UTC



2010-08-26 23:00:15 UTC

this would classify as Chatting if I asked it, but when you ask it you have double standards


2010-08-25 09:44:34 UTC


2010-08-29 15:38:21 UTC


2010-08-27 00:33:32 UTC

Blackpool uk you just cant beat it.:


2010-08-24 11:16:08 UTC

copacabana, in rio de janeiro

Pippa C

2010-08-24 00:15:36 UTC

muderford sandbank

we own a hut and just had it re done it is lushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


2010-08-23 19:38:41 UTC

My dad taking me & my sister as kids to Myrtle Beach. Thanks Pops!


2010-08-27 20:16:53 UTC

I have not seen cross ocean \(^o^)/~


2010-08-26 19:08:20 UTC



2010-08-26 17:23:20 UTC


2010-08-25 15:29:05 UTC


2010-08-25 08:52:49 UTC



2010-08-25 07:01:52 UTC

I can't remember.

nick murphy

2010-08-30 19:47:38 UTC



2010-08-24 19:27:28 UTC

thx for poitns


2010-08-23 20:40:02 UTC

playing with the kids and building sand castles :)


2010-08-23 15:44:40 UTC

I live half a block from the ocean and beach. The novelty wears off quickly. I prefer winter :)

LOL Ria, I live on Catalina Island :)


2010-08-26 21:59:40 UTC



2010-08-25 14:53:41 UTC


Kiyah M.

2010-08-24 03:09:58 UTC

Simply put: there was poo on the sand. 'Nuf said >: l

hαtєr much?

2010-08-26 16:22:21 UTC


God Made Cows So We Can EAT THEM

2010-08-23 19:48:57 UTC

None, I've never been to a beach.


2010-08-28 13:33:15 UTC



2010-08-24 16:52:47 UTC

when i went to florida


2010-08-24 01:13:56 UTC



2010-08-23 20:53:22 UTC

Cozumel, Mexico!!! I was there last year and it was absolutely gorgeous!!

Susan S

2010-08-23 14:08:40 UTC

i went to a day's beach-lake date with a guy and had to be back at my job by evening. he met a couple that were his friends and so he was in their boat a lot. however, i had fun swimming. in grade-school i had, for 2 or 3 years i can't remember correctly, of 2 groups of swimming lessons a year. the other years i just had 1 yearly group of swimming lessons. he said i was a fish. however, i thought i was hot stuff so i took off back-floating/backstroking. i soon noticed that the waves were sort of strong. i thought i might not be able to get back to where we were just swimming. i thought as i turned over to front-swim, that i wasn't making very much head-way. finally, i was scared and called for help. they brought the boat and i got a ride back to the beach. the waves had brought me pretty close to the middle of the lake. i probably won't do that again. the beach was in Kansas.


2010-08-25 15:41:52 UTC

san fransisco :)


2010-08-23 17:05:02 UTC

i went to greece and i loved Mykonos Elia beach.

gabriel e pedro

2010-08-27 11:47:31 UTC

i am orange

*cute cat*

2010-08-23 19:48:09 UTC

cape cod

¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤

2010-08-23 14:55:08 UTC

We once went camping for a few days at the Assateague Island campground. Myself and a friend along with my sister and two friends of hers, one of whom became my brother in law some years later. The tent set in sand not terribly far behind the dunes, going to bed listening to the ocean, and the wild ponies that live on Assateague/Chincoteague casually wandering through.

A near empty beach in the middle of summer is also quite nice, knowing that Ocean City, MD just up the coast (and over the water - this is an island after all) would be packed when we hit their boardwalk. The Island's ponies have been known to hang out on the beach, even lay in the sand, right among the people.

The sand turned out to be more uncomfortable to sleep on than I imagined so I bought a canvas raft in Ocean City to use as an air mattress. My raft that came with a tag that included the warning "not for use in water." Um.

Then there was the thunderstorm we woke up to the first night. A rather active storm and quite windy being on the island. We could either get in the cars or stay in our borrowed tent to keep from losing it. We stayed in the tent. Risky, but honestly thrilling and fun.

I would really recommend that camp ground to anyone. Especially to beach and/or horse lovers (just don't feed or pet). This is the Island of "Misty of Chincoteague" fame. Hoping to go back eventually.

Caribou "QUIT" Barbie™

2010-08-23 16:26:30 UTC

Surfing at Santa Cruz, Ca.

The best beach ever.

Ilana G

2010-08-23 16:08:54 UTC

during my one month stay in vietnam we went on a snorkeling trip around phu quoc island. at the end we stopped at a white sand beach. the sand was the texture of flour. the ocean was around a perfect 75 degrees and there were no waves in the perfectly clear ocean.

Meli D

2010-08-23 14:20:21 UTC



2010-08-28 22:08:25 UTC



2010-08-25 02:21:29 UTC

I went to Bora Bora, it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!

2010-08-23 21:26:18 UTC

cozumel, great place


2010-08-23 15:02:49 UTC

the year was 2002, and i was on an east coast surf trip with my best friend and his father in sebastian inlet. our hotel was a little north of there cuz u have to camp in sebastian. any ways were out surfing the inlet and my buddy goes in for a break. i take a couple nice waves and then notice him sitting with these two babes on the shore so i paddle in to investigate. two smokin fine bitches on vacation from some stupid northern state like ohio or nebraska i dont know somewhere sh*tty and they were tryin to hang out later that night with us. we exchanged numbers with plans of hanging out later when his dad went to sleep so we could sneak out w the jeep and pick up the ladies. we got a bottle of jack and r gettin sh*tty when we meet two locals outside our hotel and we talk about the waves, good spots and so on and they ask us if we need any weed. we did. so they sold us some and it was incredibly good ****. after smokin a joint i was on another planet, to this day i think it was laced. soo we get the keys call the bitches and drive back to sebastian, they meet us on the beach in front of some oceanfront restaurant or some **** and they got some beers so we drink em and start playin truth or dare which was all dares and they ask my friend to get naked and he didnt and they said he was an asshole and that they both liked me so he went back to the parking lot while i stripped down and started a hot makeout session. this makeout session quickly turned into my first sexual encounter as i laid the pipe to both of these chics all the while my friend was watching and recording the experience on his old mans video camera. so lost my virginity in a 3 way on the beach with two sexy ladies. my friend (not a virgin at the time) said it was his plan to get me laid but i think they didnt want him cuz he looks like popeye. the girls called me the next day but i didnt answer....thanks for the memories!


2010-08-24 20:09:48 UTC



2010-08-24 13:53:05 UTC

ohh probably the naked women


2010-08-23 18:42:11 UTC

beautiful barbados,white sandy beaches, warm friendley people, very little crime rate,you can walk with no fear....................

2010-08-25 00:24:49 UTC

im really hard right now please suspend me from yahoo answers


2010-08-23 16:24:06 UTC

Meditation on the beach.


2010-08-23 15:09:52 UTC

When I went to Cyprus. It's a small island in between Greece and Africa. We went to the Greek side and it was enjoyable :3


2010-08-26 18:09:17 UTC

beaxh sex


2010-08-23 15:49:44 UTC

The part when I left. Beaches in Corpus Christi are nasty, thanks to the pollution in this area.


2010-08-23 14:28:56 UTC

San Carlos, Mexico

Might be too dangerous now though


2010-08-26 10:32:25 UTC

seaside when i met the jersey shore cast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love different cultures

2010-08-24 18:22:21 UTC

LAGUNA BEACH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2010-08-23 15:42:46 UTC

Hi Friend,

My best vacation was on Catalina Island its near california . Going to californiia was both our sisters dear . My sister dreamed about going there because she is a engineer and dreamed it because i wanted to see my sisters dream getting fulfilled . No one can ever imagine how much i love her . she is the best sister in the world . coming back to Catalina Island . we had great time there we had too cross pacific ocean to go there it was thrilling . there we saw sharks, we did kayaking, scuba diving, Surfing too .... It was my best vacation .... Rather it was not a vacation it was a dream tht we both sister were living ..... Those were the BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE



2010-08-23 14:28:05 UTC

when i went to North Carolina and stayed on the beach for a week :) i loved boogie boarding and the coastline lifestyle ;)

cubbies 4 life

2010-08-23 14:08:26 UTC

Hilton Head, Island in SC is a great family vacation spot and is great for the kids. It also has every thing you can do like scuba diving, fishing, and para sailing.


2016-08-06 20:56:45 UTC

Loads of insightful answers, thanks

2010-08-23 14:59:49 UTC



2010-08-23 14:54:23 UTC

Going down to Myrtle Beach. i loved going on the banana boat ride.haha


2010-08-23 14:37:31 UTC

Our honeymoon in Jamaica. We wanted to sip fruity drinks, grab some eats & do nothing but chill on the beach - which is exactly what we did


2010-08-23 13:58:50 UTC

I live in New Jersey, there's too many Jersey shore vacations to qualify in to a single best. I mean, my 10 year anniversary (even though we broke up shortly after), the many times I've been there with my kids, the first time RVing, when I was there with my Dad as a kid??? I just can't do it, they're all wonderful :)


2010-08-23 16:37:17 UTC



2010-08-23 14:29:41 UTC

Myrtle Beach--I cannot forget, the beach, water, the beachside hotel! and of course the sand dollar lol.

2010-08-23 13:38:26 UTC

just plain relaxing on the beach



2010-08-23 18:07:23 UTC



2010-08-27 15:56:20 UTC



2010-08-26 12:45:09 UTC

dunno srry


2010-08-23 16:16:50 UTC

I can't afford to go on vacation because Obama is spending all my money on his.


2010-08-23 15:44:48 UTC

HAMSTER!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^ XD

Lynn C

2010-08-23 13:55:40 UTC

When I was young, I remember living by by the Naval Base in West Virginia. I remember walking on the ocean and picking up shells. I was only 2 or 3 at the time, but this is a memory I will never forget, since then I have always dreamed of going back to the ocean. Maybe before I die, I will make it.

2010-08-23 13:48:33 UTC

Virginia Beach. The waves are crazy I thought I was going to die at one point

Katie ─▲═

2010-08-23 13:47:30 UTC

Wrestling with a shark and barely escaping from the jaws of death.


2010-08-23 13:45:56 UTC

Going to the nude beach and seeing Paris Hilton there.


2010-08-23 13:14:33 UTC

none because I cant afford vacations...


2010-08-23 14:04:37 UTC

Surfing in Malibu CA 2009 Yeah buddy!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.

What was your most memorable beach or seaside vacation? (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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